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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hmmmm...iiiiiiinteresting point there....
  2. I won't be waiting for this new game with any excitement at all...knowing how NetEnt new games tend to be these days! And...76 paylines? OMG!...that's a SURE WAY to burn a hole in your ewallet FASTER! Don't be fooled by the 76 ways to win...think of the EXTRA 56 more ways to lose instead! And I expect the payouts and the paytable to be to the current low standards too. But it a try...using free spins...and see how it goes...BEFORE playing with your own money!
  3. Good video there Helena darling! Obviously, that child did not lose her mother of course...it was all for a video shoot... But thank god for good caring citizens out there...they managed to catch a child molester instead!
  4. Hehehehe...thank you mate...glad you enjoyed it! P.S. If Clint Eastwood can be a film director...then Clint Westwood can be a comedy writer...
  5. Hahahaha...I have accounts at ALL of the above mentioned casinos but have stopped playing there since a long time ago! Never trusted them then and here's the proof finally! Hehehe. Thank God for that!
  6. Sorry I'm late in replying darling...but J-J-J-J-J...errr...I mean YAAAAAY! All the Js, all the 10s and all the Bars...Blondie darling can surely thank her stars!
  7. OMG...GEEEEEEES mate! Those blardy outlaws ain't got enough schooling I'm telling you!!! They can't even get in a straight line! DAMN!!! But...well done and congrats to the hunter...for getting them all in 1 go!
  8. WOW! Betting bigger than the Master himself, eh FAZIII1?! Hahaha. Well done and congrats FAZIII1! Don't know if you got 5 Nemos or 5 turtles or not, but that's a wonderful win nonetheless!
  9. Exactly Luckyloser! The question of how NOT to bankcrupt a new casino running such a high variance game like DOA. Makes you think and wonder doesn't it? I still believe that new casinos are somehow blanketed from such bankcrupting scenarios by a 'weighting' sytem of some sort. New casinos that have accumulated less wagers may have an 'insurance cover' that prevents maximum wins from occuring too soon...or occuring only at low bets (the maximum payout amount being related to the total accumulated wagers so far). This theory is not picked up from the clouds...it was a system used by the earlier generations of 'stand alone' slot games softwares. Each software came complete with capabilities to change and amend the games configurations and payouts settings!!! I know this for a fact because of my close relationship with some mini arcade operators and their maintenance technicians! I have even seen myself how they had changed the payout setting from say 60:40 (Operator:Player) to lower or higher settings...as the need arose! Hence, a player who had lost a huge amount of money gets compensated by the mini arcade operator by winning back a certain predetermined amount, but only by playing on a SPECIFIC machine on a SPECIFIC day! Needless to say, I myself got this special treatment from them quite a number of times! This humanitarian system keeps the customers happy!!! Having said that...why should new online slot games softwares deviate from the proven past system? They certainly have made it far more advanced and superior now...but some things do not change! I can't prove this of course...just my CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!
  10. Hehehe...we can never finish discussing on all the probabilities of 'chance'! Too many things to be considered...variable things...plus individual luck too...so nothing can be that accurate. Yes, I've put it in the simplest phrase that everyone can understand... believe in it or not, that's another story... but I've been playing slots for more than 30 years now...mechanical machines, stand alone slots and now online slots... so I do understand a lot of things about them. And the fact remains...when it's time to pay, it pays!
  11. Excellent reply and response there Mike! As for me, I think I have tried singing up at Anna...without success...due to country restrictions, so I just have to miss out on yet another good casino from my list.
  12. Well...it would depend on each individual slot game I guess. If I'm the owner of the game, I'd tell my game designers this: "I don't want any player to win big everyday..." "I don't want the big wins to come out often..." "I don't want the MAXIMUM WIN to come out more than ONCE IN 10 YEARS..." "BUT...I want the MAXIMUM WIN to come out early so that all those suckers will go chasing after it!!!" "And THAT'S HOW we can make money!!!" So...whether controlled by number of spins, amount wagered, or period of time...no one knows...except the game designers!
  13. Before I forget... This article also reminds me about what I said about getting those 5 Wild Desire reels and also those 5 Harps... And the above article further strengthens my believe that getting those 5 Wild Desires and 5 Harps are TIME CONTROLLED! I will know for certain if I'm wrong or right when the next 5 Wild Desires or 5 Harps is won somewhere... and I still do not think this will happen any sooner than 5 years from now.
  14. EXCELLENT article here Luckyloser! To most readers, all these may sound jumblish...making no sense at all... but for those who knows a bit about computer programming, it makes sense! Whether everything said in the article are true or not, no one can be certain... but that guy certainly have no ulterior motive in telling lies... and I personally believe in those statements above. Like I said before too...the RNG works together with the RTP to produce results. NOTHING is 100% random...it is a controlled or programmed randomness...a selective randomness if you like. So...when it's time to pay, its pays. When it's time to eat, it eats! Haven't you been playing looooong enough to realise this???
  15. Wow...what a lucky freak, eh FAZIII1? Well done and congrats!
  16. Hahahahaha...well Puremage, if you've been here in Askgamblers for much longer, then you'll know all the whys!
  17. Hehehe...you're most welcomed darling!
  18. Thank you...thank you...and I surely will...keep them coming that is.
  19. Coming out from the deep sea Mr Cashback I next went to see "Howdy there fella...how's your day today?" "Great!" took the money and I walked away! Finally...a time for peace...and a little feast! Those Kiwanos sure tasted good!
  20. Fast and furious chasing Jesse and his boys Wasting bullets that could buy a lorry load of toys I stopped for breadth as they all go out of sight Then into the sea I dived and got such a delight! sorry...the 3 Nemos are missing...my finger too fast! Good win on Dolphin Reef...but couldn't cash out...blardy wagerings...grrrrrrr!
  21. Heeeeey! That's a wonk...wonk...and a wwank...wwank! Oooops...that didn't sound right...but who cares...hahahaha.
  22. Whaaaat??? Is that the reason why new MG games all come small??? Geeeees...I was hoping MY REASON would be the right one...that they've got SMALL ONES!!! Well...if any MicroGaming rep is getting very annoyed with my comments here...then go back to MG HQ and tell them exactly what I've said...that what Microgaming are giving us players are nothing but SMALL ONES!!!
  23. Oh...you're a BOY! Oh my god...thank god for that! Errrr...me...go look for Luciana? You mean that gorgeous beautiful lady named Luciana...who is the Forum heroine here??? Geeeees...excellent idea Puremage! But sorry...no thanks...the waiting queue is 1 mile long...at least!!!
  24. All other games are usually nice and big on my laptop screen... but Microgaming's new games like Hades...they appear on screen so blardy tiny! Makes me wonder...has MG game designers got psychological personal problems or whaaaat???!!!
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