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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. After going AWOL and MIA for so so long...Afi the wanderer is back here... Wild Jackpots Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/wild-jackpots-casino-review/ Fruity Casa Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/fruity-casa-casino-review/ Grand Reef Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/grand-reef-casino-review-r4266 African Palace Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/african-palace-casino-review-r182#review-56db09b57528f750448b45a3 Casumo Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/casumo-casino-review-r4456 Casino Room http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/casino-room-review-2-r4174 Jubise Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/jubise-casino-review/ Goldrun Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/goldrun-casino-review/ Buck and Butler Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/buck-and-butler-casino-casino-review/ Fly Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/fly-casino-review-r4455 BitStarz Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/bitstars-casino-casino-review/ Casino Triomphe http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/casino-triomphe-review/ BlingCity Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/blingcity-casino-review/ DoubleStar Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/doublestar-casino-review/ Hello Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/hello-casino-review/#review-56de97247528f7f8358b457b
  2. Without women, where would men be?! Without men, women just cannot be! Don't you just LOOOOOVE this life?! HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY darlings!!!
  3. Update: $55 received into my Neteller in 6 hours! Bravo Casino Room!
  4. Aaaah...it's been a real long time since I get to see Jelena up so close...hmmm...in fact, never before this! And if one particular member is still around, he'll be melting all over the floor, hahaha. The interview? What interview? I thought we were all there talking to one another!
  5. Today (yesterday at my place), I received 100 wager-free spins on the game Mr Vegas... from the wonderful Casino Room Manager...in appreciation of my good review of the casino! Whooopie! I played that game...it wasn't that good...but I won free $29.45! Yeeeepie! Then I switched over to my new favourite...Starburst...and got my balance up to $55.00! Yappa-yappa-dooo! Tomorrow I'll get a nice $55 present in my Neteller...Mr Room Manager...THANK YOUUUUU!!! :yahoo:
  6. Whoopie! Way to go Sorenjo! Correction to my earlier statement...not only when there's a woman...when there are candies too! You sweet-tooth sucker you!!!
  7. Hahaha...thank you for the nice compliments COOL-ivert! A very good suggestion there Coolivert...setting myself up at brick and mortar casinos...to calm angry gamblers down! Hahaha. Trouble is...I will need several thousand clones of me to cover every B&M casino!
  8. Hmmmm...maybe just another case of a new member 'dropping if off' for the sake of smearing, then just leave it like that.
  9. Perhaps so darling, but the delay wasn't on Neteller! The delays were due to the trading houses that accepted those purchases using my credit card details...they repeatedly refused to refund my money! Just imagine...in a situation like this, if it goes for arbitration, or goes to a civil court...how long will it all drag on??? Maybe for years thereafter! But Neteller got them all back in a matter of a few months! It would certainly take a lot 'convincing' on Neteller's part to make those stupid trading houses to finally give in, don't you think? We haven't heard of any such cases from other e-wallet providers as yet, but that doesn't mean they have not had any such cases! Maybe a few small ones that ain't worth publicizing, who knows. But imagine if these small e-wallet providers have huge huge revenue turn-overs like Neteller's...and then suddenly these big time hackers got in and stole away thousands and thousands of dollars from their accounts...how would they perform then? With not much experience in hand, I dread to think of what might happen! Maybe all the stolen money gets lost for ever...or cannot be traced...or cannot be refunded...or simply taking years to get them back from the courts! Think about that! This is exactly the same as choosing your car, my dear. If money is not a concern, would you PREFER to buy a Peugeot or a BMW...or would you simply close one eye and buy any car from any lesser known car manufacturer...then pray that nothing would go wrong with the car?! I always believe in 'get the best that you can afford'...why go for the lesser?!
  10. Hahaha...and I just knew that you would drop by!
  11. "Hmmm" can be good..."hmmm" can be bad..."hmmm" can also be 'Oh really? I just don't know..." So...which is it gonna be Maskazergon...if I may ask?
  12. Waaaay to go Sharon darling! I've purposely left some good parts for you to say, hehehe.
  13. Sorenjo...if there's a woman in a game, you are sure to win on it!!! Congrats mate! Wish Sarah can be as good to me...sigh.
  14. Hi there Crankshaft! Welcome to Askgamblers! Oh...welcome to Askgamblers to all the new members too...I can be real LATE at times...hehehe. Crankshaft...reminds me of a movie starring Jason Statham...was that movie entitled 'Crankshaft'? Can't recall at this moment though...but a real crank of a movie...especially the second one. If you've seen it, you know what I mean...can't describe it here...hahaha. A real bad insomniac? Oh geees...make that two of us! Well, I would prefer a woman insomniac to keep me company all night long...but we don't always get what we want, do we? Hahahaha. A mechanic? Nice! Reminds me of Brian O'Connor of The Fast and The Furious...and the late Paul Walker. I love seeing his movies. Very handsome...and always smiling and cheerful that guy...a bit like me too I guess...hahahaha. (See what I mean?! ) Depending on which 'front' you are referring to...a mechanic might come in real handy one day! Hope it won't be anything like that 'Crankshaft 2' thingy though!
  15. Hi Shan, and welcome to Askgamblers forum. I have been with Casino Room for 4 or 5 years now and have not had any problems with the casino. I find them completely reliable and trustworthy! In fact, Casino Room is my number 2 top favourite non-playtech casino (by non-Playtech, I mean they don't use a Playtech platform but other platform/s, such as NetEnt, Microgaming, and so forth). In this real world, nothing is the same for everyone! Whilst most others are okay with 1 casino, a few will have problems...and vice versa. A natural balance. Take me for example. I would say 99% love Microgaming casinos and are doing okay with them. But for me, all of MG casinos are a JINX...even the best ones!!! No need to try to understand why...just accept it as nature's way of balancing equilibrium! Another example...Fruity Casa Casino. Whilst all other members are loving the casino...I had a nightmare with it!!! Very similar to your case! You can read what happened to me at this link... http://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/fruity-casa-casino-review/ My advice to you Shan...don't panic...don't do anything harsh or stupid...besides getting angry that is. Things will work out for you eventually, it's just a matter of time! A flat tire doesn't stay flat for long!
  16. OMG! In all cases that I know of, once you do this...you have broken an important rule in the T&C...the max bet allowed rule. Well...if the 'whole amount' was less than 10%, or 20%, of your bonus amount...depending on the terms stipulated in the T&C, then you may still be safe. If it's more...oh-oh...the casino will realise this when they check your game play after you make a withdrawal...and then penalise you for breaking the max bet rule! You may lose everything and your withdrawal becomes null and void! If non-completion of the required wagering is the problem you are facing...too much or something like that...that's just too bad...you should have looked at the bonus terms first before taking it up. Some bonus terms can indeed be very ridiculous...and best avoided!
  17. Once upon a time? Oh geeees...that must have been ages and ages ago...hahaha. Want some advice? Don't worry, I'm not from 'once upon a time' era...so my advice is pretty current! Stick with it. By that, I mean, stick with Neteller. Why? Let me tell you a story...my own story...a true story...no bluffing bluffing! Once upon a time...last year or so...hehehe...someone used my Neteller credit card details and used up a few thousands of my hard-earned money. Money earned through blood, sweat and tears. (That sounded nice doesn't it?...blood, sweat and tears...but naaah...not true! ) Okay, okay...so...money earned from casinos, hahaha. They swiped me almost clean, leaving behind an amount that they probably couldn't use...$14 or so! Blardy thiefs...they think I could use $14??? My Neteller manager informed me of this, requested me to make a formal fraud report, using Neteller fraud claim form, downloadable from their website. So I did. He told me not to worry. They'll get the money back for me. Yeah right...like I believed him? Well...I should have!!! Because 4 months later, I got a big portion back into my Neteller. Another 3 months or so, all the lost money was recovered and returned into my account! I didn't have to do anything...just wait and play my games, hahaha. If it was another provider, other than Neteller...I really wouldn't know! So my advice to you, my dear AG member...stick with it and let it flow!
  18. You're most welcomed Blondie darling. Some live chat operates only for half a day...for 4 hours or so! So it isn't surprising to find them not online when you look for them. This is usual for new casinos, using paid chat hosts from elsewhere...because they cannot yet afford to pay for a full day service of live chat support! From here, you can know that it is a new casino...and they don't have much money! Hahaha.
  19. That confirms it then...it's a technical problem on the casino's side! They cannot reply you back because the casino server isn't functioning properly! Same goes for their Live Chat too, if they have any. If you know they have a sister casino, contact that casino and ask them to check it out for you. They should know if there is a server problem. I did this once with Fly Casino when Omni was not responding for a few days! Fly then confirmed it was a server error at Omni.
  20. I am having a similar problem whenever I want to log in into Neteller! I would get 'Your account has been closed for security reasons. If you want to continue using Neteller, please sign in with a new account.' WTF! Everybody knows that you cannot open a new account using the same details as in your first registration. The system would simply prevent it from duplicating! The strange thing is, this blardy error message 'Your account has been closed for security reasons' only happens when I'm using Mozilla Firefox. When I try with Chrome or Internet Explorer, I can get in without any hitches! No such error message popping up. So this could be due to some bugs between Firefox and Windows 10. I certainly didn't face this problem with my earlier Windows 8.1.
  21. Not to worry darling! This 'Game is currently not available' error message is a common happening. Happens frequently...especially whenever the internet connection is disrupted or disconnected. I faced this problems so frequently because my ISP and internet connections are not that strong nor stable. But if you're using a DSL connection, then it may just be a short or unexpected disruption in the service. Have you tried reloading a few times? Sometimes logging out, then in again would solve this problem. If still fail, trying clearing all internet temp files, internet caches and cookies too. Restart and try again. Also, the casino server may be at fault...having technical problems which need attending to by their technicians. Sometimes this can drag for several days. I had similar problems at Grand Reef Casino before. I just couldn't load the cashier, hence I couldn't make any deposits, withdrawals, whatever. This dragged on for 1 or 2 weeks, if I'm not mistaken. So don't be disheartened so fast darling! Just keep trying!
  22. Now the sun is coming up...and I'm ready for bed...anyone coming?
  23. Excellent bit of deduction there darling! Yes, I do have a dedicated VIP Manager that really looks after my Neteller account...so I don't face much problems at all! He once even chased after a casino for me...because of a delayed payment...if you can still remember that incident. But looking at things right now, I may lose my Gold and go back to Bronze, either some time this year...or next... if I cannot maintain and keep up with the required expectations. The higher up you are, the higher the expectations and target to maintain. Ah well...at least I get to enjoy and experience being a Gold VIP for a while...hahaha. BUT...I still have a few more managers looking after me right now... My tour and personal manager...my darling in red My public relations manager...my darling in white My forum manageress...my darling in red hair...at one time in peach hair and not forgetting also, my support manager...my guru in black pants! Oh boy...am I a LUCKY one!!!
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