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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Ooops...so sorry Sharon darling...I'm way way out of line...digressed too far out of your topic!
  2. The recent splitting of Bitcoin software may even pose greater dangers to small Bitcoin investors! There are 2 designated superhighways for Bitcoin users, right? One, is for all the small fishes, from the original superhighway...the original Bitcoin software. The other one, the new one, is for those Super Duper fishes...the forked superhighway...which small fishes cannot use! What guarantee has anyone got that this 'small fishes' superhighway may not one day suddenly disappear???!!! Who designed this software? Who owns this software? Think about it!
  3. The minute I read that line, I knew it was a punchline...like I would do quite frequently too...hahaha.
  4. This incident happened during the early introduction years of Bitcoin. Business tycoons and companies in Asia invested heavily on Bitcoin, on the premise that it would bring in huge profits. They dumped lots of fiat currencies and invested on 'money on air' instead. When the Marketeers made enough profit, they vanished! As all Bitcoin investors should know, the Bitcoins are yours, on paper, on digital coding, but when there's no designated 'highway' for it to go, all that becomes useless! It's like you bought a luxurious Bitcoin supercar, which can travel only on the designated superhighway...but when there's no superhighway, that Bitcoin supercar becomes totally useless!
  5. Hahaha...it was meant as a weekend teaser...to get some thinking caps on. As for that 21st August Eclipse, there are critics saying that it wouldn't be visible in the USA at all....but that sounds unlikely. Somewhere, someone is bound to see it.
  6. Wow! Now that's a big loss for a start. Hope you won't get caught in another one mate! But investors in Asia lost billions due to Bitcoin Marketeers suddenly 'disappeared' and vanished. This was some years ago. Europe has not seen such a big catastrophe yet...but it doesn't mean it cannot happen!
  7. Heeeeey...I like this! You are on the right track mate! Well done! Yes...indeed...the sun is stationary within the Solar System...but it is actually revolving AND spiralling within our Milky Way! Makes anyone wonder how that can be, right? Hahaha.
  8. Hmmm...57 BTCs...that's a lot of money my friend...hope you made a lot of profit too!
  9. Many years ago, all of us were very sceptical about the internet...what can it do?...is it safe at all? What if this...what if that... Now...you use the internet like you use your fingers to type! Bitcoin is just the same. Sceptical at first, second nature later on. It is made to be damn convenient for everyone to use. What nobody wants to know or care about, are the things that needed to be done to make Bitcoin become second nature! This is exactly the same with other forms of entertainment like movies and music. Not many people know what goes on behind the scenes! So...to make Bitcoin so easy and convenient to use for online gaming, there must not be any hindrances or blockages, right? So...'they' need to ensure that all Gambling Authorities approve and legalise the use of Bitcoin, right? What goes on behind the scenes to achieve these goals...no one can ever know!
  10. This is one thing that ALL OF US take for granted, my dear...things that we never think of...assuming that everything is normal. We see the sun everyday in the sky. We know Earth revolves around the sun continuously, giving us night and day and the seasons. What we don't know is what about the sun itself?! Is it spinning? Is it moving? Is it revolving? A long time ago, there was also a theory that said the sun revolves around Earth...to give us night and day...hahaha. Then there are also current theories that say Earth is flat as a disc... But what really surprised me, some years ago, was when I come to realise that the sun is actually NOT stationary at all!!! And I'm not referring to its shifting positions in our sky...it is much much more than that! And it was something that I too took for granted! Just wondering if anyone else knows about this phenomenon...
  11. That 'ape' refers to the 'Orangutan' mate...not to the member himself/herself!
  12. Yep...you've been missing in action for quite some time, haven't you mate? then all of a sudden...within a short time...I see 22 posts by this person named MacdoniS...
  13. Was not stationary, mate? Was? So...you mean now it is stationary? Okaaay...that 'analemma' refers to the shifting of the sun's position in the sky...like, it's never right above our head at noon time...it is slightly forward or backward, to the left or to the right of us, depending on the time of the year. But within the Solar System, the sun's position is always the same, because it's the nucleus of the Solar System. But there is something much much more important that this little movement in the sky bit...anybody knows?
  14. Hmmm...wondering when this Blondie will be back for good... Does the big changes include tying a knot...or something like that, dear?
  15. You know what? Back in my times, The Sun was my favourite newspaper. Why? Because you can get some cheap thrills on Page 3...but not anymore now. What's on Page 3 you may be asking? Well...it was like a page from Pornhub Casino...hahaha. But...that's not the sun that I was wondering about. This one concerns the sun that gives us the light, heat and life...without the sun, there wouldn't be us! What am I wondering about? We all know that all the planets in our Solar System revolves around the sun, right? Each planet spins and revolves...in definite regular patterns...moving around the sun. The question is...is the sun stationary...spinning but not moving at all...or what? What do you think...or know??? Just a weekend teaser!!!
  16. Sometimes, not believing can be a bliss, my dear! When you know too much, everything worries you...then you start worrying why other people are not worried...hahaha. Well, most people can say "I don't give a damn about Bitcoin...I just want to make a profit out of it"...but I can't.
  17. Bingo! You asked the first correct question...as I knew you would! Hehehe. Aliens? CIA? FBI? MI5? No...no...no...no...'they' are a very powerful, damn blardy rich group of blardy influential 'power' people, grouped together since a few centuries ago, and originating in Europe. Now 'they' are all over the continents...literally. What's the name of the group? PM me and I'll tell you where to start reading on 'them'.
  18. No single tool can list out all the things that you are looking for, V my dear! There are thousands of games out there, with thousands of RTP's...but all these RTP's are really quite pointless...because they do not tell you if a game is a good playable game or not. A game with a very good RTP, like 98% for example, can still kill your wallet in no time at all! No game can be good for everyone! A good payable game is also likewise...one person may find it a damn good game to play, and winning on it...but others may be swearing on it for all the money that it eats! Again, no game can be good for everyone! The best tools and tips are the ones that you find out yourself, through forums like Askgamblers, from experienced players, like...ahem, ahem... ...you know what I mean, right?
  19. Aaaah...good for you Sharon my dear! Stay like this and you'll save yourself a lot of heartaches and holes in your purse!
  20. Here's an interesting thought for all of you non-believers... They say..."do not believe everything you see or read in the internet"... it has been proven that 'there are so many fake news and information in the internet'... so...what you think is true about Bitcoin may well be fake...or what you think is false about Bitcoin may well be true... so...which one of the two is it for you???!!!
  21. More recently, Bloomberg has put out an article indicating how Bitcoin is being 'hyped all out' to the max...yet not one statement from them saying not to buy or get involved in Bitcoin. Why? The media is already under control!
  22. I wish I can start explaining in a simple-to-understand manner...but I'm afraid every statement that I make would only put more questions in your head! Anyway, it's never a straightforward thing in the first place...shrouded in dark mists of secrecies...and probably conspiracies too...and most people would not believe it either. Just one simple line for you though...'their' agenda includes grasping control over all media of entertainment (movies, music), sports, information, etc...online gaming is one of them...to maximise the use of 'their' Bitcoin...for 'their' main manifested agenda. I bet you now have a thousand questions in your head already! Hahaha.
  23. Yep...I have to agree that the best playing and paying slots are not always the flashy 'in the limelight' games. I have seen and played all kinds of games...but the best games have always been the 'silent' ones...like Dolphin Reef, Safari Heat and Mr Cashback from Playtech, before they got 'amended' or 'upgraded'...and my most recent discovery...Supe It Up from Microgaming...an old game that still remains the same! Old flashy games like Dead Or Alive and Immortal Romance...have been over-hyped and are now 'dead'. The newer games are getting lots of flashy lights but are all over-hyped just the same...for maximum attention...but they really pay peanuts for monkeys!
  24. Aaaaaaaaaaah...thank youuuuu Fallen! No need for eye squinting now...
  25. Anybody got a microscope? Or magnifying glass? Why are your screenshots so tiny, fallen...can hardly see them... but congrats anyway...585x win on Magic Mirror...595x win on Jurassic Park!
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