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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. I'm taking a break for today...maybe Sharon would like to continue since there's no one else...
  2. Of course it's a good one...that's why you need the fish tail...the NEPTUNE QUEEN!!! Hahaha.
  3. Whaaaat? Hahahaha...I'm taking a flight to Skopje and I'm going to fit a fish tail on you!!!
  4. I knew that wasn't right...hahaha. Okaaaay Neptune Queen...I give up...you win!
  5. One last answer...one is an adopted brother!
  6. My answer 'their parents are twins'...is this not correct darling?
  7. DOUBLE DANG!!! Two brothers are were born on same day, in the same place, the same year and have same parents, but they are no twins. How is it possible?
  8. DANG!!! I just got a light in my head... The two are brothers, born by the same parents, at the same time, at the same place...BUT... jeng...jeng...jeng...at DIFFERENT YEAR!!! Hahaha.
  9. Or look at it this way then...they were born twins...but were separated...so no longer twins...hahaha. Nope...this is NOT my answer...I've already given mine. Or another way...one brother came out first...then the second one much later but still in the same day and place... ah-hah...that would makes sense wouldn't it? Not really twins because they were born separately a few hours apart...which doesn't count them as twins...MAYBE!!!
  10. Any other clue would give the answer away...right Neptune darling?
  11. Where is everybody? Sharon, Helena and me...we are having threesome here... Isn't anybody else interested? Foursome...fivesome...manysome?
  12. You don't think you 're a boy? Geeees...you want me to check it for you? Hahahahaha. Yep...Olive it is...or was...maybe it's short for Olivia...I don't know too...but you can always check it up for me!
  13. I've got things to do now...but I'll be back a little later...to see if my answer is wrong...or still wrong...
  14. Well...like I said darling...just my boyish imaginations...but you sure ain't a boy!
  15. Just finished my cigarette...naaaah...no jackpot...but I told you that already didn't I? Hehehe. Got any answer? You bet I do! Are you ready mamacita??? The parents are twins...hahaha.
  16. Everything the same...yet not twins...definitely a tricky teaser...maybe another one that doesn't make logical sense! Hahaha.
  17. Yes...that's the thing! Hot As Hades is fun to play...nice graphics...but lacking Popeye's POW!!! A bit of Popeye...bit of Clousseau...bit of Pinky...add nice graphics and sound...and KAPOW!!! Ah well...just my imagination running boyishly wild, hehehe.
  18. 2 things... Firstly...if I pull off a jackpot whilst in the toilet...no more teasers...I'll be playing non-stop slots! Secondly...no, no, no iphone no jackpot...I only bring in what I've got!
  19. Okay...okay...I got the answer wrong this time hah?! No problemo mamacita! Let me light a cigarette...have a good rest...sit and think carefully...in the toilet!
  20. He is looking at himself in the mirror!!! Hahahaha.
  21. "Is this the real thing...or is this fantasy?" asked Freddy Mercury... Aaaaah...no Freddy...it's no fantasy...it's just the REAL Afi!!!
  22. I guess only small BOYS like me would ever love Popeye.. grown ups they love to see gals that give them pop-eyes! Hehehe. A game much better than Fisticuffs...and as funny as the Pink Panther Something a lot like Hot As Hades...but a little more better!
  23. No...no...no...oh no...oh no...oh no... I'm waiting for a new dish...one that I wouldn't know... From a lady we know who said she was at Neptune No fish tail she had...just 2 legs and beautifully tuned!
  24. When I was just a little kid, a few years ago...hahaha... my most favourite tv hero was...was...jeng...jeng...jeng... drums rolling and scattering down the hill... someone oiled the ground to see the thrill... naaaaah...it wasn't Jack & Jill...they gave me no thrill... it was Popeye...with muscles as big as a pie!!! Yaaaay! Would love to see Popeye bashing up the big nasty whats-his-name in the eye but hopefully the sweet darling Olivia is suave and sexy...not so blardy skinny!!! Aaaah...that would be a real fun slot for me forever more Hmmmm...geeees...maybe not...I ain't no small kid no more. Aaaaaa...what the heck...just give me new slots to win by the deck.
  25. Better late than never, right darling? Hehehe.
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