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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hello...hola...aloha everybody! My tired old horse certainly took ages to get me here..and then it took me ages from page 1 to reach here... My heartiest congratulations to all and everyone...fantastic big win screenshots indeed! Since I'm here, I too have a screenshot or two to share... A 510x bet win on Fruit Warp... Yeah...yeah...I know...I've already posted this up elsewhere...but not here...so I must include it! I got this BEAUTY yesterday...my 2nd time 5 WILDS...but had over $5,500 more wagers to do... After zeroing my balance, I deposited another $50...collected all my saved 49th-spin lines... and finally withdrew $525...getting a clean win of $375...thanks to the 5 Cashbys on payline! Woohoooo!
  2. That is nice to hear mate! I'm glad you are winning on the game! But just in case, if you start getting a zero payout from the Wild Desire...don't wait...RUN! It's really funny though...or should I say...odd...how a game can be good to some, whilst being so cruel to others! Obviously quite a number of you here love and enjoy playing Immortal Romance, and getting some nice big wins too. Me, on the other hand, can only get Wild Desire feature games that pay absolutely ZERO three times in a row, followed by an under 10x bet win after that...and then paying like that for several more times. NOT EVEN ONCE a 30x bet or higher win within 20 Wild Desire features. The free spin games are no better too for me. This is why I began hating this game extremely. Same now with Jack and the Beanstalk too. At least Gonzo still gives me some wins on and off. Can't complain about DOA though...the possibility of getting huge wins within short periods of time are REAL...unlike the other games.
  3. You're most welcome Raptor and thank you for your kind wish. Can't wait to get it all back...dying to get those pesky 5 outlaws again...hahahaha.
  4. Whaaaat? Haven't you heard mate? "LADIES FIRST!" By the way...can you hear all that rumbling noise in the background??? The noise is getting pretty louder and louder if you ask me! If you're wondering what those noises are...don't be surprise...it's Afi dragging bags and bags full of load! No worries...he'll be here soon enough...
  5. Thank you Prince! Being a Prince, I wouldn't be surprised to see tons of good screenshots coming up later on from you!
  6. Firstly, it is very difficult to detect where and how those ***** got hold of my card details. I have only tried to use it ONCE, but that transaction got declined for some unknown reason...so THIS could be how and where they stole my card details...by intercepting my failed transaction details! Unfortunately, I wasn't using my VPN service during this transaction...otherwise I'm pretty sure those ***** would not have gotten my card details. My advice...if you are using or have a reliable VPN service, use it for ALL your online money transactions. The additional encryption by the VPN service would certainly make things more difficult for hackers to steal your personal data. Secondly, from the transaction details done by the ***** using my Neteller card, it is pretty obvious that those hackers are operating somewhere in Europe. The 2 purchases made using my card were at separate FRENCH online companies...and Neteller is also based in France. Makes you wonder doesn't it???!!! Thirdly, I think the investigators at Neteller know and are aware of the possibilities involved in this case...maybe even an inside job if you ask me...but my Neteller VIP Manager had assured me that my money will be refunded back into my account within 45 days. It's reassuring to hear this from my manager but I won't be relieved until I get my money back! The other advices that I was given by Neteller are what we already know and what we should do or not do. Things like NEVER tell or share your credit card details with anyone else, NEVER leave your card at any payment counter unattended...not even for a second, NEVER leave your card out of your sight...not even for a second...and things like that. I told Neteller that I will NOT apply for a new replacement card after this incident...because nothing online can be 100% safe or secure! They were surprised no doubt...but I couldn't care less! I will not have another similar incident ever happen to me again...and I would definitely be better off without using any credit card...as I have been doing for the last 17 years! So everyone...please take serious note of this incident. It can happen to you too at any time. Don't ever think that your online purchases can be 100% safe and secured. Hackers can steal ANYTHING nowadays. They can even hack into Pentagon...so what is hacking into your ewallet to them?! Chicken feed!
  7. Lilian's favourite holiday spot - Kathmandu! Well done Lilian darling! As for me, Kathmandu can never do...hehehe.
  8. Thank you Zeus! Thank you mate! Afi never stops to fight back whenever some outlaw pick a fight with me! Hahaha. Yeah...my Neteller balance is nicely improving now...just need some time for the money to come in...hehehe. P.S...why am I always out of my 'like this' quota? Must increase its allowed number yet again mate!
  9. YES! YES! Please do! I need a lot of convincing to believe again that MAXIMUM WINS are randomly generated and not programed!
  10. But of course! You should never put your dinner plate on the roulette table... Put in on your preferred number instead!
  11. You haven't seen a 500x bet win on Fruit Warp yet Luckyloser? Never fear...Afi is here...with such a screenshot for you to see... A 510x bet win with the fruit Kiwanos... I also had a better 585x bet win with the fruit Pitayas...at 1.0 euro bet...some time ago... but I missed getting that screenshot due to my idiotic erratic ISP at that moment in time! Our Thunderkick rep has previously shown to us probably the highest win so far from any Thunderkick game... a lovely win of over 1000x bet on the game Birds On A Wire...but that's as high as the record goes...nothing higher so far. Also, contrary to most players who have played Fruit Warp, only myself, and 1 or 2 more members here, really enjoyed playing the game. As for me personally...I LOVE FRUIT WARP! I can win on the game 10 times more than I can ever win on Immortal Romance, for example, but each win are never that big...always below 600x bet amount. But this is many times better than trying to get a 1000x bet win on most other games. I haven't even got a 500x bet win on Immortal Romance till this day! Other members and I, have questioned Thunderkick's rationale behind the game's low paytables...and why a high variance game like Fruit Warp and Birds On A Wire, cannot pay as high as it should...when compared to other high variance games. Yes, we know for sure that all wins and losses are randomly created by the RNG, in tandem with the set RTP for each game...and we also know for sure that the game's outcomes are never totally random either! It's all a matter of how the 'check and balance' has been equated for each game by the game designers. Some do it better...some don't. Even so, reputable good game designers are all tending to fall behind recently...coming up with old games with new graphics...all paying horribly...and exclaiming "we have a brand new exciting game for all of you!" Geeeeees!!! I'll stick to my few favourite Playtech games...and Fruit Warp too...for many more years to come!
  12. Hehehe...it doesn't only make me wonder...I'm beginning to believe in it too!
  13. Thank you darling! And I wish to see more of your awesome GOT wins too...you GOT Queen!
  14. Hmmm...interesting...but you better keep an eye on your total losses mate! You can be playing and playing and playing...because you love the graphics and the music so much... while your wallet's deficit is growing and growing and growing...without you knowing it! I have played this blardy Immortal Romance game with real money...AND with tons of fun money...and NEVER WON even once!!! Yeah...yeah...once in a while, it gives you a few hundred dollars win...then it takes back 10x more! You want to know for sure? Then play Immortal Romance EVERY DAY with fun money...like I did... and count how times you actually won by the end of the day or at the end of the balance! Then imagine all that lost fun money as your own real money! GEEEEEEEEEES!!! This blardy game is WORSE than Dead or Alive I'm telling you mate!!! As for getting that 12000x bet win...better forget about it...it's all JUST A MARKETING PLOY!!! You have seen someone else won 5 WILD DESIRES on Immortal Romance right? You have also seen someone else won 5 HARPS on Jack and the Beanstalk right? You may also have seen how one guy won REALLY HUGE with respins after respins after respins on Gonzo's Quest right? Well...they purposely programed those MAXIMUM WIN to come out early...so that millions others will chase after it endlessly! Day after day...month after month...year after year! Any chance of that MAXIMUM WIN coming out again? I would say PROBABLY YES...IN ANOTHER 10 YEARS OR SO! So...if you don't mind losing more money for another 10 years or so... then go ahead and enjoy games like Immortal Romance...Jack and the Beanstalk...Gonzo's Quest...etc...etc...etc! For me...I've started playing Immortal Romance with only fun money...for now and for ever... except for once in a blue moon! I'll change my mind only when someone can SHOW ME a 5 WILD DESIRE win...I'll wait...and wait...and wait...
  15. Daaaaaang! I was M.I.A for most of the time when you post this thread Mr Thunderkick! So I missed out on asking some questions on your games...can we do it now? My first question is on my top favourite Thunderkick game...Fruit Warp. After many many many many spins on Fruit Warp, I have yet to break my highest 611x bet win in the game. You did say before, if I'm not mistaken, that it is possible to get a much higher xbet win on Fruit Warp...but I ain't seeing it! The bigger my bet size, the smaller the xbet win I tend to get... So...maybe I can only get, say a 1000x bet win, if I play at 0.10 euro bets ONLY???!!!
  16. Awwwww...thank you so much Jelena darling!
  17. How can the show end without these...eh folks? Then some blardy outlaw stole all my reward money!!!
  18. Naaah...the show ain't over yet folks... Silent Samurai's True Love...Fruit Warp!
  19. Clint Westwood's back from June huntin' Nothin' really big but still worth showin' From many brands Clint's been gettin' So lets get the show on and goin'... The game I hate most...but still playin'...hahaha
  20. Oooooh-booooy! Super-duper hits there Starburst Queen, DOA Queen, GOT Queen... and also to No-queen-got-Prince and to Win-a-lot-luckyloser... Well done everybody and congratulations. Better slow getting here than nothing...
  21. Thank you darling!
  22. Hmmmm...I just gave my horse a nice big banana...now it's going forward! This weekend only, Grand Reef Casino is offering 150% bonuses, up to $500, for deposits via Neteller! (My 3rd favourite Playtech Casino...simply because of these special occasional offers from Neteller) My first deposit...$200...played with $500...withdrew $540. My second deposit...$130...played with $325...withdrew $195...keeping behind about $100 for spare! Recombined withdrawal...$735...from $330 deposits...all won on Mr Cashback and Dolphin Reef...woohoooo! Considering I had only $17 in my Neteller last week (after that stealing incident), I am now back in business... All thanks to Omni, Fly, Mr Cashback and Dolphin Reef...my most trustworthy companions!
  23. YAAAAAY! $100 from free spins...wow...not bad at all mate! Well done! YAAAAAY! $200 from $20 deposit...well done Rainie! YAAAAAY! $170 from $10 deposit...even better...well done NextTimeWin! YAAAAAY! 3 withdrawals in 3 days...Casumo loves you Blondie darling, or you won't get any at all! Well done! Please pardon my horse...too tired to go forward...so it's going backwards!
  24. Coming from my own mouth, and knowing my cheerful nature...it certainly seems like a paradox doesn't it? But the things that I have suffered, endured and gone through can be quite unbelievable... Just like in the movie The Ghost Rider...I came back from the dead...and continued to live on... Not literally of course...cos I'm still Afi...not a zombie! But people who have gone through the extremes of life tend to gain outstanding qualities! They tend to look at life and life events differently than how others do. They can see and understand why things happened the way they did...and accept that there can be no other way out of it. They learned to forgive and forget all miseries in life...whilst retaining all sweet loving memories. They become kind, humble and down-to-life citizens...very rich in wisdom, but hardly rich in wealth.
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