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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Dang! That withdrawal button got sunk near Gonzo's ship I guess hah?!
  2. Good moevening mate. Yep...mine has started with a real bang...with fireworks! Hehehe.
  3. Aaaah! That's very kind-hearted of you mate! A good soul will have a good life...perhaps not now but in later years...so hold on in there mate! There'll be an angel watching over you!
  4. Sorry to hear that mate. Winnings in hand never lasts long do they?...not even in my hands! I'm losing thousands...before getting them back...and thank god for that too!
  5. Hehehe. Thanks Bigdk mate. I wish you all the luck and hope you'll get that 600EUR soon!
  6. Thank you darling! And I'm so glad I believed in what you said!
  7. Aaaaand for this... I MUST GIVE...AND YOU MUST ACCEPT...my small present for you Katy darling!!! No BUT...No CANNOT...no ARE YOU CRAZY?...okay darling! Why? Because I believed in your prediction and played big all the way to the win!!! Thank you so much Katy darling!
  8. Monday, 2nd March 2015...started off not too well for me! I couldn't resolve my matters with the Ministry of Transport this morning and I need to drive back down to KL tomorrow to get it settled. Another long drive to be done...but what came after this was something else, hehehe. Remember yesterday I said I got a no-wild bonus game on DOA at Casumo? And that I'll be chasing after the expected big win...come or never? Well...DOA was ruthless to me, to say the least! My 100EUR deposit got eaten quickly...followed by a few more 100EURs last night alone. This morning...200EUR went down the drain too...but the gameplay was much better than last night. Another 200EUR deposit...got 4 reels of outlaws again but no 5th one...on the 6th bonus game after that no-wild bonus game. I kept on going...at 1.80EUR, 2.70EUR and occasionally at 3.60EUR...I MUST BE CRAZY, RIGHT???!!! But my instinct said "Keep going! Keep going!"...and so I did... And on the 8th Bonus Game...take note...8th Bonus Game after that no-wild Bonus Game...this beautiful win came! Woohoooo! I didn't keep track of how much I had deposited in chasing this win... probably about 2000EUR before the no-wild Bonus Game came... followed by another 700-800EUR more after the Bonus Game...but the win was well worth it!!! An even BIGGER win than my 5000EUR one! Thank you so so much my darling Lady Luck!!!
  9. Good moevening Awena darling! The asking part will come a little later...hehehe.
  10. Recalling back our posts... Thank you so so much my darling Lady Luck! I LOVE YOU!!!
  11. DARLIIIIIIIIING...did you dream about me winning when you said the above??? Well, today, 2/3/2015...just 1 day after your lovely prediction...I made my withdrawal from Casumo...like I expected it to be! Yahooooo...woohooooo...yappa-dappa-dooooo! How much? Well...just hop over to the screenshot thread and drooooool....hahahaha. Notice the coincidence? My last big withdrawal was on 23 Feb at Casumo. The next one was/is on 2nd March...or 2/3...!!! Luck works in strange ways!
  12. Darliiiiing! A royal treatment for me? Whoopiiiiie! And you're my Queen for the day! Questions? Do I have any questions? Hmmmm...probably about 1001 questions in my head! But those can come later...
  13. Thanks mate. Hope Gonzo will give you a hundred bucks for your spins...or MORE!
  14. Dang! It's my forced-to-sleep time already...because I have to get up early this morning and drive up to Penang to settle some matters at the Ministry of Transport there. So...good night from me everyone! Hope I can get some sleep...or I'll be driving like a zombie later on!
  15. This darling of mine is not only my Personal Assistant, she's also my Wish Master Genie...because she was the one who wished this trip would come true for me! Hehehe. As for the other Wish Master genie, I have no use for him at all! Hahahaha.
  16. Nothing will stop me from making my Europe trip...unless the One up there forbids me and stop me with some hindrances! We have a saying..."We can only plan, God will decide!"
  17. OMG!!! A psycho huh?! Hmmmm...I'll be having a real tough time trying to 'tame' this young lady when I meet her!
  18. Well darling, I am totally disappointed with the casino's management, to say the very least, but I appreciate the very good support staff of both casinos. They have been super and marvelous to me all these while. But this is not the first time I've been 'KICKED OUT' of a casino! Anybody who wins too much will get kicked out too...sooner or later !
  19. Still cannot use the 'Like This' button...but good luck and all the best darling! May Lady Luck/Lord Luck be with you and give you some nice big wins Awena darling! And may Lady Luck/Lord Luck be with Katy darling too...because she really needs help now!
  20. Haaaiiiiiii-yaaa! My favourite Kungfu Panda! Thank you darling!
  21. Thank you my Guru! I hope Casumo and my darling Lady Luck will not let me down this one time!
  22. My darling Awena certainly knows where to get all those super images! Fantastic darling!
  23. SIGH...I cannot use the 'Like This' button anymore today! Used up my quota already...dang!
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