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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Yes Sir* I found your flirting with some 'avatars' in another thread,so you lost some points toward that unfortunate event darling Soory! Me...flirting with some 'avatars'??? So sorry darling! How foolish of me...flirting with avatars...what can I ever get from avatars? I should be flirting with real hot stars!
  2. Damn! I turned around but you aren't there! Must be my imagination running wild again hah? Or...is it yours???
  3. Eh? I'm right behind you darling! Turn around and see... Not there hah? Oh geees...my imagination is running wild...AS ALWAYS!!! Aaah...I miss you too darling! Long time no see your posts...except for complaining that Skrill is like a ghost... I am? Alfa male number 1 today? Only tooooodaaaaaay?
  4. HUH??! My old Compaq laptop used to run hot all the time. Very uncomfortable! Ever since I changed over to my Lady in Red darling in April 2014, I had no more of such heaty things! It's an ASUS laptop, runs completely cool even after 16 hours of solid non-stop running! The best laptop and my best Lady in Red darling yet! I had similar problems with my last Compaq. Shutting and restarting after every few minutes. The battery was almost dead! It wasn't keeping any charge, that was why it kept shutting off and restarting! Plus I had several other problems with the motherboard, so it was GOODBYE Compaq, hello ASUS!
  5. Aaah...Casumo...I have been a casumo for more than 2 years now and Casumo is STILL my number 1 casino!
  6. That's nice mate! Glad you had a nice weekend. Mine? Hmmm. Hmmm. I would tell you something nice...if I can...
  7. Well Johnny, even your casinos that pay and pay and pay now...will one day eat and eat and eat! Gambling is like a ball...it rolls, it flies and can land just about anywhere, even in mud pools!
  8. Insomnia and something appearing on your skin? That doesn't make much sense...our skin is affected by what is in our body, directly or indirectly, good and bad. External effects are caused by real external causes, which can be seen or detected. Insomnia? No darling, I don't think that's the reason. Dehydration and malnutrition more likely. But of course, everyone of us should live our lives like it's going to be our last day on this beautiful earth! Enjoy it, cherish it, don't waste it! Unless you happen to be in similar shoes as mine...
  9. If anything strange happened to you in the night, like what you said, appearing and disappearing, tell me more about it! I wanna know. These dark things are nothing new to me! Where I wanna be...would be a place somewhere carefree... just my darling and me...a walk by the beach, a sit by the sea... watching the waves go by, for as far as the eye can see... and when the time is right, the lights go out...it's time to fly with me...
  10. Now, THAT would be exactly what Robert Palmer said years ago...SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE!
  11. Yeah...yeah...where is Sharon...maybe she's back, in the kitchen with an apron Where is Guru...can he find his way home...or still caught up in Kathmandu? Where is Afi...oh gees...that Afi...he is still where he don't wanna be!
  12. That video, darling? Yeah, I can still remember. Hmmm, lots and lots of videos I have already seen some songs, some lyrics, some are pure obscene dancing in the street, dancing under the sheet now I'm wondering which video do you mean? But me being me, I'll wait for it, hope it's something I haven't seen!
  13. That's a very humble and beautiful thing to do darling but one must always take care of oneself first before taking care of others so...if you win big, keep some for yourself first...then only give to others!
  14. Have any of you seen the movie 'Leon, the Professional'? I love seeing Natalie Portman in this movie, her debut movie, at 12 yrs old! And the soundtrack 'Shape of my heart' by Sting, is simply so, so...oh geees...I have no words for it!
  15. Hahahaha...Peggysue, your ramblings remind me of my Grand Poker thing. I started playing Grand Poker because I couldn't play any slot games. Why? Hmmm, don't even need to ask why! Any child can know why. Well, not really, I guess, that's just a cliche of some sort. A child would probably ask me "what's that you're playing uncle?" "Oh, nothing, just some stupid game I can't stop playing!" Hahaha. With Grand Poker, I started off with zero, got my first 100,000 chips upon registration, collected as many more chips from any promos that was being offered, then I began playing poker. I'm not that new with Poker. Have played it many many times before, both with real money and on fun games too. Well, playing Poker kept me occupied, kept my mind away from slots most of the time, but those blardy slot games just wouldn't leave my mind, I'm telling you! As I kept on playing Grand Poker, my balance grew and grew, not really an easy thing to do, but it grew. Until, one fine day, my mind changed. I had more than 30 billion chips in my balance, but I left it all behind, just like that! Poker made me bored! Nothing like my favourite slots! Playing with unreal money just wasn't me! Until today, I have not gone back to Grand Poker or Zinger Poker, or whatever poker. The most I would do, or could do, is to walk up to a lady playing poker, poke her in the waist with a finger, and watch her go "Aaiieeeee!" Hahaha. Nah, I don't think I'll even do that! Ask me to play with fun money, on a game that you can never lose? Oh geees! I'd probably get bored within a few hours! And that's the truth, I'm telling you! Hehehe.
  16. Hello Peggysue! I haven't introduced myself yet to you, nor welcomed you, but better late than never, hehehe. New Zealand is nearer to me than Europe is, so I'm probably in the middle of...errr...nowhere? Hahaha. Well, the truth is, my life has been nowhere too. It has always been here, there and everywhere, and getting nowhere! But who cares! I'm still alive, I'm living my life as I want to, a life far more satisfying than I've ever had in all my years of living, striving and working, despite the fact that I now have practically NOTHING! How's that's for a new life eh? Sometimes, having nothing is better than having lots of things. Those lot of things are usually nothing more problematic things. Does this make your mind go ting, ting? Hahaha. Gambling is a big big sin...so everybody says. Isn't being dishonest, untruthful, uncaring, distrustful, infidel, traitor, bla, bla, bla, just as bad, if not even worse? I've been gambling all my working life, and that's not a short thing, but I've successfully kept this secret from all my family, my siblings, my workmates, my whatever. I've gone through hhell-on-earth, I've been down in the dumps, I've been through just about anything and everything the devil has to give! But I'm still standing! Hehehe. Hmm, sorry for all my blabbering, but regular folks here already know how I can be, how winded I can be too. Some used to say to me, "Afi, you're talking in riddles! I can't understand a word you're saying!" Hahaha. Well, read my posts, read my reviews, read my articles, and you'll probably say the same thing! "Afi, you are so crazy!" Oh geees...am I?
  17. If you start counting your VIP ' privilege chips ' it will never end. That means---according to my ' papers ' Mr.Playtech Master is ' Good To Go ' ! We are all positive and crazy here, right ? In June hopefully Awena will be on the dance stage.. somewhere in Belgrade! My first and last stage performance was in Houston back in 2007. I hope to manage it to the Belgrade and it's only 230 KM far! I am going to meet someone special **** OMG!!! Am I reading this correctly? Our Awena is going on the dance stage? Oh my...oh dear...oh geees...I'm wondering what kind of dance she'll be doing on stage?! Hope it's not what I think it's going to be...but pardon my crazy mind please...I know my mind is crazy!
  18. Oh geeees...does that mean I've used up all my Master privileges? No more crazy jokes from me to you? Oooooh deeeear...oooooh geeeees....ooooh myyyyyyy... You mean I won't be on top of you any more in June? Oh-oh...ooops...1 joke too many hah?!
  19. I do agree that a wireless internet connection, like what I've been using for years now, can be very very useful indeed, but it has a lot of limitations, like slower ISP, more expensive to pay monthly, and you may run out of your allocated total Gigabytes much too soon too. 10 GBs, for example, could only last me for about 8 days, then I'm out of allocation, and everything crawls back to unbearably slow speeds! Have to wait for the next monthly cycle to get the full speed back! Can be very very annoying darling!
  20. Bigger 'things' as in money? Oh, okay, okay, I was thinking maybe it was something else... Well, just wait for it darling...that 'big thing' time will come!
  21. Well, I would like to think and dream of it in another way... Awena is on top of me now...tomorrow I'll be on top of her...with more reviews I mean!
  22. Ah-hah! Wrong on 2 counts, my dear! Count #1: You say you are now a blondie, but I'm still seeing a dark-haired darling! Count #2: Who says blondies cannot catch anything bigger? Well, depends on what this 'bigger' thing is, but Marilyn Monroe the blondie caught the biggest man in the USA...the President! Hahaha.
  23. Now, now, hold on just a minute there darling! At least you had one or two small quick breaks, compared to my nothing, but I'm not giving up hope yet and I'm still blardy trying! 2016 is DEFINITELY my worse year since 2012! Never had such a long empty break like this before, but as they say, there's always a first time!
  24. Whoopiie-doo-yaa-yaaaay! Hope my darling will be coming to stay! Well, I'd better be happy now, today, rather than be sad tomorrow, or another day. Thank youuuuu Guru mate, you've just made my day!
  25. Oh, shucks...and double shucks! Thank you once again, darling... now where's that other darling of mine...that LL darling...
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