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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Awww...geeees...I'm already missing my small nephew so much...haven't seen him for over 2 months now. You had a lot of fun with your son...how I wish I could have lots of fun with my nephew too... ...hopefully soon! With guru around...without guru around...my fun days are still a long way away... don't know when it'll come back for me...
  2. HOLY SHI.....shhhhhhh!!! Winning $1251.66 with a $0.27 bet???!!! Oooooh my Jessieeeee! I played at $0.27 too...but won $1.25...hahaha. Fantastic win there guru mate, Congrats!
  3. Ah! Welcome aboard this crazy ship 'Askgamblers' Crystal. You don't think Askgamblers is 'crazy'? Oops, sorry, then it must be me! Hmmm...CJ...I had a CJ once...a very long time ago. But that wasn't a 32...it was a 7...a CJ7. Ever heard of it? Never heard of it hah? Hmmm...well, it was a JEEP, a CJ7 Jeep...the kind that you can take almost anywhere you want. Almost anywhere...except into the sea...but that's a different story, hahaha. I'd better get going...still have work to do...see you around CJ...if I may call you that!
  4. Hahahaha...don't think too much about that darling! It's a common thing to skip some things from our mind at times... you know, like that darling of ours...errrr...what's her name???
  5. Exactly darling! So imagine if our darling Sharon slipped and say you're European! Hehehe. Or slipped and say I'm English...hahaha...now THAT is NO WAY JOSE!
  6. I'm in Malaysia mate. If I ever talk bad about my country in public...I'll get arrested sooner or later!!!
  7. OOOOH MY GURU!!! Yet another one of my darlings who tend to 'skip' things out of her mind! Hahaha. Yes darling, I have not been able to access most of Playtech casinos since this January! My ISP has now been totally blocked from gaining access to most websites. Even my Virtual Private Network (VPN) has been blocked off since this February, cutting off even more Playtech casinos from me! Is it affecting only me...or are other players from my country affected too? I really don't know! The worse of all...my favourite Mr Cashback is now Mr Takecash...only knows how to take my cash now!
  8. Well, this darling here always mean things in 'general'... like all people in UK are generally English...because they speak English... just as this darling here is European...
  9. OOOOH MY JESSIE...OR SOPHIE! 6 lumps of sugar for your cup of tea??? No wonder you're SO SWEET!!!
  10. Hahaha...knowing you mate, the number isn't a problem! The location and accessibilty is! I cannot access Omni or Fly Casino anymore. Other casinos just won't do.
  11. Yep! Plan 'Z' might probably work by then!
  12. OH-OH!!! I forgot! The cost of 1 cup of tea everyday in GBP would kill my MYR wallet within 1 month! So sorry darling...you're much too expensive for me...I'll just have to find a local one!
  13. No?! Oh geeees...so...would you like to be my tea lady then? I don't sit on thrones...only chairs!
  14. Oh? I don't know darling...if you apply for tea lady, you might just get to go into Parliament!
  15. No??? Not ever??? Oh geees...sorry guys...no holiday for you all... as for me...everyday is already like a holiday! Hahaha.
  16. Well, Emina my darling, you couldn't be more right! If I could start all over again at Fruity Casa, I certainly would, hehehe. Lets hope that our darling Jelena makes more and more miracles come true...then I can really cry my heart out for not joining much later!!! Hahaha.
  17. First of all, WELCOME BACK MY GURU!!! As for Neteller, I guess it's basically the same everywhere...the higher your VIP level, the better they treat you! When I was still on bronze, I certainly didn't get any special treatment. On silver, my then-to-be manager kept reminding me that I haven't far to go to get to gold, so he kept urging me! Hahaha. Well, luckily my stars were shining ever so brightly during those times, and I made to gold very quickly! But now, my stars are nowhere to be seen...I'm on a snake now, as in snakes and ladders, and there's only 1 way to go...down!
  18. Oh really? Hmmm...I could never try out this game due to country restrictions 1 or 2 years back. Don't know about now though...still haven't tried it.
  19. Aaaaah?! Just a few grand? Nothing Major? Oh geeees...I thought it was Brigadier of a win!
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