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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Could you please show me a single NetEnt slot which RTP /TRTP/ stats has been changed after its release?
  2. Huh, you are winning with the ''cheating'' NetEnt software?! You must be the luckiest gambler in the world! Here's the topic -Mega slot wins - oh yes, it's possible!
  3. So sorry to hear that... Was hoping that at least one of the AG admins is on a winning streak. Better luck next time!
  4. Nothing is 'sure' when it comes to online casino games controlled by a Random Number Generator. You could get not 5-6 but 50-60 decent wins within the first/last 100 spins and a total bust within the other spins of your session... Anyways, my point is not to argue with anyone here, but to claim for some common sense and rational logic when discussing this matter, that's all. I am suffering a massive losing streak with NetEnt slots myself recently, kissing $2K a goodbye in less than 7 weeks. And what? Should I start crying out that NetEnt is cheating? To start doubting their business only because me and a bunch of other guys lost with their games over a period of time? Let's be serious, please! We are all serious players here, with lots of experience and a decent amount and quality of knowledge of how the whole casino machine is working. Yes, I hate when NetEnt rolls an update which obviously change the payout cycle for a game I used to know better than my own teeth. Yes, it usually brings a heavy loss to me and most of the other regular NetEnt players. But it does't mean that NetEnt games are cheating!!! I'm sick to death hearing, reading and seeing this ***** all over the forum and I'm tired on explaining one and the same again and again... I just give up on this one... If anyone here believe that NetEnt is offering 'rigged' games then my advice would be very simple "Mate, just stop playing their games!". PS. The last part of my post is not dedicated to hajnrih in particular, but to all questioning NetEnt's fairness.
  5. Sorry dear, but you need to post a screenshot.
  6. Hope they gonna credit what's due asap. Wish you luck, mate! Show them who's Afi!
  7. Wow! That's a 3500+ x bet win! Awesome, congrats! And don't forget to add this beauty to the Mega Wins topic.
  8. Thanks for sharing, J! As usual, NetEnt is 'celebrating' a bit earlier if you ask me.... Let's see if that slot would ever get players approval and likes first and then they could focus on celebrations. Would be terrible if Guns & Roses becomes the next huge fiasco and disappointment in terms of payments and winning potential...
  9. Playing any video slot with bets of 4 and even 5 bucks when your balance is equal to 100 x bet or close to that is definitely a serious risk. You would go bust most of the time...
  10. Here's the aforementioned rule, I found it within the General Casino Terms&Conditions: I could not agree that this particular term is being used by many Microgaming powered casino, however what I definitely agree with is that applying such term is beyond any common sense and would make any serious player run as fast as possible.
  11. Here's the 150 Free Spins link -http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/free-spins/caribic-casino-150-free-spins/ Their welcome offer also deserves a shot...
  12. Next challenge..... Show me a zero-wilds free spins feature in Dead Or Alive!
  13. Daughter without a family!
  14. No worries, I was just giving you a friendly advice at the above post.
  15. Curious to know what happened with your session from yesterday... Did your manage to change for the better? Sincerely hope so...
  16. And guess how the above session ended up? ... Rhetorical questions of course.... As soon as start betting with more than a dollar and the game changes completely. As if it's not the CFTBL anymore, but some ultra high variance clone of DOA. It's incredible... and very very very bad for my gambling budget, cause it's usually gone in a matter of 30 to 49 min max. I guess that's the end of the lice affair between Guru and Creature From The Black Lagoon for the moment, I love this game but it's also a costly love.
  17. Thanks for sharing blondie. I guess Guru is about to pay a visit to these guys very soon...
  18. The only decent CFTBL /Creature from.../ I had from ages.... Out of dozens others...
  19. Here's the wrong place for that particular discussion I'm afraid. Feel free to browse the forum, I'm sure you will find a lot more appropriate forum topics to meet your demands.
  20. Caribic paid in less than 12 hours including verification? Huh, if that's the case then they definitely deserve a try in my humble opinion...
  21. Or perhaps most of us simply prefer to stick to the more reasonable option.
  22. No worries dear. I was just kidding, if I wasn't in a mood to chase a big win with Fruit Shop, then believe me, no one's recommendations could make me do that.
  23. Aaaand what a coincidence.. I was a big fan of this stupid video slot too. Until NetEnt most probably run some update and screwed the game so that getting free spins feature suddenly turned into a mission impossible...
  24. Ah yes, thanks for the correction mate. Your reviews were 2 and blondie's were 17 instead of 16. All set now...
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