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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Don't wanna be left out...so here's something from my fav Playtech games... Safari Heat 374x win... True Love 436x win...
  2. Aaah...I see! But then again, I've never liked the casino anyway, so your cashback reward may have been refused by the casino, for whatever reason/s deemed reasonable to them. Not telling their reason/s only makes the situation worse...and suspicious. Anyway, I would stop playing at this casino and find a more reliable casino to play at...but do some research (casino reviews) first before jumping into the water again. Don't wanna jump into a crocodile's wide opened jaws now would we?
  3. Thank you Guru-san... Even though no one can ever know when a dangerous storm may strike, but continuous calm weather would be most welcomed indeed, hehehe. So here's a toast to good health for everyone and everybody...
  4. Thank you my dear...and yes, definitely for the last time this year...and also not within the next 6 months either.
  5. Aaaaaah...now that's a very interesting supposition indeed my Sta-ling!
  6. Sharon my dear, before you go on your maternal leave very soon, I need to ask a big favour from you please... The last time I used Supe It Up was back in March 2018...that's 6 months ago...but I need to use it again for September's contest, to give me a winning edge, so to speak, hehehe. I know the heartache you may have to go through checking my new screenshots against the existing 300+, but I can assure you that no duplicates would ever be used by me...but a lot of work for you to check them out nonetheless. Anyway, I hope I can use Supe It Up again...if not...that's okay.
  7. Certainly not the kind I would want!
  8. Well, the docs have put me back on the right track...but I have to keep on the right track...without going off-track too much, hehehe. What am I gonna do with my $50 prize and my reviews payment? Hmmm...I want to play my fav games...but I really need the funds for home use...so most of it may have to go into my bank account instead.
  9. If my Sta-ling was/is not a girl...oh geees...oh myyyy...the angels up there may not have liked me at all!
  10. Well Sta-ling, your Afi4winsta had some unexpected problems very suddenly...so yes...Afi has not been Afi lately...but Afi is back thankfully!
  11. Thank you my dear. And yes, only AG can put back some life back into me.
  12. Well...I have just came back home after spending 2 days in a specialist hospital...had a very sudden health issue...had to undergo many tests and scans...but I guess someone up there still likes me... I need to recuperate, so I need to take things easy for a while...but that $50 prize certainly gave me a wonderful homecoming surprise! Thank you AG and thank you everyone else too.
  13. The things I could do with such a beauty!
  14. Thank you my Sta-ling! And extra good luck to you too...I think you have a good chance to win $50 this month...
  15. Hello Deshinta, welcome to Askgamblers. New members are welcome to introduce themselves in a special topic (click link below), so you can do that too. https://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/46-introduce-yourself-to-the-world/page-54
  16. Firstly, any bonus that are less than 80% would just be a waste of time and effort! I would only take 100% or more bonuses. Secondly, any turnover requirement that are more than 50x the bonus amount are very hard to complete, so I wouldn't take them. Also, a 30x deposit+bonus turnover, for example, is actually equivalent to 60x the bonus amount, so I would usually skip them too. However, on rare occasions, I have taken up 50% bonuses, especially when nice free spins are attached to them, but I've hardly ever won from any of them - perhaps it's best to skip them altogether in the first place, but gamblers mind can go really fickle and crazy at times!
  17. Aaah...welcome back mate. So...how was your trip to the moon?...but it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it...NASA has always been secretive anyway.
  18. Sort of...and that WH's carrier pigeon always had wounded wings...so it always couldn't fly fast enough!
  19. Wooo...I'd love to see that photo... Hmmm...old clothes with holes in them? I know someone who used to wear that sort of clothes many years ago...me!!! Well...okaaay...that was during the toughest years of my life...no money to buy new clothes...so I have to keep wearing the same ones, hehehe. I used to not agree with arranged marriages...I always believed that it wouldn't work...but arranged marriages have lasted way longer than my-own-choice marriage...so I've now learned to respect arranged marriages!
  20. Aaaah...have fun on Father's Day Sta-ling! Floral print pyjama top to a bank meeting? Hmmmmmm...looks like he intended to 'sleep over it' before deciding on anything at that meeting...
  21. Glad that you are happy with WH mate, but not me...I just couldn't take their 5 days withdrawal period any longer...and wins came very rarely too...so I simply had to shut that door!
  22. Nope...I made a very small withdrawal at Nostalgia Casino some months back and they took 1 week to pay!
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