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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hahaha...my silly mistake...forgot to remove the game's name first from the jpg... But YES...you are right Dikkie mate...Cat In Vegas it is. I'll give another one...
  2. Okaaaaay sweetie...so you like guessing...how about this lovely cutie one...
  3. Hehehe...go ahead dikkie mate...send in as much as you like... the more the merrier mate...but the $25 gets no higher hike!
  4. 5 Quid? Hmmm...not too bad I guess...definitely a lot better than what I got from 1 Playtech casino... it was for my birthday gift...from City Tower Casino...they gave me 2 extra large T-Rex eggs...plus $2...scoundrels!!!
  5. Has anyone woken up to snow this morning? Yes...I did...a little bit at first...then a lot more later on...melted snow that is...or better known as rain. I have a love-hate relationship with snow. I would love it to be Lady Snow...but no such thing...don't even have Snow White. I hate what snow does to us...the cold...the frostbite...the slipperiness... but I love looking at fresh snow...on trees, cars, ground, everything...looks so white...and pure...and clean...aaaaah!
  6. Good luck and all the best for you Sharon darling! May the casinos be generous and heap some good bonuses upon you!
  7. Talk about fortunes...here's a teeny weeny one...from free spins...
  8. Hmmm...your magic sphere...are you sure you're not looking into your fish-bowl instead???
  9. Whaaaaat the heck...neither can any woman!!!
  10. Hmmmm...maybe one of the guys here can try reading a newspaper while having ssexx!!! Hahaha. I know I can't!!!
  11. Ooooh-boy! Maybe a Gladiator Jackpot win? Or a Mega Fortune win? Or even a 5-Wilds-on-2-paylines win? I'd better get crrrrracking...
  12. Well, our Guru here has just shown proof to the article...he zoomed in to the specific article in no time at all! A woman may find this article too, perhaps tomorrow or day after...because she's got more important things to do now!!! Anyway Guru...Sharon is not totally right of course. The article says so too. Individual variations do occur in males...so not all males can do only 1 thing at a time...hahaha.
  13. Aaaaah...too bad...you can count that as a 'miss' mate! Not won while in the toilet...hahaha.
  14. Hahaha...funny...but not quite true Sharon darling! We men can do multitasking, but never as expansive as women can! Scientifically proven too, hehehe. Women are created to do many many things all at the same time...like taking care of the house, the kids and the husband too, of course! Men...hmmm...some can even be stereotyped! Hahaha.
  15. You too hah dikkie mate? Hmmm...I've never thought of doing MULTI-TASKING while I'm in the toilet! Double-tasking yes, but never multi-tasking!
  16. Aaaaah...thank you darling...WHOOP! WHOOP!
  17. Hahaha...that won't be good at all darling...so I'll just keep on drooooling!
  18. Hahahaha...our darling has been playing hide and seek with me for the last 2 weeks mate! 1 day she'll be here with me...next day nowhere I can see... Well...I guess she found some NEW guys to have fun with...Sorenjo is one...hahaha.
  19. Well folks...my last 2 weeks has been a lot like Katy Perry 1 minute I'm cold and gloomy...next minute hot and merry Going up and down and round and round like a roller coaster Plenty of fun, plenty of thrills, but nothing extra in my Neteller! Aaaaaargh...maybe I should be crying instead... Aaaaah...what the heck...no point crying over burnt dollars... So just look...admire...and enjoy...
  20. Usually...with the first salary, comes a celebration, even if it means only a small feasting celebration. Well...when that time comes...enjoy yourself...me...I can only droooool at what I could be eating...hahaha.
  21. Hey hey hey...now that is really good news! I'm happy that you got that job darling!...errr...what kind of job is it...if I may ask?
  22. Aaaah...the Lady in Peach just uttered the long-unused "Tut! Tut!"... So I'm gonna carry on and say "Whoop! Whoop!" with my screenies... Blade - 1 Creature from the Black Lagoon - 1 Fruit Warp - 1 Ghost Rider - 1 Gladiator Jackpot - 1 Katana - 1 Lucky Lady's Charm - 1
  23. Aaaaah...go! go! go! Sorenjo...and laugh all the way to the banko!
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