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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Ah...yes...yes...peace and serenity at last...no more eye-aches, or heart-aches, or one-finger aches! Hahaha.
  2. Yeah...I remember it too...all those puzzles came from the internet...one of those puzzles link.
  3. Yep...the Earth is still round...a sphere...but if you see those videos, you would tend to believe that it could be round but flat! A fair? Ah...that's nice. I haven't been to a fair for donkey years, hahaha.
  4. Aaaah...good...good...and welcome aboard explorer mate! And yep...I know what you are talking about too. The internet is full of truth and full of lies too...so caution is always advised. Nonetheless, no one can be absolutely sure which are truth and which are lies. The secret lies in our own heart...our own beliefs...our own instincts...and seeing with our own 'third' eye! But, of course, many people don't even know they have a third eye...so they don't see 'properly', hahaha.
  5. Attention...? "You only want attention...you don't want my heart..." says Charlie Puth. Well...I want your attention...and I don't want your heart...too...but only because your heart belongs somewhere else. So, okaaay...what attention do I want? Well...after that marvelous solar eclipse on the 21st August 2017, Askgamblers forum went silent...well almost! Why? Has everyone suddenly lost interest? Has everyone got better things to do? Why? Why? Why? My 'why' is very simple. If you believe in cosmology, every solar eclipse would bring some changes into your 'life'. If you don't believe in it, that's okay, it's still a free world, hehehe. But I'd like to talk about the 'sudden changes' that occurred to me since that solar eclipse. You can take this as a weekday teaser, as opposed to my other 'sun' topic which was a weekend teaser...hahaha. I don't know why, but I found my interest suddenly going back to the flat Earth theory! Flat Earthers conspire that the eclipse occurred nearby, and not due to the moon blocking the view of the 93-million-miles-away sun. They are saying that the moon and the sun overlapped each other in their paths in the sky above, not that far away from Earth. Hmmm...interesting thought! So...I had spent the last 2 days, hours on end each day...watching whatever flat Earth videos there were on Youtube. I must admit, these guys have come up with incredible new videos than the last time I had a look at them...and so believable too! All the reasonings that points to a flat Earth, all the arguments that disprove a spherical Earth. And after all that viewing...I must admit...I got confused!!! There's a wise saying...'the deeper you dig into the darkness, the more light you're gonna need'...absolutely true! That's why only some people can really dig really deep into the darkness...to know more of the truth...but it's helluva dark in there! Most people would get confused and disorientated very quickly...like I was too...but only for a short while. After a good night sleep, my mind recovered...and my beliefs still stands. However...I just like to point out that both sides of the coin may indeed be the truth! There are some very good points by the flat Earthers that makes a lot of sense...yet there are some points that just couldn't and wouldn't fit into their theory. I won't go into all those details, because I know most of you won't be interested anyway...hahaha. Today...I'm gonna go digging deeper into the darkness...I like doing that...hehehe. Who knows, I may find something 'new' that may change everything! So...what have you been doing the last 2 days...and today???
  6. To be more specific...not a bathroom...but a toilet or wc...
  7. Take it as a blessings in disguise mate! If you had made that bigger profits, like your friend did...that would change you into a much greedier person in the future...bad...bad! So be satisfied with what you have made...that's a blessing enough...and you'd be a much wiser and a more secure man...believe me! Greedy people will one day end up with an empty plate!!!
  8. That's how Play'nGo make their profits, mate! The big wins are usually won with smaller bets...because the game would have eaten a lot first before paying back! Yep, I got caught by this many times already...so I am quite familiar with its behavior! That's why I always play with less lines when it is eating...until it starts paying back! Starting with 7 lines is my favourite...enough lines to catch the sudden small wins...enough lines to save 3 cents per spin...hahaha.
  9. Yep...that's him alright...without the 'tr' but with a 'd'...hahaha.
  10. Yep, animals are not as smart as us humans, so a sudden fall of darkness is frightening to them... it's totally unexpected in the daytime...and inexplicable to them...like it's Doomsday! Animals reactions are instinctive...which is very useful to us to know! When your pet suddenly start going crazy over 'nothing'...for example... you can be sure that 'something unseen' is happening...like a ghost or something! Animals behave similarly in the presence of aliens too!
  11. You haven't tried Holiday Season yet? Personally, I like it better than Pimped, because it tends to pay more frequently...but those long empty spins are just about the same! Typical of all Play'nGo games...watch out if the spins start going empty...they usually go on and on...on a losing streak... and then suddenly...whammo...a free spins game that pays big! Hehehe.
  12. Watch out people...the moon is on fire...and it's going to crash into Earth and cause an apocalypse... What a beautiful rare sight to see...a total eclipse of the sun... Thanks a lot for this link mate!
  13. Has the apocalypse occurred yet mate? Over at my place...it's nighttime...it rained...can't even see a mooncalypse...much less a suncalypse... all I can see is my lips... Oh...okaaay...I'm watching it now...
  14. Oh shucks...thank you my dear. Oh-oh!...no...no...no... A RTP does not tell you how much it can pay or can eat...it merely tells you that over 1 million spins or more, that's the likely result you can get from a game. You may lose $100,000 playing on just one game...yet the RTP would remain 90% the same!!! Why? Because the 100,000 spins that you played and lost $100,000, just for example, would only contribute about 10% to the overall RTP of the game! On the other hand, another lucky player may play only 1000 spins and win $100,000! The RTP for his game is way way way above what is indicated! What is important about RTP's is that...the higher the RTP, the more small wins you may get, and thereby, you may lose, or win, not so much with each game play. A game with a 90% RTP, for example, could kill your wallet like a lightning strike...but could also drop a Leprechaun's pot of gold for you! Hahaha.
  15. Their purpose is nothing more than what comes naturally to some people...the need for POWER! When you're a millionaire, you want to be a billionaire. Once a billionaire, you want to be a trillionaire...and so on. Power-hunger can never cease or stop...it's like a disease...a very sickly disease! So all these similar power-hungry people group up together and they become so blardy powerful as a group that nothing can be impossible to achieve! What did Hitler wanted during his days? To rule the world! What do these people want now? To rule the world! Not by staging a bloody war like Hitler did...but by 'silently' conquering the world's financial empire!
  16. You moved to Maaaaaltaaaaaa...oh my god! You'll never get any sleep in Malta, my dear...the casinos never close! Heeey...just kidding of course, you know me. That's a wonderful move, I must say...so now, just need to get one of those live dealers job in one of those casinos...then don't forget to let us know...and when I strike big, I'll play at your table at the casino...in person. If no big strike, I can still play at your table, live online! Good luck my dear!
  17. And a little bit more of my favourite soup...although it is souping me up now... Where's that blardy center Wild???!!!
  18. And here's my August screenies that couldn't make it above 100x...
  19. Well, I guess all that countdown was for nothing... What countdown? Tom's countdown...5...4...3...2...1...and he still hasn't reappeared!
  20. Aaaah...yes...very appropriate indeed! Thank you my dear.
  21. Heeey...does that mean you have actually moved over to the UK...or just around Europe? I see that your Northern Europe location hasn't changed...
  22. Ooops...so sorry Sharon darling...I'm way way out of line...digressed too far out of your topic!
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