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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. You are right up to a point there Helena darling (must be a new darling to me this lady! ) Wisdom has nothing to do at all with aging...and you are right! Wisdom has everything to do with life experiences and learnings... If you had experienced something and learnt from it...wisdom is gained. If you had experienced something but not learnt anything from it...you missed catching the boat and stays as you are now... by which, you can be 100 years old in age...but still no wiser than a 10 year old!
  2. Well...I'm not kidding! My rate of consumption is like...errrr...1 mug of beer in maybe 20 years!!!
  3. Thanks for the new info darling. But whatever they do or change over to...still no Guts for me. Well...I ain't missin' anythin' from Guts Casino!
  4. .....brooooom..... .....brooooooooooom..... ....."I told de fella to take a hike...a real good hike...like go roun' the world on his bike!" ....."No more easy ridin' time...now it's my time...huntin' down anythin' for dollars and dime!" YeeeeeAAP! No doubt 'bout it...wus beeesy last coupela days huntin'...real huntin'... Got here some nice sooovenieers to show yer... What do yer like to see first? Playtech okay? Good...good...then I don't have to force yer! And now for some mix-ups...or whatever-yer-might-call-it... Niiiiiice hah? Gotta ride now...got more reeeal huntin' to do...
  5. Hahahaha...a dialogue and a screenshot...just as I would usually do...well done mate! Not BIG enough but can do its job...the win...the win...hehehe.
  6. Daaaaang! I'm blardy late to reply this...my horse wasn't so well... Yes...yes...these 2 lovely gals want to see yours Paquito... So don't be shy...take it out and show it to them... Aaaaah...nice one there mate!
  7. Ooooooh...wy didn't you say so from the start...then I don't have to ask why!
  8. Well...okaaaay...as long as I can see those eyes of yours there. Use a new avatar...and I don't know who is who anymore! Hmmmm...nobody is using their real name now...maybe I should change too...???
  9. Few members changed their username? Geeeees...I didn't realise that...who are they, if I may ask?
  10. Whoopiiie-dooo! Well done and congrats...errrrrr...Helena...??? We lost our Katerina??? Where did she go? Is this Helena of Troy??? Geeeeees...so many questions unanswered...
  11. From personal experience? Oh geeeees...yes, and I should have known!
  12. Whoopie-doooo! Hajnrih got his 90 euros. Lilian got her $210 within 6 days. MacdoniS got his beauty...one beauty and a bit And I got...errrr...I got...a big smile...and a thumb up...
  13. Hehehe...thank you darling! I'm now out of my quota...so I'll 'Like' your post late-ta...
  14. Hey hey hey...happy birthday Hajnrih buddy! You're still so young...so no need to worry! Another year passed...another year younger Ooops sorry...that works for the other gender!
  15. Naaaaah...our guru is too nice for that!
  16. Ooooopsie daisie...pardon me ma'am...can a screenshot of chit-chatting do? Here's one... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..... Whaaaat the @% ..... Oooooops...sorry darling...wrong screenshot... Here's the right one... Birds chatting on a wire...
  17. My heart cries out for you mate! You're missing out on a lot of good things, sad to say. Maybe you should change to another country too...like me?! Pssst...I'm already out of my 'Like This' quota for the day, mate! I thought there isn't anymore limitations to using it???
  18. YAAAAAY!!! Way to go Hajnrih! For those who can play at Playtech casinos...better stick with them! But if you like losing money day in and day out...stick with the other casinos and softwares! Guaranteed to burn holes in your wallet and pockets...hahahaha.
  19. Yeah...yeah...I'm already fed up too with most NetEnt games. Tried playing at RTG casinos for a change...and got fed up too very quickly...can hardly win on those RTG games! The ONLY MG game I play is none other than IR...and I always end up with a big GRRRRRR!!! Blardy game this IR. Wild Desires that pay me ZERO, with only 1 or 2 wild reels...3 scatters that are continents apart, and come only when I'm back to playing minimum bets...WTF IR!!! I hate IR the most! Even more than Starburst! Now...I'm back to good old Playtech games. They never disappoint me that much...or for too long either. Sooner or later, I'll get a good big win on any Playtech games. VIVA LA PLAYTECH!!!
  20. Wooohoooo...BINGO BANGO BONGO...what a win, perhaps I'll have a go... Congrats mate. We always want it bigger, don't we??? Hahahaha.
  21. Sorry...this is like a whirlwind to me too...or of a typical Balkan woman perhaps...geeees, I really don't know. The Balkan women understand each other...we men can only look at each other! Thank god there isn't a slot called Balkan Angel Or Devil...we men will never win on this slot!!!
  22. Thank you mate...but my biggies are still not as big as yours!!! Muahahaha. Geeeees...hope the ladies here know what biggies we are talking about!
  23. ...can you just look at this darling of mine???!!! I show my biggies and possibly win a prize...my darling wants it but I'm not surprised!
  24. .....broooooooom.....brooooooooom..... here comes the crazy guy on his bike... What is he doing here? And smiling ear to ear? I'm bringing a bag full of lot... Screenshots of my favorite slots! So here they are...all loaded up where they belong... Dead Or Alive = 28 screenshots (they don't call me DOA Master for nothing ) Dolphin Reef = 4 screenshots (3 already uploaded last year but uploaded again) Gladiator Jackpot = 2 screenshots (sorry...jackpot not won yet... ) Mr Cashback = 7 screenshots (4 new + 3 already uploaded last year) Panther Moon = 3 screenshots (my black beauties still waiting for her Safari lion ) Well...I'm not doing this for the Apple watch...but just to let everyone see my biggies! See your biggies? Yes...my biggy wins...what biggies were you thinking of???
  25. AAAAAAH??? One laptop only costs you 50-60 euros mate? Geeeees...I can only get an original battery charger cable for that much!
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