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Everything posted by catapultaudio

  1. Hah I have found it to be the opposite..it takes them a whole sentence to say a few words in English so I can often read the subtitles twice before the next frame! I guess that could be the problem though...boredom haha
  2. No offence guys but have you ever seen any female rugby players?? You'd be eaten alive!
  3. Love all the classic rock tunes on here! Also, so glad nobody has mentioned 'Poker Face' yet (no, im not linking to it!!)
  4. I don't think it spoils any of the fun! If anything it adds to the suspense for me!
  5. Oh wow, those town pics are amazing! Sintra looks particularly gorgeous. If Balamory was set in a gothic castle...
  6. No update on this one ? I ask because i had a little poker freeroll win at the weekend with PP, account locked five minutes after withdrawal... Apparently a security issue on my account. sent requested docs including photo of passport next to my face (!!! I always find that extreme !) And received email confirming all ok and money sent within 5 hours. I have no idea what caused the issue but the way it was handled was first class, if you are playing by the rules you should have no problems with PP.
  7. I guess i understand it may sound weird to ask support to reveal the surprise but when your gambling budget is low, it really is useful to know in advance if it's worth breaking your schedule and depositing midweek for the sake of an unscheduled bonus! Especially with video slots,as whilst i do understand the advantages of their icremental bonus awards,it does make it MUCH harder to complete the wagering on a small deposit ! Thanks to those who replied anyways,i really appreciate it
  8. Ahh really sorry to hear that pal. I don't really have anything useful to add to this as your answer has been pretty much covered above - always use your own details and at least have a teensy-weensy glance at the terms and conditions BEFORE you give any of your money to anyone, EVER! Ah, T's & C's. The writings on the wall and both blessing and curse! I read these forums as well as others almost every single day and it still astounds me that so many people seem more than happy to give away thousands of pounds of their hard-earned money to companies without having any real idea of the full terms of play, or assuming the terms and conditions are the same for every casino they play at. It's even more mind-boggling that so many of the people guilty of this would be considered seasoned gamblers with years of experience and skill under their belts. I'm sorry that I don't have anything useful to add to this discussion, like our friends above have already said, you may have to let this one go and chalk it up to experience, if this is the case than the best thing you can do for yourself is learn from the experience. All the best pal.
  9. Aw, put the poor lass out her misery and tell her! By PM! (then she can send a round robin PM to the rest of us!)
  10. Fair play. Our lass also adores it, I guess ive just got bored of it too soon, which is a shame because i loved it right up until about season 4-5. I'm not sure why, as I usually have a massive tolerance to long-running shows, I mean, ive seen every season of 24 for instance and i'm even watching the new season despite a distinct lack of Jack Bauer.
  11. I was actually pretty surprised that Valdes remembered who I was, but it has come up a couple of times now... once when Amy was asking me to write some code for a slots tournament idea she had (I must get around to finishing that at some point soon!) and a while before that when Amy first did a couple of reviews on here Valdes sent a message to the both of us asking us to confirm what the relationship between our accounts was - I guess we probably logged in from the same IP or computer or something like that. I deliberately avoided writing on here for a while when Amy was spending all day on the site, it feels a bit weird having conversations with her on a forum! She's still having a break from slotting at the moment though and is putting all her energy into a new blog so I'm grabbing the chance to talk a little rubbish on here whilst I can
  12. Another example of my impending old-age is the fact that in a way I kinda miss my clubbing days when I would use a whole film in a disposable camera on a night out or at a gig, then a few days waiting to see any of the pics while they were being developed. There was something really exciting about that, as annoying as it was on the occasions when it would turn out that half of the film was over-exposed! They were the days eh. Co-incidentally, those were the days when I met my GF and (fellow AG member) Raverbabe. Fun times. Although when Amy and I went to Ibiza last summer, she ended up forgetting her digital camera so we ended up having to buy a disposable from a shop in Santa Eulalia (only on the day before our last day there though!) Unsurprisingly, we still haven't had the damn camera developed!!
  13. Ahh I knew it. The older I get, the more cynical I seem to get too! My two go-to mindsets nowadays are cynicism and nihilism. I'm officially turning into my dad.
  14. When you say 'Asian', where do you mean? British interpretations of 'Asians' is usually India/Pakistan/Bangladesh etc but the rest of the English speaking world regard Asian as Chinese/Japanese/Korean. Anyway, with regard to your comment above re: Asian movie makers, I have to say that some of the best horror films ive ever seen have been Japanese. The original film of The Grudge, The Ring & The Ring 2 are so good and IMO were completely ruined when Hollywood came along and got their grubby hands on the right.. The Japanese just seem to 'do' horror with much more finesse than the USA, they are masters of the type of horror that I love - the intense creepiness and gradual buildup of fear and unease rather than relying on blood, guts, OTT violence and unexpected 'jumps' like Hollywood. The Japanese Ring 2 is one of the creepiest films I have ever seen.
  15. I can't actually disagree with that. They aren't exactly to my taste but I can't deny they are amusing.
  16. Just wondered what the origin of everyone's username? In some cases it's obviously your given name etc but some others are harder to decipher. I'll start: Catapult Audio is one of the record labels I used to run back in my wilder days. Most of my techno tunes were released on this label.
  17. Hah! She wishes..!! I've been patiently waiting to see if she'll bother to come on here and comment on this but it's not looking likely. To be fair though, a lot of the time we're online, we're together anyway, A pet hate of mine is couples who sit in the same room together but still have little mini-dramas on the same thread in forums, or Facebook. First-class ticket to Yawnsville, please
  18. Not even if you were considering playing there again?
  19. By the way Raptor, some of those jokes you've posted are SUPER lame...!!
  20. Do you think that's because if we perceive ourselves as being more attractive/stronger etc, then deep down we already feel sorry for them, so laughing at their expense would make us feel like we are bullying them in some way? That makes sense to me.
  21. Not sure if I've already given my opinion on this on here or not already... I know I definitely have on Facebook (complete with inadvertent spoilers...!) but I've watched it all and I am disappointed! S7 just seemed to drag ON and ON.. and for a show that already feels like it's dragging ON and ON, this is not a good thing at all. Episode 1 was absolutely immense but it just went downhill from there in my opinion. Also, what is it with TWD and all the scenes with zero dialogue? Where characters are just kind of sat there, looking around for like, 2 minutes at a time. It seems to happen every episode now and I have started to think it's just a pointless time-wasting space-filling technique... I definitely think they need to up their game for S8.
  22. Copied from Wikipedia for convenience: "A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does" I like the irony of the cartoon, referencing today's 'economic climate' because pictures do seem to be worth far less nowadays, they are taken and viewed instantly, thousands can be taken as opposed to the standard 27 exposure films in old cameras, and then they are very easily edited beyond all recognition with Photoshop (or faked altogether!) so you could say that everyday photography has lost some of it's value. Or am I just getting old??
  23. I just spotted this thread in the 'also tagged with' section and I just had to comment. Ever since I was in my late teens I have had a recurring dream about my childhood home (which my family moved out of when I was 13 as the entire estate was demolished by the council). It's not exactly the same dream every time, it just always features some part of the house and/or garden. The people change and the situations change but the house remains the same. Confusingly, when I first started dreaming about the house I had long left home and rarely thought about my childhood home anymore and I was surprised to find that the dreams would upset me somewhat. Maybe, I thought, the dreams upset me because as a family, we were forced to leave the property, we were given another house in the next town, we were actually paid money to leave and provided with removal vans and a massive decorating grant for the new place etc.. At the time when I started having these dreams, I had just moved out of my parents' house for the first time aged 19 and was possibly a bit homesick. Anyway, I am now in my mid-30's and I still have these dreams from time to time. I tend to think of them as being like dreams which feature a friend or family member who has passed away and 'visits' from time to time. I'm certain there's s a lot of Freudian work at play in my unconscious mind but I've never really done any deep analysis of it. This phenomenon is called 'lucid dreaming' and I have been able to do this for many years now and dreaming about the house in a lucid state is always a lot of fun. I can usually make myself fly or be able to jump 20ft in the air like I'm resisting gravity. Great fun! I have found though, that when I am under a lot of stress, or a bit depressed, I tend to lose the ability to lucid dream - it's almost as though my mental state has to be pristine for me to be able to enter and manipulate my dreams in that way. Cocopop's comment above also reminded me of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, where Freddy's teenage victims are all patients in the asylum and they learn to manipulate one another's dreams. Awesome film!! <3
  24. I'm currently listening to the Specials. They are playing in Leeds at Millennium Square in the summer and I would love to go. Tickets are £50 which seems a bit steep but the outdoor summer gigs there are always really, really good. Plus, the supporting band is Toots & the Maytals which should also be good fun.
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