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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. That is one thing that I cannot know for sure...that ONLY my accounts are affected! If everybody else can still win on Mr Cashback, then why can't I? I played at many other Playtech casinos I have accounts at...all with the same blardy disappointing 30%-40% returns! Not any one single casino gave me a win...absolutely not like before! If I can play using another person's account, I can definitely prove that the games are not performing alike!
  2. Good idea Jelena darling! But you must also include... 'but their spouses/partners/boyfriends should also be given the day off too, so they all can really enjoy the day off'!!!
  3. Sharon darling, some active casino Managers and casino Reps do make replies to reviews posted. I had those too. But when we want to PM to the Manager, the link was not there. The casino's 'logo' and the 'casino manager' is just a logo and a text. It doesn't provide a direct link to the person concerned. For Casino Room, I wrote in to the casino's support, she then passed my message to the manager, and I soon got my 100 free spins credited as promised. For Casino Hello, I did the same thing, wrote in to their support...many days later...still no reply! Not even an acknowledgement for my email! Bad support, Hello!!! What I'm saying is...whenever a manager or a rep replies to a review, the reviewer should be able to PM that person just by clicking on his/her name. This convenience is missing. Finding where and how to PM that person is also another problem. Askgamblers need to work on this, darling!
  4. Yes, it was, but not any more. Mr Cashback has gone through 'untold' changes and doesn't play anything like before any more. I lost all my winnings trying to win on the 'new' Mr Cashback. At best, I could only get back 30% - 40%, Lost all the games I played. Used to win 70% of the time! Most may think it was just bad luck, but I know better. I can't prove anything, but my track record before this says it all.
  5. Congrats Blondie darling! I don't like the game...but I like you winning from it!
  6. It was my pleasure to put all things into the right perspective! In other words...you're welcomed!
  7. Billy the Kid, the fastest gun in the west, finally got shot! Jesse James, one of the best, finally got shot...in the back! So...NEVER assume that the best will never get caught! Hahaha. In your case, I would close one eye for you mate...because you acted with their consents! They got a share of the wins, so that makes them your accomplices. In the casino eyes, these are still violating their rules, no matter how you look at them! Hehehe.
  8. Well...well...well...what do you know...one 'dirty rat' has come clean! No offense mate! Well...good for you mate! Those things you did are criminal activities...and you know what that could bring if caught, right?
  9. That is more or less a standard inclusion in most, if not all, casinos. Proof of ID, address and credit card/e-wallet/bank account is all that is needed for verification purposes. They will only ask for more if one or more of those docs are not to their satisfaction... in which case...do as I always do...BOMBARD THEM!
  10. That's the way I like it! Hehehe. I did exactly the same thing too...$55 is a blardy small amount...to me that is...but a win is still a win!
  11. Nice going there Johnny! Congrats! If your account has already been verified, payments should be in by 4 days, 5 at the most.
  12. What a load of nonsense! It's just like an elephant going hysterical seeing a tiny rat!!! One swing of its trunk and the rat would going flying into the sky... or simply just step on it..."why you diiiiirty raaat!"...squuuuuash...end of rat!
  13. You can log in using your email address...if you can remember which email address you had used before. Otherwise, just click 'Forgotten Password'...or better still, click on 'Customer Support Chat' at bottom right of screen and ask them to get your details for you. She will then ask you for full name and address. Good luck!
  14. Maybe one of these days, some President somewhere will declare an 'International Divorcee Day'...for people like me! 1 day public holiday for everybody...and night stag parties for those who can afford it...oh-la-la...hahaha.
  15. OMG! (that's Oh my Guru! ) You haven't played at Casino Room for years?! Oh booy...what you like to play, they probably have it there by now...except if you are one of those diehard MG fans...then too bad...not many of MG games available. You should give it another look Sharon darling. Maybe you'll soon get stuck in Room like I have been for years now...hehehe.
  16. And thank you too my darling!
  17. Thank you Sharon darling! I'm really glad that Casino Room has made several payments to me within a few hours. Just show how much they are improving all the time!
  18. Oooops! Pardon me mi Lady! I had missed out some very important words from my earlier post! That 100 wager-free spins was given to me by the Casino Manager as a reward for having reached the final planet (Magnitude Of Midas). Every real money spin you make, playing any slot game you like, gets 1 or more Experience Point/s (XPs), depending on each bet size. To reach the final planet, you need to collect about 250,000 XPs. That's roughly about 250,000 spins at minimal bets all the way! That's a lot, hah?! But, for new players, whenever a new planet is reached, they do get a reward each and every time - additional free XPS and cash money too, ranging from $1 - $5, depending on the planet. A lot of new players enjoy playing and keeping track of their progress along this space trek, which can be seen in the 'My Missions' section. Hope this is clear now. Sorry for the earlier 'missed-out'.
  19. I totally understand Sharon darling! The fact remains that Banks and Banking Institutions are the most safest for us public! Not because they cannot be hacked into, they are just as vulnerable, but we public users, their customers, are GUARANTEED that our monies are safe with them, through the numerous banking regulations, customer rights constitutions, and insurance coverages. If some blardy hacker stole our money from our bank account, the bank has to reinstate the stolen amount through insurance claims. Never an easy process for both the banking sector and the insurance companies, but customers are always kept safe and happy. Notice how some banks and insurance companies go bankcrupt? Well...all purely due to fraudulent activities...either by hacker criminals, robbing criminals, or even by staff of the banks themselves! Where money is concerned, humans can turn a blind eye and do what they know is against the law! I wish I can blame all these on JESSE JAMES and his band of outlaw boys...but there were many others before him!!! Bonnie and Clyde is just one of numerous 20th Century examples! Hahaha.
  20. I totally agree with you Johnny mate! I have been playing both Starburst and Fruit Zen regularly, getting small wins on Starburst, getting bigger wins on Fruit Zen, and more frequently too! Starburst tend to spin, spin, spin, spin, giving nothing (TS influence at it yet again, hahaha). Fruit Zen spin, spin, spin, spin, 3 Expanded Wilds! Yep, I've got this quite a number of times by now...but the symbols on reels 1 and 5 did nothing big! One of these days soon...hehehe.
  21. I too, only came across this thread today! Oh geeees...talk about snailing! Probably most of you have read about my stolen money incident from my Neteller account. Not a few hundreds were stolen...but a few thousands of USDs! The fact is...Neteller pursued this case for me for many months...and SUCCESSFULLY got every dollar and cent back!!! Initially, all those money were frozen from release from my Neteller account, but after several days, all the money were finally released, but only after the affected trading houses were informed of the fraud cases involved. The good thing was, I was kept informed and kept updated of every step that Neteller were making, all the time! Those are EXCELLENT customer services, I'm telling you! Compare that with any other e-wallet provider and you won't be able to...not even Skrill! I had signed up at Skrill some years ago but never used it. When I was informed by email, one day, that a fee would soon be charged for maintaining my unused Skrill account, I immediately closed it! No thank you, Skrill...I'm not paying anything for no services! Updating or changing your passwords on a regular basis is a good deterrent against small-time hackers...but are completely useless against professional ones! These blardy thiefs can hacked into any secured website, if they really want to. Pentagon and NASA got hacked into many years ago, so were Yahoo, Google and Sony too...and whatever else. NO WEBSITE is 100% secure!!! Banks included!!! Think about this! But where e-wallets are concerned, I put my trust ONLY in Neteller...and they have proven this fact to me. Maybe other e-wallets are just as safe too...but I really doubt it. All fraud cases are NEVER publicized, for very obvious reasons, so we users will never find out the dark side of these e-wallet providers, until we read cases on them, like in Askgamblers here.
  22. March...march...march...march...Afi marching... Adventure Palace http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/adventure-palace-g957 Tiger's Eye http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/tigers-eye-g4593 Eagle's Wings http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/eagles-wings-g3630 Sunset Showdown http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/sunset-showdown-g1701 Voila! http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/voila-g4596
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