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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Okaaaaay...if it doesn't recharge very soon, I'm gonna request for a 'Hate This' button to use on 'Like This' button!
  2. Geeeees....and I am still out with my 'Like This' quota since yesterday...thought it would have recycled by now.
  3. Thank you too Hajnrih mate! We are the very few people here who seriously play Playtech games...and you're the next person in AG with the most Playtech winning screenies...and good ones too! So making a matching winning screenshot is not impossible for you mate. Go! Go! Go! Get that Super Mega Playtech win screeny mate and I won't be surprised at all if it came from Fantastic Four or Blade. Good luck, all the best and may Lady Luck be with you all the way!
  4. Thank you darling! Mr Cashback? Aaaaah...yes...it is indeed missing from this Mega Win thread... too bad, but I only have under 500x bet wins screenies for now... and they will appear in the other screenshots thread soon...very soon...plus lots more!
  5. YES! YES! How true...THE AskGamblers Girls Team! I'll throw some bras for that!!! Errrr...I mean...some drinks!!!
  6. Thank you Winningfly! Eh? Aren't you suppose to be winning at Fly Casino??? Thank you Sharon darling! Yes, that was a real Safari Heater...a burner...a scorcher...whatever. Next to aim for would be the Safari Vaporiser...a 5-wilds payline in the free spins...that would vaporise all pain, all sadness and all heartaches away with just 1 swoooosh! Wooohooooo...a real dream win that! Thank you Johnny...and a big welcome back to you! Hahaha...that would be real nice Johnny! You can then take over my place and swipe both Omni and Fly regularly with your big wins! Like I said...when 1 door closes, another door opens. Mine closes...Johnny's opens...hehehe. Go Go Go maaan!
  7. Oh geeeees...I wish I can give you an accurate answer...but I can't...sorry mate! You see, I play this Creature game only at Casumo and at Room...sometimes at both casinos, one after the other...and I have never kept track of how many feature games it took to reach that particular 4-scatter-10extraspins game. Most 4-scatter feature games pay good but some do pay peanuts...but quite a number of these 4-scatter games never reach the 10 extra free spins level! With just 3 scatters...no 10 extra spins so far. One thing is for sure though...the big-payout 4-scatters game came ONLY after several low-paying feature games FOLLOWED by a long lapse of dead spins! I've been caught twice already...lost all the balance in the game due to the dead spins...lost a few more deposits along the way...and only to get this elusive big winner game one day with $0.40 or $0.60 bets! Geeees...that certainly got me mad...despite the good 300x - 400x payout it gave. At other times, I've had good payouts NOT from a feature game but from the sticky wilds in the base game itself...with 6, 7 or 8 wilds coming on one by one and giving a few Mega wins along the way! Oh,boy...Yes, I do love playing this Creature from the Black Lagoon game. It keeps me on my toes...keeps my hands and fingers active...1 finger...1 fist...whatever...hahaha.
  8. Thank you mate! Yes...the going has been very very TOUGH for me without those bonuses from Omni and Fly casinos...but I'm doing my best with whatever bonuses I can get from Grand Reef Casino and a few others. They come only occasionally though...so my cash flow pattern has been seriously disrupted...if I may say so! Worse still...Grand Reef is going at a SNAIL's PACE where payments are concerned...and it's kicking my aaasss badly! Hahaha. I'm laughing it off now...cos it has been hurting me for much too long...18 days so far...and I can't let it keep me down!
  9. Oh yes mate...I am quite sure this Black Lagoon creature has yet to give its best! I'm expecting that Super Duper Mega Win to come with 4 scatters to start it off...followed by killing the beast and getting 10 more free spins...and getting lots of triple-wilds in the remaining spins for many more Super Mega Wins! I've gotten those 10 extra spins more than 4 times already...but the extra 10 spins are always almost dead spins...wasting all those lovely triple-wilds chances of big wins! But...one day it will come...just have to wait for it! I am!
  10. DANG!!! You beat me to it darling! I haven't even touch this game yet! Well done...well done!
  11. Aaaaah...thank you darling! For you...it's automatically in...no need 4!
  12. Wooooooooooo...the things I've been missing all these time...hahahaha.
  13. Oh maaaan...it's been quite a long while since my last visit here... I can't even remember what was my last big screeny to cheer. I'm too lazy to backtrack...it doesn't really matter, what the heck... so I'll just post new ones that I had got last few weeks into my sack. Behold... 5 Nemos - only 1 payline 5 scatters in Free Spins game = 1500x bet win! 6 of a kind in Free Spins game 5 of a kind - with 2 paylines Wagerings were completed and withdrawals made... The Playtech Master strikes again!
  14. Me THREE???...WOW...we've got a THREESOME going now...hahahaha. Hehehe...thank you darling!
  15. Aaaah! The first time...is always the best...isn't it mate???!!! Well...maybe not...not with this creature! Hahaha. Well...I've had it quite a number of times already... some biggy, some quickie...but it's driving me crazy! Day in day out I can only think of going out to the sea To hit that black creepy creature or find that Lost City! Aaaaah....can't wait to go back to the places I love...
  16. OMG!!! So many lovely goody screenshots... from so many names I cannot name all the lot... I can't even 'like' all the screenies cos I have used up all my lot... but congrats and well done everyone, I'm damn late but better than not!!!
  17. Mmmmm...missed me Blondie darling? Mmmmm...playing hide and seek...with the devil himself...and with my darling LL too (that's Lady Luck...duh!) Oct 13 was 'No Bra Day'??? DAMN...I didn't see any extra 'swaying' anywhere on that day...no extra protrusions either...so...did you see anything different...anyone? DAMN...I must be in the wrong place at the right time on that day!!! Well...wonder no more darling! I'm here now...for now...for today...but my mind is still far far away... Hahahaha...that was true till about 3 weeks ago...then my 2 blardy favorite casinos cut off all my bonuses yet again...for the 2nd time...and I have a bad feeling that this time it could be for much much longer! So I've been hung up drying in the hot sun for the last 3 weeks with no favorite place to play...except for my 3rd favorite place...but this blardy place has been holding back my withdrawal for 18 days now...blardy long queue they said. WTF!!! Damn...damn...damn...the only place I can play...but payments are FOREVER DELAY...and so much pain in the aaasss everyday! So...how do you like all the above news for my comeback after such a long time away?
  18. To all my lovely darlings and to all my buddy buddy mates... Tomorrow morning I will be on the road again, travelling as usual...so I need to get some sleep now. So in my absence, do carry on with all the usual things that you would do here in AG... I'll be back when I get back...
  19. You're welcome darling. Aaaah...to me...Guess the Slot is most appropriate! Just give us slots only...no need for casinos. Oh, would I have guessed it without your clue? Oh geeeees! I looked at that small ball and I said "that looks very familiar"... with the letters 'n' at the back and 'v' next...hmmm...given some thinking, yes, I may get the answer... sooner or much much later...hahaha.
  20. Sorry, I wasn't following this quiz...hehehe Playtech you say? But of course...it's Penguin Vacation...hehehe
  21. Hahahaha...no can do either! I'm in fairly deep water now... trying to rescue somebody's darling...hehehe
  22. Sorry mate...no can do...searched high and low...inside and outside my darling in red too...no more fisticuffs!
  23. Hahahaha...it's nothing new to me though...already knew it but I can't touch that darling! Why? None of the casinos in my favourite list have it...that's why. Go play it in a MG casino? Thanks...but no thanks!
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