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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. You're still young? Good...good. You still wanna try and jump onto those handrails like those boys do on their videos? Ooooh boy...that can be very dangerous indeed Blondie darling! Ah well...when you're still young...EVERYTHING can be so much fun...cannot do without trying it out, right?
  2. Yes, the more you listen to it, the more you want to come back. Unbelievably, I'm doing it too! Lost Vegas is following what Immortal Romance has done to probably millions of its players...by its soundtrack! Whilst IR has several good soundtracks, Lost Vegas has only 1 that I really like, the Zombies Free Spins soundtrack. The base game soundtrack isn't that good though. Like IR, I too keep wanting to play the game again...because of the soundtrack...but still in fun mode.
  3. UPDATED (7th OCT) Well, I have just spent MORE hours playing both the Survivors side and the Zombies side of Lost Vegas. In the FUN MODE of course! I'm not gonna waste my money on any Microgaming game, unless I can win from it. The payouts are mostly low to very low, but fairly good wins can be had too! The random Fist of Cash pays about 2x-15x total bet; The Blackout slightly better at 7x-27x total bet; The Free Spins can be blardy hard to get, and pay as low as 4x, or high up to 82x so far; You should hear the soundtrack for the zombies Free Spins. I love it! Fast and furious...suitable for Fast and Furious movies...or any fast action movies. After more hours of solid testing, I find the game not too bad at times, the paytable is very low indeed but the Free Spins are quite fun, they're innovative and not the usual free spins as we all know it. Lost Vegas IS DEFINITELY NOT A CLONE!!!
  4. Now THAT would be Super Duper!!! Then everybody can participate, with no restrictions on the game... the restrictions being only on your own wallet of course.
  5. Aaargh...Count Spectacularrrrr...one of my favourite games...yeaaa-ah-ah...but cannot play it anymore!
  6. You can always nominate your favourite Halloween game for November's Game of the Month, Alyz. But make sure you come back here at around the end of October... to nominate your favourite game... Better still...come back here everyday...cos we don't get to see you very often...
  7. Thank you for including that beautiful screenshot Blondie darling.
  8. Aaaah...that's how you broke your arm...learning to skateboard. Hope you weren't trying to jump onto a handrail on a skateboard...or something like that. That's only for those skilful youngsters to do! Heck, I can't even rollerskate, much less skate boarding. The only thing I can do is to walk on ice...very very sloooowly!
  9. WOW! What a beautiful set of diamonds there Blondie darling! Congrats! Would have been even more beautiful if the reels are swapped over. Broken arm? For real? Oh geees...so sorry to hear that, and you never told us about it either...but hope you'll be back to normal soon enough.
  10. WOW! What a beautiful set of diamonds there Blondie darling! Congrats! Would have been even more beautiful if the reels are swapped over. Broken arm? For real? Oh geees...so sorry to hear that, and you never told us about it either...but hope you'll be back to normal soon enough.
  11. Would it possible to get a screenshot of the withdrawal request, or a confirmation from the casino of that withdrawal request, Prinfers? To post any screenshot here, please use the 'More Reply Options' at the bottom right of this reply box. 'Choose File' to search for the screenshot, click on the screenshot, wait for the attachment to load, then click on 'Attach This File'. Once you can see a small attachment image, place your cursor where you want to paste the image, then click on 'Add to Post'. Voila...done! Or, open your Lightshot image in another tab, copy the image, then paste it in your reply. Even easier!
  12. Yep, I got it, played it, paid 44cents, and gone in 2 more spins.
  13. Hmmm...okay, but I cannot say anything more though. You know your game better than anyone else. Does this happen at all other casinos too or only at your favourite venues? Just hoping that you haven't been 'marked' as I was at Playtech.
  14. Shsssssh...never mind...have a seat on the front row...have a cold drink...have a popcorn too...
  15. Pretty impressive wins there Prince, congrats! $50 for a 1 line win, very nice, 3 Wild Reels, looking like a Starburst win, very nice, and 3 Wilds with Sarah, very nice too, except for the low win amount! I would have expected a much higher win than that!
  16. Game programmers and game coders are never allowed to reveal any of their specific programming work. They may face prosecution charges from the Provider. I'm not sure if they can even give an indirect example to show how the entire programming is done. So we may never get to see such evidences from the right people...unless someone dares to take the risk. I'm sorry if I had offended you by laughing at your earlier 'reel stops' comments. I don't mean to laugh at you. It is a common thing to 'picture' things as how our brains are used to assimilate, and our brains 'see' slot games as being on reels or wheels, as it was before. That's a long step backwards, and that was funny to me. About that 10x bet win thing. Do you realise that any wins that you may get in a slot game are NEVER EXACT, except for very small wins which are much easier to come to a rounded number win? It is never exactly 500x your bet amount. It is never exactly 1000x your bet amount either. Because it may be impossible to get those exact wins due to the limited 'icons' possibilities which are again limited by the many variables in the game play, such as the number of lines being played and the sizes of bets. What the RNG does is to produce a win as near as possible to the *%* or *$* equated. At certain times, the equation may produce one possible exact win combination...and you'll get this same exact win repeated a few times over the years. I've got a few identical wins on my Playtech games before, on Dolphin Reef for one example, where every icon lands in the exact same position on the reels and rows, but with differing bet sizes. And I've also seen this being repeated on other non-Playtech games too. Amy, the winning ways can be changed in as many ways as necessary, without altering the RTP, because the RTP is not based on any one person's game. It is based on the overall game in its entirety, within a minimum of 1 million spins or more, which the RNG would not have any problems at all in recalculating and maintaining the preset %.
  17. Get the cold drinks...and plenty of popcorns too please! The movie is about to start... P.S. Sorry Icy mate, I'm only whispering to my fellow mates sitting beside me...before the show starts.
  18. First thing first...ghosts don't exists? Nope...you are 100% wrong! They do exists! And they are real, just as poltergeists are real too...but that's all a different story which doesn't fit in here. NetEnt is 1,000,000% random? You mean the RNG right? NetEnt don't do any random calculations...they only do very specific calculations on their money! But not to worry, we know what you are referring to...the RNG thing. Well, Johnny, I'm not into Koi Princess game and I haven't played much of it, so I really cannot comment much on it either. But I do know what you mean by getting the same rubbish over and over again in a game. It happens in almost every game, but some are not so obvious as in others. It's all due to the 'cycles', or 'looping', in the programming lines. When there isn't sufficient of 'loops' for the program to keep cycling, then you tend to see the same thing over and over again. This is actually bad game programming! But I guess NetEnt don't expect many players to notice such bad loopings. Yes, RNG works on randomness, 100% true. But it relies on many 'other programs' and 'selections' to tell it what to do!!! It doesn't have artificial intelligence. It is actually dumb...but very smart at the same time! Hahaha.
  19. Hahaha...Amy...you are thinking about mechanical slots that work on wheels!!! This is the age of ultra modern technology! There are no reels in a slot game. There are no rows in a slot game. There are no wheels either. What you see on the screen is only to enable your mind, my mind, and all our minds to 'see' and 'understand' what is happening with all the multitude of calculations done! Would you understand if the screen shows an equated answer...without any illustrations, without any pictures or icons? None of us would! Not only that, who would want to see a series of blardy numbers that makes no sense at all, right?! And what you see 'spinning of the reels' AREN'T SPINNING AT ALL!!! It's only a simulation of the reels spinning, something that all of us are accustomed to, and can understand! Those pictures you see do not go round and round...or from up to down. It's all an OPTICAL ILLUSION!!! A million calculations per second is practically peanuts to any computer! They are doing billions and trillions of calculations every second!!! That's why we find it very hard to accept things that go beyond what our minds are accustomed to! And that includes other things in life that we cannot see nor comprehend! Don't ever think they cannot ever exists!!!
  20. Now that Microgaming is trying to make a comeback... so NetEnt has decided to go laid back, relax and go loco-loco...
  21. Oopsie daisie...you mean screenshots posted in October counts for the highest win in November... or the contest begins in November itself?
  22. Hahaha...just goes to show YET AGAIN FOR THE SECOND TIME AROUND that 1 screenshot is enough to win!!! Anyway, congrats Shafiek mate. It's not your lucky day...it's my bad luck day!
  23. Good question Darg. Let me tell of another example, a true one of course, my own personal experience too. Many years ago, I was hunting for free bonuses from just about every casino I could lay my hands on. Not surprising. I was never the only one doing this. At several Playtech casinos, I had opened multiple accounts, under different names, different email addresses, different IDs. After a while, the casinos became aware of my multiple accounts and locked them up. At other casinos that hadn't yet became aware, it remained opened. Word finally got to Playtech, and all my accounts under that same group of casinos got locked up simultaneously, and permanently! But I was smart enough not to make that stupid mistake at my favourite casinos, so they never got locked up. So, it is apparent that a player's details are kept at BOTH game provider's and casino's servers, some for a predetermined period of years, others for an indefinite period of time. More than 15 years later, my locked accounts at some specific casinos are still permanently locked till this day! Data Protection applies to both providers and casinos, but they can exchange details and information between them, but never to any other third party, without a court consent.
  24. Honestly speaking Darg, NO SOFTWARE PROVIDER would ever confirm to this, because of their Trade Secrets Act. We players can only assume...which is dangerous of course...but only knowledgeable players could assume quite logically, but that assumption being true or not is highly debatable, so no one can be really sure. Licensed Casinos do not do such things, as far as I know, unless the casinos are rogue ones, or are illegal non-casino establishments. Yes, I know that such 'bias' can be limited to only one person, to one account, or multiple accounts, or whatever...as deemed necessary, because all account details are kept with the provider, and only they can make any changes as deemed necessary. Casinos do not have this exception.
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