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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Blood Suckers? Usually I would kill them off whenever I can...pesky mosquitos! RTP: 00.00 (never got any blood back!) Oh...those Dracula blood suckers? I play them once in a while, not really liking them actually...pesky suckers too! RTP? Usually varies between 96.00 to 97.00...98.00 at Jetbull Casino though.
  2. Oh geeees...I really cannot remember saying 'Make Love Not War'.... hmmm...come to think of it...can't remember that 'make love' bit either...it's been too too long! Yes...yes...that would be great! The Default setting should be: Unlimited.
  3. Aaaah...that makes me feel good...knowing I'm on the right track! Hehehe. Thank you Guru mate!
  4. Yep...yep...yep...lets take things with each step...nothing can be impossible yet! Also.... Can I request a 'Hate This' button pleeeease...I ran out of the Like one again!
  5. FANTASTIC IDEA mate! I'd love to do this...and I'll wait for that day to come!
  6. Hehehe...how can I NOT visit, see and chat with all my AG darlings and mates???
  7. Yes, that would be most helpful! For me, only recordings on a laptop please! I don't play on mobile phones...just on desktop...laptop...tabletop...bedtop...hahahaha.
  8. I hope so too mate...Grand Reef may be snailing...but they have never failed me yet!
  9. What's the obstacle? Hahaha...quite a few actually! One day when I no longer have these obstructing nuisances in my life, I will definitely make that trip!!!
  10. Right now...my gambling goal is VERY SIMPLE... TO MAKE AS MUCH WINNING MONEY AS POSSIBLE...at whatever game.
  11. Aaaaah...just as I thought! Thank you for the clarification darling! So my believe still stand...5 reels of Wild Desire...5 reels of Harp...5 reels of ANY expanding wild...10,000x DOA win... they will PROBABLY NEVER come out in the near future...until the PROGRAMMED TARGET has been breached. But please...lets not go into this again...you have your beliefs...I have mine...and I'll stick to my beliefs!
  12. This is one place I can only watch...see...and admire! Honestly...I don't know how to take videos of my wins...geeeees...such an old-fashioned guy me...hahaha.
  13. OMG...how I wish I could travel the world and see all these beautiful creations of nature one more time!
  14. 5 reels of Wild Desire???!!! Really??? WHEN did this happened darling...lately or many many moons ago??? I did not believe those 5 reels of Wild Desire would come out any sooner than 5 years or so from now... but if you have just seen a screenie of one...PLEASE show it to me...and make me a believer once again!!!
  15. Thank you mate! Withdrew $5000...reversed yet again...play...lost...withdrew $4500! Win some...lose some...but must know when to run! 20 days and still waiting...thousands of spins for them to check out I guess...hahaha.
  16. Waiting for my payment like waiting for rain in Sahara Desert Day in day out just white and grey clouds but no Neteller alert Balance is draining...nothing new is coming...its making me fuming Smoke in my ears...cigarette in my mouth...but my screenies are coming So here they are...Playtech first... Accidental win...clicked max bet...turned out to be $10 instead of $2!!! Now this is a real lucky beauty...at 12 dollar 50!!! Aaaaah...I told you a lot of screenies are coming didn't I? Used the same money over and over again...it didn't go dry! Reverse...play...withdraw...reverse...play...withdraw... Oh geeees...look at you...please close your jaw!!! Jealous?...envious?...I know...I know...but your time will come! My darling Lady Luck said so!
  17. Aaaaah...that's not stingy my dear...that's what you call HUNGRY!!!
  18. GOOOOD GAAAAAWD!!! You too haaaah?! Geeeees...I never have any leftovers with my meal...maybe I should start leaving some behind too...hahaha
  19. Aaaah...yes...yes...I knew you would know that my nephew knew the answer! Hehehe. Now I owe him one McDonald's Happy Meal...oh-boy...he loves that!!!
  20. Me crazy? Naaah...my 3 year old most beloved nephew gave me that Elementz answer!
  21. Really??? Oh geeeees...I should have asked my granny first before me answering it... but my granny is resting in peace...should not disturb her...hehehe.
  22. Ah-hah! This one is easy...I think...hahaha. Elementz!
  23. Ooopsy whoopsy...thank you darling! Hmmm...you're no different from me, really...always late but better than never!
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