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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Aaaah...I see! Well, not surprising at all to me! Asians like Europe...Europeans like Asia...and other continents too... So Macedonian likes Italian...it's only natural I guess! Hahahaha.
  2. Stock84? Geeees...I'm no drinker...don't even know what Stock84 is. My only updated knowledge on hard drinks is on Rakija!
  3. Just ride out the low tide cycle folks...it won't last forever...just a couple of months or so...hopefully. My tide is about to change I think...it's been going up and down about the same lately...hopefully...
  4. Geeees...besides the bonus, how many glasses of free Vodka did they gave you?
  5. Okaaaay, here comes my final...or maybe almost final...load of goodies. I've got more to give...but no place to show it! Ah well...never mind...it's already mind-boggling all these bags of goodies so far...hehehe. Ladiiiiies and Gentlemaaaan...here comes Net Ent... Big Bang - 2 Cosmic Fortune - 2 Creature from the Black Lagoon - 9 Demolition Squad - 1 Evolution - 1 Ghost Pirates - 1 Gonzo's Quest - 6 Jack and the Beanstalk - 7 Jack Hammer 2 - 1 Lights - 3 Magic Portals - 1 Reel Rush - 1 Secrets of the Stones - 1 Silent Run - 1 South Park - 1 South Park Reel Chaos - 2 Spinata Grande - 3 Subtopia - 3 Tornado Farm - 1 Twin Spin - 5 Wild Rockets - 1 Wild Water - 1 Wish Master - 2 Wonky Wabbits - 3 Victorious - 1 Zombies - 1 Aaaand...a couple of late comers... Dead Or Alive - 6 Real Ghost - 1 T-t-t-t-t-thaaats all folks!
  6. Whaaaat? Only 1 week left??? OMG.... Oh my god...I'm coming...I'm coming...errrr...I mean, I'm going...I'm going... I'm getting it up...getting it up...errrrrrrr...I mean uploading...uploading...(panicking...)
  7. And that will be...'PAID IN FULL'...'IN KIND!' Right Raptor?
  8. CALL AN AMBULANCE... Oh...sorry...we've done that scene already... but...Afi is down on the floor again...blimey!!! Geeees...10 outlaws...1 Wildline...and not enough schooling! Congrats mate! And keep 'em coming...keep 'em coming!
  9. There's 'sweet forum couple' talk... and there's 'not-so-sweet forum couple' talk too... Thank god there's no real flying pots, pans and plates in here!
  10. It's all very similar to our real life situation really... For some time...that gorgeous sexy woman...or hunky sexy man...sticks to our fantasies like a leech... After some time...the stickiness lessens...the leech drops off...and we're back to where we started in the first place! All those beautiful graphics, music and sound will wither out in time... but our not-so-beautiful favourite games remain with us through time... Like they say...beauty is only skin deep...it doesn't last forever... but things like honesty, truthfulness, humbleness, kindness...they last for eternity! Oooops...sorry...I'm starting to blabber blabber blabber again...
  11. Yes, the game is available from a few software providers. You played on a 20 paylines game...same as Playtech's... so you used a BMW while I used a Honda...but we both reached the winning finish line! Don't know about the higher 25 paylines version though...that's a Lamborghini in comparison to our cars!
  12. Aaaaah...there you are! Something just changed...you not agreeing all the time!
  13. What and how I am...that doesn't change...agree? My ever crazy behavior...that doesn't change...agree? My looks...now THAT change...agree? And this doesn't change too...you always agreeing!
  14. Hmmm, of course darling! Some things change...some things don't!
  15. I won't be waiting for this new game with any excitement at all...knowing how NetEnt new games tend to be these days! And...76 paylines? OMG!...that's a SURE WAY to burn a hole in your ewallet FASTER! Don't be fooled by the 76 ways to win...think of the EXTRA 56 more ways to lose instead! And I expect the payouts and the paytable to be to the current low standards too. But it a try...using free spins...and see how it goes...BEFORE playing with your own money!
  16. Good video there Helena darling! Obviously, that child did not lose her mother of course...it was all for a video shoot... But thank god for good caring citizens out there...they managed to catch a child molester instead!
  17. Hehehehe...thank you mate...glad you enjoyed it! P.S. If Clint Eastwood can be a film director...then Clint Westwood can be a comedy writer...
  18. Hahahaha...I have accounts at ALL of the above mentioned casinos but have stopped playing there since a long time ago! Never trusted them then and here's the proof finally! Hehehe. Thank God for that!
  19. Sorry I'm late in replying darling...but J-J-J-J-J...errr...I mean YAAAAAY! All the Js, all the 10s and all the Bars...Blondie darling can surely thank her stars!
  20. OMG...GEEEEEEES mate! Those blardy outlaws ain't got enough schooling I'm telling you!!! They can't even get in a straight line! DAMN!!! But...well done and congrats to the hunter...for getting them all in 1 go!
  21. WOW! Betting bigger than the Master himself, eh FAZIII1?! Hahaha. Well done and congrats FAZIII1! Don't know if you got 5 Nemos or 5 turtles or not, but that's a wonderful win nonetheless!
  22. Exactly Luckyloser! The question of how NOT to bankcrupt a new casino running such a high variance game like DOA. Makes you think and wonder doesn't it? I still believe that new casinos are somehow blanketed from such bankcrupting scenarios by a 'weighting' sytem of some sort. New casinos that have accumulated less wagers may have an 'insurance cover' that prevents maximum wins from occuring too soon...or occuring only at low bets (the maximum payout amount being related to the total accumulated wagers so far). This theory is not picked up from the clouds...it was a system used by the earlier generations of 'stand alone' slot games softwares. Each software came complete with capabilities to change and amend the games configurations and payouts settings!!! I know this for a fact because of my close relationship with some mini arcade operators and their maintenance technicians! I have even seen myself how they had changed the payout setting from say 60:40 (Operator:Player) to lower or higher settings...as the need arose! Hence, a player who had lost a huge amount of money gets compensated by the mini arcade operator by winning back a certain predetermined amount, but only by playing on a SPECIFIC machine on a SPECIFIC day! Needless to say, I myself got this special treatment from them quite a number of times! This humanitarian system keeps the customers happy!!! Having said that...why should new online slot games softwares deviate from the proven past system? They certainly have made it far more advanced and superior now...but some things do not change! I can't prove this of course...just my CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!
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