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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Losing streaks are inevitable mate...they must happen and cannot be avoided... but do as I do...play with the smallest minimum bets to ride out the dry run. Supe It Up has been eating my last 9 deposits...but I know the game...it'll pay me back for sure!
  2. Okaaaay...so the developers may still be working on this small glitch... but it's taking a looong time...and I'm still getting it... One more thing guys...this has happened to me a few times now this week... when I post a reply in the forum, I get logged out...it just happened a minute ago.
  3. Yep...both websites are working as usual on my side too in Asia. It could be a localised interruption, depending on your location, Mrbencdf... or there could be something wrong with your phone or something... or even possibly the websites have suddenly been blocked off by your local ISP.
  4. Nope! The way I read the terms... It says you have to hit the daily number 3 times in a row on the 3 roulette tables... meaning...3 times in a row on each of the 3 tables! However, it doesn't say if you need to hit on all 3 tables within 1 day...which is utterly ridiculous...or.. you can strike it on one table at a time...on different days...but must hit on all 3 tables 3 times in a row to win the jackpot prize. That's how i read those terms.
  5. Yes Vicho...and in the meantime...maybe you can do the karamba or the samba dance...just to pass the time away... when that approval finally comes through...then you can do the break dance, the disco dance, or whatever dance you like. Just to keep you in a light-hearted mood for now...
  6. I tried the game in fun mode...not more than 50 spins later, I was out of there! Not worth playing at all!
  7. As for me...there are tons of info deeper in the ground...so I'll just have to keep on digging deeper. Maybe I'll find some diamond pieces along the way...who knows right? Hahaha.
  8. You are on the right track, mate! During those World Wars (1 & 2), both military parties were sending out coded messages for communication, not encrypted messages as yet, but encoded...yet...those messages could be uncoded and read! It took some blardy effort to do that, but were successfully broken nonetheless. In our era of internet use, all messages are encrypted...just like those military secret messages...but similarly, all these encryption merely slows down those hackers and do not fail them in unravelling the messages! So...NOTHING IS SAFE in the internet! This cryptocurrency thing...is a more complicated and advanced form of encryption...but will it...or can it...hold back the hackers???!!! History has shown that such things are not impossible at all...and with the 'intelligence' of computing nowadays...it's just a matter of time, mate! Those new and latest 'smart' electronic devices and applications can be hijacked...intercepted...interrupted...or even 'remotely taken over'! Those piles of discarded or erased data can be recovered, deciphered and read. No data in the internet is 100% fool-proof...if left like that. What I do is...whatever info that I don't want, I do not delete them...I 'shred and wipe' them, so that all that data become 'o's all over again. Time consuming for huge data, but a breeze for those small bits of info that you want to discard and remove. Deleting them is like throwing them into the rubbish bin...anyone can pick them up and read them! Hahaha.
  9. There's no such thing as too much intelligence mate...we are always SHORT of it! Hahaha. Well, the solar eclipse certainly made me a different person, an awakening, if you like. Doesn't matter if that eclipse was caused by the moon, by an unknown orb, or by God's finger even...hahaha. Believe in what you think is right...always.
  10. Anytime mate...just let me know! I'll get you some nice plates of food for your greediness! Hahaha.
  11. Agree mate...but comparing to NetEnt games nowadays, Play'nGo games are performing better, for me at least. The thing is, to win big, you need to play with big bets. Good for high rollers, bad for low rollers. That's why I'm sticking to my few favourite high-variance games that can pay big even with small bets.
  12. Honestly speaking...it's better for you if you don't sign up...those 100 free spins would only give you a heartache later on.
  13. Try out which one my dear? The one-finger saluting? I do it all the time I play my games!
  14. Well mate, I have cashed out many times on Holiday Season and Pimped, plus once or twice on other games like Jade Magician, Matsuri, Golden Caravan, etc. However, none of the cashouts were big ones...because it's blardy hard to get wins of over 200x bet.
  15. But at times, I do cross my legs whilst playing my slot game... mainly because I'm holding back from rushing to the loo... Crossing fingers is also a bad sign superstition? Hmmm...so my one-finger salute must be a good sign then...
  16. Well, I haven't had much luck on that game either...my best win so far is still under 100x bet amount.
  17. Have any of your cats ever start running here, there and everywhere very speedily...as if they are chasing something? Well, know that your cat is chasing something that you cannot see!
  18. You're welcome mate. Yep...it's something like a proverb...it's one of the sayings in my country.
  19. More possible facts: The Earth lies on a flat surface...but is surrounded all around in a circular circumference by ice...the Antarctica (not a continent). Nobody has ever gone beyond Antarctica (forbidden)...so we know nothing much about what lies beyond it. Ancient civilisation ruins have been seen in areas in the Antarctica...no one knows what they are as yet. The sun, the moon, and all the 'star's that we see in the sky/night sky, revolves above Earth... with the 'North Pole' as the central point...but there is NO 'South Pole'! Our Earth and our sky, as we know it...is actually not a planet...but isn't a flat disc either...it's most probably a 'Realm'. What's a 'Realm'? I wish I can explain on that...but I can't...as yet!
  20. FACTS: Stanley Kubrick was a well known film director/producer, who was appointed by NASA to do Apollo's moon landing footage. He was reluctant to do it at first, but was later 'convinced' to do it. Much later on, he wanted to disclose many facts about the Illuminati and all the fake NASA footages. He was found dead in 1999/2000 (not sure of the year), believed to have been murdered. The above video, confessing about the fake moon landing, is believed to be a hoax, as some people has it... but I do believe this video was produced AFTER Kubrick's death, as a tribute to his wishes for the public to know the whole truth... so an actor (Tom) was used to replicate Kubrick in the video, but confessing as what Kubrick had intended to do. So...the moon landing was/is a FAKE...all those planets images were/are FAKES...they were/are merely CGIs...no astronaut has ever successfully left Earth's atmosphere...simply because the Van Halen Belt, a very dangerous radiation belt surrounding Earth's atmosphere, would simply kill any astronaut passing through it! Possibly facts: Everything we have been told and taught about our Earth, sun, moon, planets, outer space...and even gravity...are all LIES!!! NASA is nothing but one BIG LIAR...as with so many other organisations with it. The solar eclipse on 21st August was shown to be a lie too! What caused the eclipse was not the moon (the sun and the moon cannot appear in daylight at the same time)...but an unidentified 'orb' that passed the sun's path...so you can imagine how HUGE that orb would be! So...what the heck was that huge 'orb'? I can only speculate...but that's useless...need proof before I can comment on it. Well...now I'm even more interested to know more!!!
  21. Ooooh my God!!! The deeper I digged in, the darker it became, the more light I needed...but I found one very important shimmer of truth...or just another lie...but I want everyone here to see this very important video. I will do more digging in...to see just how far it is the truth. If the video is in fact real...oooooh my god! You will need to re-think again about this life of ours! I will not tell more...please see and listen very carefully...it's quite a long video...20 minutes...but worth every second of it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK-Ox5Dr98U After seeing the entire video, what do you think?
  22. Aaaah...good...good...very gooooood! One enlightened new player...
  23. Good question, V my dear! Let me put it in a simple way...there are too many fiat currencies in the world, right? To monopolise any one currency would be almost impossible...much less to monopolise all the currencies. But with just Bitcoin, the number one cryptocurrency now...and in the future too...they can accumulate all fiat currencies from investors who buy Bitcoin...by the billions...up to a certain extend in the future when they have more than enough fiat currencies in their control to rule the financial empire! As more and more people become 'convinced' to use Bitcoin, the stronger they become! Right now, the rise and fall of Bitcoin value is based on whaaaat???!!! To me, it's pure manipulation and speculation, which they can introduce or remove as they like, because the very big players are their group themselves! The more interest they can create, the higher the value of the Bitcoin....and lesser dependence on the fiat currencies.
  24. Yep...I have to agree...all truth there...no BS...hahaha. Well...except for one little sentence there...'quit when you're ahead'... true...but most people cannot or won't...I cannot and won't too, most of the time! Hahaha.
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