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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Thank you darling! This is just a nice walk down memory lane for me...all the sweetness, glamour and limelight of 2015 and the years before. Don't know if it'll ever happen again for me, so it's best that I savour and keep these beauties somewhere safe and sound forever more...in Askgamblers. Johnny and me...we hardly share the same favourite games. I know he hates DOA and doesn't play it. Same with CFTBL too. I don't play Raging Rhinos, Koi Princess, Pimped and most of his favourite games, so his best ever win screenshots will definitely be different, but should be posted up here nonetheless for all to see, admire and appreciate.
  2. Yes...yes...those were the ones. I'm surprised that you even remembered the Thursday Goldrush name!
  3. One more for tonight... My best ever win on Creature From The Black Lagoon...amount wise Come to think of it...that's not a lot is it??? Compared to DOA!
  4. Aaaah,,,yes indeed...a walk down memory lane... I remember those early years when I was with Club Gold Casino (now Gold Club Casino, hehehe)... I used to get regular WEEKLY $20 no-deposit free bonuses just to play in their casino and those were simply one of the best bonuses anyone could ever ask for! Later on, it was reduced to $10 per week...then it was completely stopped. That was the hardest for me...because I needed those free bonuses to keep playing with real money for free!
  5. Thanks for this unbelievable win screenshot Guru mate! My best is just below yours, by about 1K, plus or minus a bit... and yours will be my personal target to beat...if possible at all!
  6. Basically...yes, but at times, exception may be needed. Like in my Mr Cashback screenshots...one is for the highest single win that I have won, and the other one is for getting my best 5 Wilds win ever, so that is important too. If you feel a winning screenshot deserves a place, go ahead and post it in. This isn't a race, no pre-qualification needed!
  7. Way to go Darg! And congrats on your wins. And I'm happy to see another great fan of Fruit Warp too.
  8. Frankly speaking, if all software platforms can be downloaded and be played from the desktop, I would prefer this. Even if all Playtech casinos were to offer Instant Play option in the future, I'd still stick to my desktop play with the downloaded version. It cuts my waiting time by a lot. But Playtech now is no longer like the Playtech of yesteryear. Even the downloaded version takes a blardy long time to load some games, especially all Jackpot games, not like before. The games program and data may already be saved in the hard disk, but they don't automatically run now like before. Another new connection needs to be made first to the casino's server...and this is where my slow ISP is killing me!
  9. Yeah...I know...and all I could ever get was 3 or 4 of them scattered all over the reels!
  10. Not to worry...there's no hurry...there's always tomorrow, the next day, the next week, the next year...
  11. Aah...welcome back Lilian darling! Wherever did you go and disappeared to? Long time no see and no hear from you. And what a fantastic four 1144x win too! Good...good...keep them coming...one by one...one step at a time.
  12. Aaah! Welcome to African Palace Casino, Lilian darling! Thought no one else would be playing at this casino...and at Grand Reef Casino too. Both are sisters. Don't forget to play their 'where in the world', 'picture puzzle' and 'hangman challenge' quizzes... I never miss them and I've always won on them...from $10 up to $25 free bonus each time! Sometimes 2 bonus wins in one week, then I cannot win anymore...they won't allow me I guess! Hahaha.
  13. DAMN! Why can't I ever get lots of those crystals when I played the game? I guess these aliens aren't that friendly with me...
  14. OH MY GOD! I have totally forgotten about your super incredible win on Desert Treasure 2, Sharon darling! That's an incredible 4495x win, definitely even higher than your Safari Heat win! See what I mean about forgetting something? Don't worry about those Jack Hammer 2 and Mad Mad Monkey screenshots. For now, they are the best you have. That's fine! Tomorrow, or later still, you may find or get a better one...and that too must come in here. But thank you very much for those lovely screenies, Sharon darling!
  15. Thanks Shafiek. Yes...'words are only words'...they don't mean a thing until they are supported with some proof or illustrations. What I've been complaining about my Playtech games MAY NOT BE AFFECTING OTHER PLAYERS...if you know what I mean...but enough said...nothing can be proven anyway. Right now, I can only play at Winner Casino, Winner Club Casino, EuroMaxPlay Casino (all from one group) and a few more, including William Hill Club Casino. My current top favourites are only 3-stars rated in Askgamblers, but they have been reliable and good to me so far, but I still see others complaining on them, so my lips better stay zipped! Hahaha.
  16. That's a wonderful example you have there mate! Winning $1000 from just 5 free spins! Yep...and that is your best ever win from the free spins, from any of your other free spins game too I would presumed. Shafiek mate, don't worry about the bet size. In this case, SIZE DOES NOT MATTER...don't know about other cases...but it doesn't matter here...hahaha. What I would like to see are winning screenshots that are like 1000x bet win...or 3000x bet win...regardless of the bet size or amount won. Everyone of us has a best win on each game played so far, right? So let's gather them all in one place, so we can all admire and appreciate them all together. Bits and pieces here and there tend to get lost with time and space...and soon gets forgotten forever!
  17. Firstly, let's put something straight here, for everyone's benefit... This BEST EVER WIN screenshots thread is NOT ONLY for big nice wins with big nice bets... it is meant to gather everyone's best win from any slot game at any bet size, even if it was only at $0.15 bet per spin. Sharon's incredible win on Safari Heat MUST come in here and be a part of this, because that win is THE BEST win ever I've heard of on Safari Heat! And it was only on 0.15 GBP bet, if I'm not mistaken, right Sharon darling? Only one requirement though...the screenshot should be at least a 100x bet win or more...otherwise it couldn't be a best win yet! As far as I know, even the worse paying game should be able to break the 100x win mark, so every game and any game should qualify. The important thing is...the screenshot you're posting up here in this thread is YOUR BEST WIN EVER on that particular game. Others may have a higher win value or amount, it doesn't matter. We want to see YOUR BEST SCREENSHOTS!
  18. Yes, please do! I'm counting on you too! The collection of EVERYONE'S screenshots here would make this THE BEST OF THE BEST SCREENSHOTS! And all in one place for easy searching and viewing too.
  19. Hehehe...that may indeed be true mate...but I've been beaten by a single-screenshot-entry winner before! So...if my darling Lady Luck still isn't around for me by then, someone else may just grab the prize from right under my nose, hahaha. But I hope she'll be around me...won't you Lady Luck darliiiiiiiiiiiing!
  20. Thank you darling! After a few misses, I hope I'll be lucky with this creature this time around, hehehe.
  21. Sorry about that Dolphin Reef screenie... it should go at the top...but my slow ISP put it at the bottom...
  22. Hehehe...now that the rather long-winded intro has been put into place, it's time for me to start this thing going, but it certainly isn't a race. If you've got your 'best ever win' screenies on any slot game, please load them all up here to be seen, don't ever be ashame! And to start it all off, here are my best ever winning screenshots from my top favourite Playtech games, which I may never get to achieve ever again! So this may even serve as a very nice walk down the Memory Lane. It certainly is for me! DOLPHIN REEF (Playtech) 750x - maximum possible win MR CASHBACK (Playtech) 352x - highest single amount ever won MR CASHBACK (Playtech) 628x - highest amount won with 5 Wilds SAFARI HEAT (Playtech) 1500x - highest amount won with 5 Scatters GHOST RIDER (Playtech) 501x - highest amount won with 5 top symbols Will post my other screenshots when I find them... So how about seeing yours too?
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