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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Geeees...playing slots while dropping pots...hahahaha. Well...odd as it may be...that habit was worth 38K...WOW! Geeees...I'm like Sharon too...I never take my devices into the toilet or bathrooom... I only take in devices that are ALREADY ATTACHED on me!!!
  2. Hahaha...true enough...but I can settle for just 1 super duper ssexxyy darling...hehehe.
  3. Well...me being me...I hardly think for myself first! Hahaha. Still, I do have a few things already planned out...but none include a purchase though...mostly DEPOSITS!!! My darling in red is doing superbly even after 1.5 years later...so no need for me to find a new darling... well...I can't say the same for a 2-legged darling of course...hahahaha.
  4. Thank you Sharon darling! I'll certainly be enjoying this prized money, hehehe.
  5. Thank you Guru mate! Only thing left to do now...is to catch back my darling LL...who at one time was having a fun time in the Bahamas...but suddenly and mysteriously was reported to be in Skopje, Macedonia instead...and may even probably be on her way to Wales now!!! Geeeees...that is one beautiful but VERY ELUSIVE darling to grab hold off I'm telling you!!!
  6. What kind of conference was that??? It's called a PORNference!
  7. Hahaha...yes...I know how hard...or how easy...it can be to get that free spins game in ZOMBIES. So...don't waste any real money...just play in fun mode...and get that screenshot!
  8. Hola and hello everyone! For regular readers who have been following my adventures...and misadventures too...it may not be that surprising to know that I have been waiting for my withdrawal claim at Grand Reef Casino to be paid since 24th September 2015...or to put it very precisely...since 43 days ago! Today, I finally received that long awaited payment...albeit a first instalment...but nothing more was said or mentioned about the remaining amount. Happy in a way...for having some money in my wallet at long last...but very curious as to what is actually happening or going to happen to the unpaid balance, I then wrote an email to the casino's support team requesting for some clarification on the matter. As much as I had wanted to REALLY express my inner disappointments, I stayed cool and played cool, despite the smoke oozing out of my ears, hahaha. Just a few hours later, this reply came in... Hi Afi, (name edited) I trust that you are well… Congratulations on your fantastic win! I am sure you must be thrilled and excited to be a winner at Grand Reef Casino, just as much as we are to have you on our winners list. With regards to your withdrawal, kindly be advised that we are currently experiencing technical difficulty clearing funds from our international bank account which has caused a delay in processing your total withdrawal, however we are working very hard to have this resolved in the quickest possible time. I am currently unable to determine when this issue will be resolved and I really don’t want you to wait any longer for your well-deserved winnings. So in order to avoid any further delays and get your winnings off to you as soon as possible, I have managed to schedule weekly payments of USD1125.00 to your account. The first payment was processed today and you will receive another every week moving forward. Please accept this as a temporary solution in order for us to swiftly get your winnings to you. However, should I have this issue resolved sooner, I will ensure that all funds outstanding on your account are processed to you immediately. Thank you for all your patience and understanding at this time and please feel free to chat to me should you require any further information. Kind Regards Riley Casino Pitboss Aaaah...what a relief that was for me! First instalment is already in my Neteller...with 3 more coming, one a week, and I'll soon have my full $4,500 by then. Needless to say, I then wrote back to the Pitboss, Riley, thanking him for all his assistance and his good gestures. Once again, thank you Riley! You're a marvelous Pitboss! Not forgetting, Rochelle, the Live Support Host, who just 2 days ago promised to me that she would do everything she could to resolve this delay. Thank you Rochelle! You have kept your promise! Superb customer service from her! Last but not least, Tsvetan, my Dedicated VIP Manager (Neteller) who has shown real dedication in resolving this issue too. Hardly 24 hours ago I passed him all my account details and positive results are already evident! Thank you too Tsvetan! You have shown to me how reliable and secure NETELLER is and can be...and what a Dedicated Manager can really do for his VIP client/customer! This thread is my way of saying THANK YOU to these 3 beautiful people...and to reassure others that delays in payment does not automatically mean rogueness or crookedness of any casino...specifically...PLAYTECH casino. Now I can go back to being my usual self...hehehe.
  9. Hahahaha...I MISREAD your sentence darling! Okaaaay...okaaaay...the next challenge will be...errrr...thinking... ... I just watched a zombie movie...so I'll give a zombie challenge...hehehe... Show me a screenshot of you holding a rifle and shooting at the approaching zombies in NetEnt's game ZOMBIES. Pssst...get into a free spins game and take a screenshot while shooting a zombie...hehehe
  10. Who...me? Yeah...I've reached the clouds level probably about 6 times...got into the treasure house maybe 3 times already! Tip: If you do get there...anyone...pick one of the 2 chests on your left...you have 2 tries... one of these usually holds the trophy...awarding you with a nice EXTRA WIN!
  11. AAAAARGH!!! Then you'll blame ME for losing all of it...I'm OUTTA here quick...hahaha
  12. If you don't know what I'm talking about...here's what you get in the last round of the bonus game... Ooooops...sorry...wrong screenshot...hehehe... Aaaah...this is the one!
  13. Why do I get this feeling that THIS CHALLENGE is specifically for ME???!!! In the Bonus game Sharon darling...not the free spins...you know...where you pick a vase first...then next round you pick a door...then an oyster...which then takes you up to the clouds to pick a cloud...and get zapped by a lightning! Hahahaha
  14. Aaaaargh...I've seen it before...but only once in a while...can't recall... Wonder if any granny out there knows the answer...
  15. Hmmmm...I guess even Helena's granny can answer that one...but I can't!
  16. ....drum roll pleeeease... the answer is...don't know...hahahaha...wild rockets!
  17. WHAAAAT???!!! NO WONDERRRRRR!!! Call the INTERPOL...we must rescue this darling LL from that queen who wants LL only for herself!
  18. Sorry mate...that win doesn't count...it has SEVEN wilds...we want only SIX...hahahaha...just kidding of course!
  19. Oooooh my gaaaaawd! Our darling LL is enjoying herself in the Bahamas...and without us too? AAAAAARGH!!! I wanna cry...I wanna cry... Not because she's not here with me...but because I'M NOT THERE WITH HER!!!
  20. You're welcome Johnny. Aye...all bad things will eventually end... so will all good things...and so-so things too...
  21. Oh!...sigh...and my darling LL hasn't come back to me yet...and I'm right here waiting...
  22. But of course mate! If you can get those 10 extra spins...a big win is already in your hands...so they don't come often, hehehe. For me, trying to win on CftBL (creature from...) is a lot easier than trying to win on that BLARDY IR game!!!
  23. Oh geeees...thanks...but all I got are 50 STARSsss!!!
  24. Oh geeees! Those are 2 of my most favourite hobbies to past time cos I don't have anything else... and for me to try and quit both of them...oh geeees...I'll be as good as not alive! So...not for me at this moment... For you Johnny...my best wishes and my best of luck on quitting your 2 most hazardous 'bad habits'!
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