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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. ValDes

    Free bingo?

    Yeah, why not and if it turns out to be a profitable decision, feel free to teach me play bingo.
  2. Hi there, Feel free to post your website related suggestions and feedback here. Regarding your question, I'm afraid that currently the notifications are not an option when it comes to the Industry section of our website. More about Notifications & Subscriptions could be found here. Let us know if you need further assistance.
  3. BetAT rep at AskGamblers, his name is Jay, was among the first ones who were interviewed. The interview is here - Interview with Jay, BETAT Casino Representative A full archive of interviews could be found here - Interviews
  4. There was such comments section under complaints in the old website version, but we decided to remove it from the new web. Of course, we have enough reasons to do that, including but not limited to a huge volume of spam messages as well as totally irrelevant comments which had nothing to do with the particular case. Thanks for your feedback though, we will take your suggestion under consideration and who knows, maybe we could decide to turn complaints comments back one day.
  5. Submit a complaint here. Follow the onscreen instructions and make sure to fill in all required fields. Complaints Guidelines could be found here. Help about AskGamblers Complaints Service could be found here. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  6. Haha, touche!
  7. I see... And what did the support there do to help you getting this issue resolved? Guess not much since you are here asking about that, so maybe you should consider exactly what luckyloser did - submitting a complaint.
  8. Lucky you! Doing totally the opposite during the last couple of months...the result is devastating, but what what the heck, no one could win all the time.
  9. Yes, I'm afraid that's part of the limitations set over newly registered accounts due to the fact that we have been having a hard time with spammers over the last couple of years. Sorry about that, but I guess you need to go through this 7-days period with some restrictions over your account.
  10. Isn't it about time to get a wild line already, eh rainie? Wish you luck! By the way, sincerely admire your strong will to resist the temptation and play only min bet even though DOA is apparently gracious with you recently!
  11. The topic title has been slightly moderated so that the word 'strategy' is being removed... I've always hated when this stupid word appears together with the word slot. In addition, the topic has been moved to where it genuinely belongs, the AskGamblers forum section. Hope sorenjo don't mind... Now, what are my personal slot routines.... I guess I am the one using the most simplest slot routine ever as there are only two option involved - Bust and Blast, whichever of these two has been reached first during the course of play I guess!
  12. Hello and welcome to the AskGamblers Forum. Feel free to share more regarding your issue with the Bruce Lee game? What happened actually?
  13. Wow, now this is what I call an impressive set of winner screenshots and a very serious claim for the weekly prize of course!
  14. Congrats to Katerina! Sincerely hope the other winner "awena33" is our beloved Awena. Would be great!
  15. You can use any picture meeting the following criteria: 1/ The amount displayed on the winner screenshot must be within the weekly range; 2/ The screenshots have not been uploaded yet to the Winner Screenshots section under the relevant game's review on our website. Hope this answer your question.
  16. Huh, you've never heard of it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_carp
  17. Congratulations to our first winner! Way to go, blondie! Wish the best of luck to all the other participants. Keep these great winner screenshots coming and who know, you could be the next winner!
  18. Well, NetEnt is also a huge business now with a market capitalization of over 17 billion SEK /almost 2 billion USD/ - http://www.euroinvestor.com/exchanges/nasdaq-omx-stockholm/net-entertainment-ne-ab-ser-b/1871693 In my humble opinion, If anyone is planning a take over that would definitely be NetEnt.
  19. Sorry to hear about your toothache, blondie. No pain is pleasant, but the the tooth pain is really a cruel one... Don't wait for the pain to become a killer, just go to a dentist asap... As for my Sunday, it was an awesome one! What else to expect when Guru was on a fishing and came home with 5 carps in the bucket!
  20. First of all, hello and welcome to the AskGamblers Forum. When it comes to Vegas Casino Online and its reputation as an operator paying promptly and in a timely manner to its customers, I'm afraid there are only bad news. Prefer to let you draw your own conclusions however, simply go through their complaints history with us and you will see what I'm talking about...
  21. The bottom line is that YES, obviously most of us play certain slot/s after they saw a decent winning screenshot with that particular game... And this post is the best proof for my words.
  22. Must admit your first try is rather successful. I like your review as it is exactly what we need to hear from our players - genuine feedback and personal experience rather than a story made our of our own review. Before going on with other reviews, please make sure to read carefully all the terms associated with our writing based contests. Those you may find in the very first post of this topic. In case you need further assistance on this matter, please feel free to send me a PM.
  23. It will come, I'm sure about it... By the way, feel free to start any topic you would like to.
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