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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Well, Secrets of Christmas has been indeed rather good and generous to me since the very first session and I could easily confirm at least a hundred and even more frees pins features of 50+ x bet. What I've noticed playing the game though is that if it doesn't give you a feature within the first 100 spins then you are in a trouble and better run as fast as you can.
  2. Aye captain Afi-san! Eyes perfectly okay, my man's heart okay too, not so sure about my gambling budget though as it seems that all this twerking comes with a price.
  3. Poor player/s, that's indeed an incredible lack of luck! The odds of such streak to happen are so small that it's highly unlikely to have one once in a lifetime of gambling.
  4. Finally a new NetEnt game which could hold my attention ...and money ... for more than just a couple of sessions. Still wondering if this game could produce a free spins feature above 1000 x bet.
  5. Great idea for a new forum topic, Lilian! Just like Afi, I am definitely not a big fan of 3 reels slots too. However, I do occasionally try them, especially when my luck with preferred 5 reels games is simply not there... Recently played quite a lot on Twerk by Endorphina and must admit it could be addictive actually.
  6. Reading your last post makes me feel optimistic that you gonna overcome the problem gambling eventually! Good luck mate and stay strong!
  7. Haha, must admit that's quite a refreshing point of view over favorite slot games. Great feedback indeed. And even greater avatar! He was indeed a genius player!
  8. Great, thanks for the feedback, Kris. Feel free to write a review for this game though, I'm sure there will be lots of players relying on your info and observations before trying that game. https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/fruity-friends-g4190
  9. Ha, you should see what snow did with my lovely country at the end of the last week and the beginning of this one! Snow, snow, snow and freezing cold 24/7! The coldest winter in 30 years! And it has just started as the next week forecast is almost the same...
  10. Totally agree! The only question that matters here is what @soveu47 asked above.
  11. Hello there chesapeakegambler91 and welcome to AskGamblers. Don't want to be the bad messenger here, but I do believe the amount you are about to cashout is actually irrelevant as it surely will not be processed in less than several months, probably even for an year. In other words, you can request a million in withdrawals literally one request after another, but your payments will be processed once or twice max per months considering the average speed in which casinos accepting US players are paying. Don't even want to predict how long it's going to take if you won at casinos like Planet 7, Cool Cat etc... Then it will surely takes year and probably even longer.
  12. Hi there TexanCowboy and welcome to AskGamblers. Well, I wouldn't worry about such hypothesis at all since winning constantly is a mission impossible for me personally even for two consecutive weeks, let alone two consecutive years! Still, if you played and won without breaking any of the relevant casino or bonus terms there is nothing to worry about. Or at least until you start winning too much, then there is no casino which will simply sit and watch you taking them to bankruptcy.
  13. Nothing lasts forever, mate... Guess that applies to this lovely chit chat topic too.
  14. Hello to you too. Have no idea what you 'saw at the top', but yeah, like the others already said, we have absolutely no intention to close this chat topic any time soon.
  15. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. Indeed, the weird situation which you described above is just a part of all the difficulties US players are facing playing at online casinos after UIGEA was set in place. Cashing out being the most serious one I guess... Sincerely hope some of our US forum members will soon jump in with more info and experience with similar issue.
  16. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. Well, it's not uncommon for casinos to offer different promos and bonuses with different terms, you just need to be wise enough to read both the general and the specific rules attached to the specific bonus offer /if any/ before claiming it, that's all. You'd better accept it, learn your lesson and move on. Good luck with your withdrawal.
  17. Thanks Daniel, appreciate that.
  18. Well, you could try saying that to all those players writing in this particular forum topic... Action against Smart Live
  19. Hi Kris, Nice win indeed, but please, be our guest and tell us more about this game and your other big wins either.
  20. Hi there Daniel, Was wondering if you missed this post of mine two weeks ago? http://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/4759-new-releases-at-videoslotscom/?p=90184
  21. I know you all know and yet, how often did you take it seriously and thought about it in the relevant way or trying to find how to cope with it?... Anyway, a man with your life experience perhaps knows it better, so maybe your way is just as good as it gets.
  22. Wow, so much stress here! You definitely need to find a way to get rid of some or all that stress guys, otherwise you risk to 'explode' when the critical stress level is reached. Been ''there'' myself couple of times and let me tell you, it was definitely not a good sight and took serious efforts and time to learn how to handle it. Stress kills guys, really!
  23. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. The best way to find such bonuses here is to browse our Bonus section, click on the desired bonus type and then use the filtering options: http://prntscr.com/du5vco Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  24. Hi there Sophie and welcome to AskGamblers. From my own experience I can tell you that any international gambling related transaction I ever made with my credit/debit cards appeared on my online banking within 24, max 48 hours. Cannot think of a valid reason why it would be different for yours... Moreover, you could always pay a visit to your bank and ask them to issue such bank statement which you could later use to prove you are the true owner of that card.
  25. Yes, they were processed late Friday in fact, but we wanted to double check early Monday, you know, just for any case. Thanks for confirming anyway.
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