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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Well...my memory hasn't faded me yet...but maybe this guy is the wrong Zeljko...not sure... because there were 2 guys/members with the same name about 2 years ago!
  2. It's Lilianinthahouse...and I thought she was his sister...geees.
  3. Heeey...welcome back Zeljko...it's been a real long time since your last time here. And that goes for your elusive sister too...Lilian...hehehe. Hope both of you are doing okay!
  4. No problem darling...like I don't know you better!
  5. Hahaha...not to worry mate...my brain will refresh itself automatically...at the right time...it always does...hehehe. Anyway...have a good break and enjoy it...holiday or not.
  6. You mean 50 likes a day still isn't enough for you mate? Then you should have asked for 100!
  7. Planning some days off next week? Wasn't it only last week you had a good vacation? Oh geeees...how time flies...
  8. Why is it happening to you mate? You've got smoke coming out from your butts...you're hot on fire!
  9. What? Finish at the top, then continue at the bottom? This isn't foreplay you know...hahaha.
  10. Well, I would certain throw in some words once in awhile...as I always do...hehehe.
  11. Very true...don't ever self-exclude...just request for a permanent closure of the account... but I do know that addicts would have lots of problems with this...they can't control themselves... so they do need something to hold them back! If nothing is stopping them, then nothing would, or could.
  12. Some good casinos automatically restrict a player from making duplicate accounts...by onscreen messages...or by indicators in the registration form, but hardly any casino restricts any player who has self-excluded at one casino from opening a new account at another group casino. This is where the problem lies. Maybe one day all group casinos would have this control to prevent and avoid self-exclusions issues...but until then, players need to be vigilant, look at the casino's background, know which casinos belong to which group, and so forth. It's a lot of time wasting effort no doubt, but could save lots of heartaches. But then again...casinos use this opportunity to gain extra revenue from unknowing players...so they may be reluctant to impose such control, unless strictly required by the relevant Licensing Authorities.
  13. Yep...I agree with that...whenever you get the urge...whatever urge...JUST DO IT!
  14. That's not a problem at all Guru-san...no worries there. I'll start worrying when there are more Master titles coming my way...then how to fit them all in...hahaha.
  15. There you go darling...not a page or two...but 3 pages back.
  16. Thank you Guru-san...and congrats to Fiekie too!
  17. Oh dear me...our darling here has forgotten again...but no worries! I've already gotten your permission earlier on darling...go back a page or two and you'll find the answer...I'm just too lazy to look for it now...my ISP is on the slow...
  18. DAMN! I too have just used up my quota of 'likes' for today... Anyway...that bald head shot from above certainly looks different doesn't it?
  19. Oh...I thought you just won them...and thinking that your butts are on fire!
  20. Afinaut to AG Houston...do you copy?... I have just crossed the 1000 posted screenshots milestone...1010 to be exact...so I hope another Master title is coming my way? Hahaha.
  21. Here comes my soup... 32 screenshots uploaded to Supe It Up game review https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/supe-it-up-g1703
  22. That would be wonderful mate...and we can both fight for the first prize!
  23. Yes...yes...keep them coming mate...we need more!
  24. Well, I've read of some players doing other crazier things whilst playing slots...but that's a different story!
  25. Hmmm...that reminds me of a few other similar casinos too...I was promised some free spins but were never added. Well, at least readers would know better now after reading your post.
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