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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Well...well...well...I've only been gone for a few hours...and look what's happened to this chitty chatty thread! Heeeey...wait a minute...haven't I read that same phrase just a minute ago??? Don Juan...Don Quixote...Casanova...whatever...but I like it nonetheless...it's like having a multiple personality disorder...hahaha. I would certainly choose Door 2 first...all the time...to get some good big wins into my wallet...then it'll be Door 1 on and on! Hahaha. As for RTG casinos...no thanks...been there years ago...they don't interest me anymore at all mate. UKGC licensed casinos...they won't ever allow me back there anymore...but I'm not crying either!
  2. Beg your pardon Pinnit sir...but this is a general topic chit chat thread...not specifically for casino topics only...hehehe. But I do get carried away much too often with ladies...
  3. Anything that gives extra cash is a good idea, matey!
  4. Hehehe...you have saved yourself a million white hairs on your head, mate!
  5. Well mate...once I'm back in the busy city...I'll just have to find a way to make myself even busier...for more money from AG of course! Hahaha.
  6. Alternatively...how about DOUBLING all money for each paid review and won GOTM contests as a good royalty incentive for getting into EACH NEXT LEVEL UP? Oooooh...I would love that...and I'd boost my spaceship to go even faster! Hahaha.
  7. Well Guru mate, I think you have already read my earlier suggestion...and perhaps can still remember it...but no harm in repeating myself, right? Hehehe. As Thor is loyal to Asgard...Afi is loyal to AG...but you already know that, hehehe. As a reward for good loyalty, I have suggested giving a good cash incentive for any member who gets to the Next Level up. It is NOT AN EASY TASK, as members here can know...and I had crossed into Level 10 almost 1 year ago, and I am now the only member heading on to Level 11. Sadly though, there has not been any royalty incentive for me. A cash incentive may drive members to be more active in AG...but that's just my own opinion.
  8. And an old member like me...I have closed my doors on William Hill.
  9. Nooooo problem at all there sta-ling. This King is very forgiving!
  10. Naaaah...don't get crazy ideas into your head sta-ling! You can do whatever you like, in whatever ways you want...as long as you stick to the rules. Break the rules and Guru will knock some sense back into your head, hehehe. We've all been there before...including me!
  11. Hehehe...Askgamblers is just like Asgard...Asgard is not a Country or a Realm...it is the people. Thor is now King of Asgard...Afi is now King of Askgamblers...hahaha.
  12. Okaaay...if you wanna talk sweet nothings...or chase after somebody...or for whatever else reasons...this is the place to do it! Now...coming back to some unfinished business... oooOhhh.... i love the thrill of the chase i like to be chased....u can chase me around this forum all day everyday baby i also like to chase.... ... we'll leave it at that Hahaha...yes indeed...chasing can be real fun...no? Nope...the only person I know that sits and moves in an electric wheelchair is Prof Xavier...but he doesn't chase women...he only chase bad guys. Afi4winsta...he do his chasing with his hands and legs! Hahaha.
  13. I used to derail topics with my other lion matey...but now it seems to happen with a new sta...hehehe. Before our Guru loses his cool...before our Queen speaks out again...we better chit chat in the chitty chitty chat thread!
  14. Sorry Melli...Askgamblers is more into casinos...there's hardly ever any news here on Sports betting or eSports.
  15. Hmmm...but at times, I can't help myself chasing a woman....hahaha. If another one comes...all the better!
  16. Yep, sure looks that way...and that also makes you one of the oldest newbie here!
  17. Yep...I sure got that loud and clear...like a psychic!
  18. Aaaah...the screenshot...was that easy...or was that eeeezzzzzy!
  19. ...I love it. ...like I got punched in one eye. ...making monkey faces. Those are my understanding anyway, hehehe.
  20. Oooooh my gaaaaawd! And I thought only that friekie guy was a freak! By the way...how many eyes and mouths have you got anyway, sta-ling???
  21. Whilst we two were too busy thinking who would win...a friekie guy came over and kicked our butts...that's what happened sta-ling!
  22. Well sta-ling, this isn't a dress...so no button here...but no worries...I know what you mean! Click on 'More Reply Options' at the bottom right corner...can you see it? Then click on 'Choose Files'...followed by 'Attach Files'...then 'Add to post'...and voila...screenshot link added into reply.
  23. Yep...better 4 years late than never...
  24. Afi4winSta...???...hmmm...that name sounds familiar though...like I know that sta...
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