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Everything posted by catapultaudio

  1. I think we have all dreamt about this at some point in time. I know it's pretty boring but for me the dream is just to be able to hand a big pile of cash to those who are most important to me, particularly my parents, my younger siblings, and my nieces and nephews. Just the thought of giving my mum enough money to pay off her mortgage and allow her to retire early brings a tear to my eye, I would do anything to make that a reality. Love the suggestions of what not to do cocopop
  2. Wow, people write a lot of reviews now! I don't remember people doing so many last time I frequented here. These casino reviews from real players are MASSIVELY useful, even for somebody such as myself who has lots of online gaming experience. Special thanks to Afi4wins and hajnrih, your reviews are particularly clear on the most important aspects IMO. I've taken a bit of a break over the past year to 18 months, sticking to just poker, but I've recently been getting a taste for the slots again and there seems to be plenty of new sites I don't recognise out there with juicy bonuses on offer I've been selecting which ones to try based on what I've read here and will add my own experiences at some point this month too.
  3. I absolutely agree that often it seems natural to include details of a casinos welcome bonus offers when writing casino reviews, because its a major factor for many people I believe in choosing whether to begin playing at a new place. That's certainly the case for me anyway. That said, I think there are some outstanding bonus offers around, which deserve a little more space to talk about than is appropriate to use up in a general casino review. I only wrote one bonus review last month, but I have several more welcome bonuses in mind that I'd like to share a little about, and of course, my favourite monthly reloads - which is a topic I'm always keen to hear about from other players too.
  4. If you achieved only 25percent for your last session that is a DEFINITE warning that your betsize was riskily high - that is the only part of your "style" which is possibly having an effect on your RTP. If thats the way you enjoy the games, thats fine, but do you not realise that if you hit a 4000x bet win on dead or alive from your next deposit, your lifetime RTP would probably shoot up to several hundred percent? Your sample size is way too small to make any realistic observations. Again, I can't understand how you wouldn't know this as a gambler of 25 years? You mentioned Go Wild again.. yes you definitely screwed up there too! You stated so many times you had great play there, awesome results over a prolonged period of time - then you excluded yourself because of a single bad session. It just doesn't make much sense to me. Will you be getting rid of the rest of the "Fab Four" the first time they deliver you a bad session too? What is it you are trying to say when you state you "don't think certain casinos are suited to my style" ??? Are you referring to the betsize as I mentioned or do you believe there is something else you are doing that influences your results?
  5. Was that your RTP displayed in your account for your single session? Or is it just an estimate? Either way, another seriously poor choice of casino to exclude yourself from Johnny, Betat are fantastic!
  6. Oh I'll totally accept your tip Johnny, u seem to have a fair bit of spare cash so by all means, feel free to donate to my "proven system support fund"
  7. Johnny, I want you to understand I am in no way trying trying to derail your thread, but if a problem gamblers comes here, and does happen to find what you have written useful, they might then go on to think the rest of what you have written is accurate as well. Which is simply not the case... I don't want a problem gambler to think that the reason they lost this week is because the casinos pay less out on certain weeks of the month, so therefore the answer is drop another grand in next week when the payouts are supposedly "always better". You are misleading people. If you really cared about problem gamblers, you wouldn't do this. Your question to Casino Luck: "I have a question.....I am currently debating online gaming with a friend. I wish to know if traffic on your casino spikes during the first week of the month compared to the last week of the month." did not in any way relate to your suggestion that you lost this week because the games are paying out worse this week. Yet when I point this out you tell me that I am confused, misunderstood, "Oh don't worry friend it happens to everybody" - could you be any more patronising? .... So, when you keep saying "back to this important thread where I share my wisdom", just know that as long as you make such ridiculous statements in a thread that is intended to help problem gamblers, I just can't help myself but jump back in to point this out. By the way, for anybody who doesn't know, every statement I have made on this thread isn't just something I happen to believe - I am actually a software developer who creates this stuff for a living. So I really know what I am talking about!
  8. Look.. last time for real... you said the reason why you lost THIS WEEK is because the games are paying out less, because its the end of the month. So there is no misunderstanding ... if the spins are independent and random, then how can the date, or the number of other people playing the game have any effect on your own results? The two things are mutually exclusive, you cannot have it both ways. If the slot was genuinely giving you a poor game this week, just because its the end of the month, then it would be rigged. Yet you believe the former but think that is just "common sense" .. I've spoke previously of what I believe are the good and bad points with regard your system, today I was just addressing your statement about why you believe you lost this week ... its nothing to do with the date, thats for certain! And screenshots...? why? Not sure what your getting at with that?
  9. You really are a casino managers wet dream... you don't believe each spin is random and independent of every other, yet you don't see that as you being cheated either. I'm done again for now, keep on trolling !
  10. Ah, hold the ***** up there just a moment matey, as I reckon you are now trying to cover up your previous "theory" - perhaps because it is so obviously ridiculous - I mean, you can't seriously be suggesting now that all you REALLY meant was that you believe a casino will have a higher turnover during the first week of the month ? Clearly, nobody was ever trying to disagree with you about that. HERE IS WHAT YOU SAID: Just awful payouts today. And I know why!!! Month end is the worst paying time for casinos. Less players on because everyone is waiting for their 1st of the month cheque to arrive. Next week should be much better. ... Now please tell me if I have misunderstood you but, this would indicate that you believe the RTP of individual games is somehow being altered as a result of the casinos takings in the previous few days. I asked you what possible mechanism a game might use to achieve this, you have declined to offer any explanation. I gave you a mathematical proof that debunks the theory. You claimed to not be interested in it. This is why it is impossible to debate anything with you. Next week, the games will be the same as this week. The RTP will not change. They will not magically "know" that the casino is making more money and pay out more accordingly. They will just continue offering up random results, the sum total of all such results is equal to 95percent of the number of results x the bet amount. If you believe the games are deliberately cheating you because the casino is quiet today, then why are you still playing?
  11. You are PERFECTLY describing one of the most widely known misconceptions about casino games and gambling in general - its called the "Gamblers Fallacy", the mistaken belief that somehow the world has to balance out previous wins or losses with the opposite results, so that the theoretical RTP will be achieved. Please educate yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy The reason that games do, infact, manage to eventually pay out their intended RTP, is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_large_numbers But heres the thing - how could you not have come across the gamblers fallacy by now, if you have playing for over two decades??? I can only guess have, infact, had such mathematics explained to you, but either cannot understand them, or just refuse to accept them for some reason .... If the reel strips and paytable dictate the house edge of a slot machine - just as the board and payouts of roulette dictate the house edge of 2.7percent - please explain what mechanism a casino might use to alter these built in mathematics in order to favour the casino or player on any particular date? They cannot change the reels or the paytable, and the results are random, therefore, what is it they are doing - if its not rigged, as you accept it is not?
  12. *me* embarrass myself? oh lol.. you do make me laugh mate. "The more people playing, the more money casinos make" - of course, because they end up with the house edge percentage of every bet placed over the long term. It's a simple equation! If a high roller is playing 10 per spin, his chances of winning are in NO WAY affected by anybody else playing at the casino! It doesn't matter if 10, 100 or 1000 other players are betting £1, £10 or £100 per spin, each players odds are independent of each other. To believe otherwise is saying you believe casinos are rigged. What your saying is NOT common sense.. it makes you look ridiculous. The number of people playing has NO effect on any individuals chances of hitting. IT IS RANDOM. As for what you say about poker sites.. casinos etc.. sure, there are MORE PEOPLE playing when they have money in their pocket, but the casinos percentage does not change whatsoever, they take the same cut from every game as they do any other day of the month. The slot machines don't have a clue how much the casino has made that day, in order to adjust how much to pay players (!?!) and to think otherwise is just laughable. Please stop embarrassing yourself!
  13. So I take it you have applied the definiton quoted above to the evidence ValDes just provided you in order to support your theory? Or, have you just ignored it again in favour of your 'experience' ?? ... Show me some DATA !! Not just garbage suggestions based on nothing. You state your 25 years of experience as if its evidence to support your (ridiculous) assertion, that casinos cheat you at the end of the month. They don't. They don't need to - the odds are in their favour at the beginning, in the middle, AND at the end of the month. And the fact that you've been playing 25 years and STILL haven't familiarised yourself with how these games actually work doesn't exactly give any credence to your system does it ?! Tell me how exactly do they fix the races at the track in order to pay out more at the beginning of the month?! How about the roulette table? The blackjack? Or sports events? Come on please, think about what your saying...
  14. PLAYBOY http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/playboy-g4525#review-542a9b2970a0f89b4f8b4568 AVALON II http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/avalon-ii-g4529#review-542ab28f70a0f8ac4f8b4568 TERMINATOR 2 http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/terminator-2-game-review/#review-542ab72f70a0f8f84c8b4572 LEAGUES OF FORTUNE http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/leagues-of-fortune-g4558#review-542b06e870a0f8b34f8b457f FINER REELS OF LIFE http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/the-finer-reels-of-life-g4344#review-542b2a6370a0f8b2668b457a BREAK AWAY http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/break-away-g4315#review-542b2c4870a0f8bf668b456d KARATE PIG http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/karate-pig-g4149#review-542b2db270a0f891668b456f MEGASPIN BDBA http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/megaspin-break-da-bank-again-g4017#review-542b2eee70a0f8cc668b4574 IMMORTAL ROMANCE http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/immortal-romance-g3978#review-542b30e570a0f85e668b456f THUNDERSTRUCK2 http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/thunderstruck-2-g3259#review-542b334370a0f886668b4572
  15. PADDY POWER http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/paddy-power-casino-review-r130#review-541d9f0670a0f809278b456d 3DICE http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/3dice-casino-review-r4194#review-541da24270a0f8e4268b456a JACPOT CITY http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/jackpot-city-casino-review-r2392#review-541da49a70a0f85d278b4569 REDBET http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/redbet-casino-review-r4197#review-5420129c70a0f867678b456e 32RED http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/32red-casino-review-r47#review-5420352a70a0f83b1a8b4567 BETVICTOR http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/betvictor-casino-review-r127#review-54209ab370a0f8601b8b456f 7SULTANS http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/7-sultans-casino-review-r49#review-54209dce70a0f8571a8b4573 LADBROKES http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/ladbrokes-vegas-review-r4447#review-54209f3c70a0f84f1a8b457b BETFAIR http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/betfair-casino-review-r2393#review-54242c5170a0f8cc668b456b SKY VEGAS http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/sky-vegas-casino-review-r4244#review-5424287470a0f879668b4567 CORALS http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/coral-casino-review-r28#review-5426f2fe70a0f8037c8b456a CASINO ACTION http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/casino-action-review-r4212#review-542837ec70a0f87b488b456b GROSVENOR http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/grosvenor-casino-review-r4239#review-54283c7970a0f891488b4573 JOYLAND http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/joyland-casino-review-r17#review-54283fda70a0f812488b456b JACKPOT247 http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/jackpot247-casino-review-r4334#review-5428448c70a0f86c488b456e GALA http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/gala-casino-review-r238#review-542979f070a0f89f338b4572 BETFRED http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/betfred-casino-review-r732#review-54297ddc70a0f8c3368b456c EUROPLAY http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/euro-play-casino-review-r4415#review-542849d970a0f80e488b456a NEDPLAY http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/nedplay-casino-review-r4308#review-542b235c70a0f8f37c8b4568 SUPER CASINO http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/super-casino-review-r4263#review-542982b770a0f8ed518b4567 DASH http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/dash-casino-review-r1132#review-5429853870a0f819378b4570 GOLDEN LOUNGE http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/golden-lounge-casino-review-r4358#review-542b259b70a0f8ae668b4573 GO WILD http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/gowild-casino-review-r4207#review-5429879570a0f819378b4571 RED FLUSH http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/red-flush-casino-review-r2876#review-542b0a1e70a0f882668b4569 ADAM AND EVE CASINO http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/adameve-casino-review-r4246#review-542b0dcf70a0f841668b456b BET365 http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/bet365-casino-review-r2295#review-542b278470a0f870668b4571
  16. If my participation in this thread is unwelcome ValDes, please say and I will respect your decision, but I feel I have been as respectable as possible whilst at the same time expressing my distaste at some of the content - as Himself mentioned, I can't help but feel there is a desperate need for balance on some of the topics mentioned in this thread. Whilst the new thread title is a MAJOR improvement, I still think that Johnny is missing a real opportunity, if Johnny you are as serious as you profess to be about helping others with this idea - you couldn't take your "PROVEN SYSTEM" over to GamCare and offer it up as a way of helping people, for example - if you chose to present this idea in a more intelligent way I have no doubt you would not have been so unwelcome at another 'Quit Gambling' forum for presenting it. I've yet to hear you present any real reason why "PROVEN SYSTEM" is a necessary or appropriate title - and, lets say I choose to take your advice and create my own guidelines tomorrow - my "PROVEN SYSTEM" would be in no way proven whatsoever, would it? As I hadn't even used it once as yet? Do you see what I'm getting at ???
  17. Sure I gamble. What did I say that made you think otherwise? Even if I lived in this imaginary world of unicorns and leprechauns where I can "predict" a game is going to pay, if you are only just starting your session and have zero spins to make your 'prediction' from, your "think this game is gonna pay" is basically a case of "YES IT WILL" or "NO IT WONT" - IE, you have a 50/50 shot of being right or wrong - it should be obvious that you will be right half of the time then, surely?! If you have a balance of 36 and are betting 2 euros per spin, then I assume you are fully expecting to go bust within the next minute or two unless you have some amazing stroke of luck? Regardless, if you had not got a miracle rescue, I assume you would not decide to close your account at that casino, believing it to be rigged, because your 18 spins worth of credit did not buy you a win on this ONE day? This is my point here, closing your account at a casino because you lost ONCE when you were betting way too big for your bankroll is madness - you just said "If I win I win, if not I will try again next time" - and thats a view on betting too big for your roll I can RESPECT. Bet Big -> Lose -> Exclude is one that I cannot. And, €3 per spin on Dead or Alive on a €200 bankroll is WAY too big - over 90percent of this games RTP is locked up in that free spins round, and even then only 1 in 100 of those free spin rounds is likely to result in a big hit, so you have to make sure you have enough spins to reach that feature if you want a chance at a winning session. If your happy instead to take a risk on busting out quickly for the chance of a BIGGER hit, then go ahead - but dont get upset when things dont go your way. If Johnny had chosen to stick to his stated plan of betting 0.90 per spin, he would have had 3 times as much chance of hitting a feature, and DoA regularly returns over 3000x bet or MORE - upto and over 10,000x bet! - in the feature when the five wilds on a line drop into place, so even this bet was capable of delivering a $3000-$9000 win - or $2250 for five scatters - is that not a decent enough return for a $200 deposit ? Still, this is just MY way of playing. I use maths. I adjust my bet size to suit the variance of the game I am playing. I feel fortunate that I have no need to set deposit limits or exclude myself from half of the internet to enjoy my gambling, and have sympathy for those who do need to do this. But to go back to your original question, do I gamble, yes I do, and I'd like to think I'm pretty clued up about it as well, which I guess it what irritates me about some aspects of this thread, and why, despite the fact I still cannot help suspecting Johnny is one ***** of a clever troll, I continue to read and participate in this thread... I'd like to think I have something worthwhile to contribute.
  18. That is such garbage mate.. I've been trying to cut you some slack, listen to what you have to say ... discuss your system, for all its faults.. but that really is just an addict in denial talking there mate !! Your module 6 states you will bet between 1/100 to 1/300 of your bankroll. A sensible assumption would be this depends on the variance of the game you are playing? So, you know 1/100 on Starburst or 1/300 on DoA? Either way, you bet way over 1/100 anyway, so you didn't respect your own "module" ... but of course, there is an excuse. And that really sucks. You need a module that covers accepting your mistakes, and learning from them.
  19. Oh yeah and what happened to a couple of days low rolling 0.90 bets?? Forget? Or just couldn't resist the $3 bets? Does that still could as you having respected proven system??
  20. See now THIS is a perfect example of what confuses me about you Johnny. Your supposed to be a knowledgable and experienced gambler, with a LIFETIME of play behind you.. yet you will write off a casino, self exclude yourself permanently over a single session? I MIGHT just be able to understand it, if the details of the session were genuinely terrible, but they really are not - you had $200, yet played DOA at nearly $3 per spin and are surprised you busted out? I cannot understand why? You gave yourself barely 70 spins worth of play, thats not even half the number required to trigger a single set of free spins. Why are you surprised it did not show up? And why on earth do you blame the casino? It isn't their fault. You bet WAY too high for your bankroll on a super high variance game. Occasionally you might have a result doing this, but 9/10 times you should expect to lose badly. And you did. I have seen you write about doing the same thing at a series of great casinos - but hey, its your loss of course... would just be fascinated to learn why you think this is a reasonable justification to permanently close your account?
  21. Ahh.. thanks for the tip. ValDes, any reason why the other games are not included? I never noticed the word "slot" in the first post til I looked again just now Not to worry anyway, happy to contribute
  22. Hi everyone! I reviewed Great Blue last week, so figured I would make it up to five for the time being: Microgaming Jacks or Better Video Poker http://www.askgamblers.com/jacks-or-better/jacks-or-better-power-poker-microgaming-game-review/#review-5421ff9370a0f8363a8b456f Microgaming European Blackjack Gold http://www.askgamblers.com/blackjack/multi-hand-european-blackjack-gold-microgaming-game-review/#review-5422090b70a0f82d3a8b456e Microgaming Classic Blackjack http://www.askgamblers.com/blackjack/classic-blackjack-gold-microgaming-game-review/#review-54220cb270a0f8a93a8b4570 Girls With Guns 2 - Frozen Dawn http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/girls-with-guns-frozen-dawn-game-review/#review-54220f9670a0f8fb108b456e More to come
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