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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Congrats Shafiek! At one time, Fruit Warp was a game I couldn't stop playing! Haven't played much of it since then... after realising that my 611x total bet win was probably as high as the game could ever pay!
  2. Oh...I'm staying clear...and steering clear of them...unless it's not card table games I'm after!
  3. Hahaha...then you better get your red and blue suit on...and for God's sake...wear that brief INSIDE!!!
  4. Yeah, I have no doubts about what Hajnrih has said there... and I think it's about time that black background of Hajnrih's avatar be turned into a green background instead? Or maybe a Green Hajnrih on a black background?
  5. Hmmm...I would expect our Blondie darling to be the first to upload her winning screenshots. If not the first, then most probably with the MOST screenshots! That lady is a twin shooter...whatever that means! Hehehe.
  6. Table games, darling, not Live games. Well, not even really 'table games' as you all know it, but games like Poker and Texas Hold'em in Grand Poker and Zynga Poker. It's a multi-player game, but the dealer ain't a live one, and she would always be criticised and made fun of by us players on chat! You know how guys talk when the dealer is a woman but not a live one. Hahaha. With Live dealers...hmm...I don't think I can concentrate...my focus would always go 'elsewhere'!
  7. I bet you have already signed up and forgotten...as always, Sharon darling!
  8. That's not surprising at all Sharon darling! Rather than playing Cinerama, I've always preferred playing Wall St Fever or Fruit Mania instead, but I've never won 5 of those Wall St Fever Wilds, which now pays a Jackpot Prize. 5 Bulls, yes, 2 or 3 times. 4 Wilds, yes, only once.
  9. Hmmm...I like playing with the LIVE DEALERS more! Sorry...I don't play table games anymore, not even Poker or Texas Hold'em, which I used to love playing at one time. Roulette? Hmmm...sorry, I'd rather take a spin with anyone of those Live dealers! Hahaha. I love Casumo for its slot games, for its regular weekend Super Spins freebies, and also for its 'withdrawal allowed' term when playing with Bonus money. I love it when I suddenly make a nice big win and I can withdraw my winnings as and when I want to, but losing the Bonus money and a chunk of the winnings too. But what the heck...a small win in hand is worth a bag full of gold in the bushes. Guarding that bag of gold may be rattlesnakes, maybe a hungry lion, or even maybe a few cannibals just waiting to make a delicious soup out of you! Oh yeees, I've seen it all. Got bitten by it all too!
  10. Cinerama is a blardy old game from Playtech. It was never popular then, not popular now either. To make things more interesting for Playtech fans, Cinerama, along with a few more oldie games, then become Progressive Jackpot games, the ONLY WAY TO WIN BIG from such games! Even before it became a Jackpot game, Cinerama has never proved its mettle as a big payout game. I've played it over the years, on and off, without getting anything nice or substantial, so it finally became another 'game on my display shelf'. Nope, I've never got those high paying 5-of-a-kinds, only the lower ones, and this was BEFORE Cinerama got its jackpot boost. So now, rather than aiming to get those elusive 5-of-a-kinds, players can now go for the much bigger jackpot prize instead. As far as I know, the Progressive Jackpots do get paid out and renewed occasionally, but I really wonder if anyone had won a Jackpot prize playing with the required maximum bets. I certainly wouldn't play it like that, knowing how badly the payouts could be! So someone could have won 10% or so of the Jackpot prize, playing with smaller bets, and resetting the entire Jackpot amount back to its preset minimum amount! Playtech wins all the time!!! A word of advice for Jackpot hunters...stick with the bigger Jackpot games, like Marvel Super Heroes games for example, where a Jackpot Prize can be won with any small bets played, yes, even with just $0.20, $0.25, or even $0.50 minimum starting bets...unless you've got trucks full of cash to play with! Cinerama? Never won the highest 5-of-a-kind. Fruit Mania, yes. Golden Tour, yes, Silent Samurai, yes. Other similar games, yes too. BUT...all those happened BEFORE they became Jackpot games. With a Jackpot Prize in place, I can bet the game won't play the same!!!
  11. Yep it is so nice to see the lucky ones eating and enjoying their cakes... so DNCE...pass me a piece of YOUR cake...and let me eat it by the ocean!
  12. Remember the song 'One Step At A Time'? I love that song...very true in many aspects of our lives. Learning and having to control our big betting habits is never an easy task...not until the day when circumstances force us to do it...but only after having suffered some incredible painful losses and heartaches. Yes, this is learning things one step at a time, when the right time finally comes, just as a toddler learns how to walk without falling down, successfully walking only after falling down numerous of times! Life is like that. Things do work out in very strange ways...and everything that happened has a 'reason why'.
  13. Aaah! Hope you can get some nice good wins on 300 Shields Shafiek! You've been very lucky for many months so far, as far as I can see, so I do hope it will carry on for more months. With big bets, with that 300x win multiplier...you may even reach the clouds (forget about the sky...mission impossible! )
  14. I just talked about the man from Mission Impossible...and VOILA...he's here and up and about already!!!
  15. Geees, so sorry to hear about your predicament there mate. Not a comforting story at all. Personally, I've had several experiences with other casinos whereby my payments took longer than 2 months to be paid out, but every single dollar eventually got paid out in the end. If your case hasn't reached more than 2 months yet, perhaps you should give them just a little wee bit more time. The casinos that I had those very late payments were actually casinos that have a very low rating and ranking by Askgamblers, but they proved themselves trustworthy in the end, and still do! On the contrary, Grand Rio is on a much better standing and ranking, so I shouldn't worry too much for the moment. Hopefully, they will shine through in the end for you. Trying to find out who runs any casino is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The biggest problem is...where the heck is the haystack!!! Find that first then only you an start searching for that needle. In other words, it's probably something that Ethan of Mission Impossible may not even be able to do...not without having to spend tons of money first! Just my personal thought of course.
  16. Okaaay...but before I do that...who is that beautiful butterfly girl??? Can I fly with her???
  17. When I know that someone else is holding the record of 20 retriggers on Safari Heat, my number one aim is to get even with that, or even better it, if possible at all. Who knows, right?! If a lady can get it, so can I (I hope so)! Hehehe.
  18. Thank you Guru san! Patience and control...hmmm...you couldn't be more correct mate! Since the beginning of this year, I've had to control my bets like I've never ever done before! Playing Dead or Alive with just $0.09 bets per spin, for most of the spins, until the going gets better. That win on 300 Shields was played with only 13 lines at $0.02 line bet. It was on $0.01 before that! Hahaha. The wins on the Creature were on higher bets because I had lots of wagering to do...so cannot be playing with just $0.20 all the way, right? Hehehe. Yeah...talking about control...when the wallet is very thin, the bets are very thin too, but thankfully the wins are coming back slowly, as I had expected (and even told you) since the start of this Chinese Monkey year. It's bad influence on me is fading out slowly now and I'm very thankful for that! Those last 8 or 9 months were the WORST bad season I've had to endure! Hahaha.
  19. Okaaay...the time has come for me to take my turn To post up my 'old' screenshots of very small returns Didn't play with anything big so I didn't get burned Until that one fine day when the 'old Afi' can return There's more to come...but I can wait...hehehe
  20. With the many changes that has already happened with Playtech games, my top 10 slots went through a revamp and now doesn't look the same. My new TOP number 1 slot is now Safari Heat Very close behind at number 2 is Dead Or Alive At number 3 is 20-lines Blade, just can't beat it Creature from the Black Lagoon is fourth but still alive As for number 5 to 10...they still remain uncertain for now until they get a new life.
  21. Hmmm...you cannot be more right Sharon darling. Anything new needs getting used to... Just like a new boyfriend or girlfriend too... Now...if only I can get one...
  22. Aaaah! My apologies then...must be none other than my BLARDY ISP! That blardy thing is always trying to trick me! But all that's not well, turns out well, so I can only be happy. If there's any more complains , it certainly won't be from Afi!
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