cocopop3011 Posted March 28, 2020 Author Posted March 28, 2020 Lockdwon can do funny things to you! I guess we have to have some humour guys otherwise we'll all lose the plot. So each of you tell me - Which day are you currently on in your lockdown/isolation/quarantine? Quote
Afi4wins Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 Malaysia is in its 12th day of MCO (Movement Control Order), a slightly less stringent measure than a total lockdown, with 16 days to go. I only go out to buy food and essentials once a day, otherwise I'd be in at home all the way, living life in a quiet and boring way. ValDes and cocopop3011 1 1 Quote
pinnit2015 Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 Off to Argo's to pick up a shaver - need a DIY job on my hair as it grows out the way and is currently wild cocopop3011 and ValDes 2 Quote
cocopop3011 Posted March 29, 2020 Author Posted March 29, 2020 14 hours ago, Afi4wins said: Malaysia is in its 12th day of MCO (Movement Control Order), a slightly less stringent measure than a total lockdown, with 16 days to go. I only go out to buy food and essentials once a day, otherwise I'd be in at home all the way, living life in a quiet and boring way. I’d love to tell you what day we are in but I’ve lost all sense of time Afi4wins 1 Quote
Flatzem Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 Italy sets aside €400m for food vouchers as social unrest mounts Rescue package comes as police now patrol supermarkets in Sicily following a series of thefts The Italian government has designated €400m (£358m) for food vouchers amid brewing social unrest as the country’s coronavirus lockdown takes its toll on the poor. The entire country has been under lockdown for almost three weeks. The quarantine was due to end on 3 April, but will likely be extended. Tension has been mounting on the island of Sicily in recent days, with police now patrolling supermarkets following a series of thefts. People have been running out of supermarkets without paying or pressuring small shop owners to give them free food, according to Italian media reports. La Repubblica reported that one person shouted at cashiers in a supermarket in Palermo: “We have no money to pay, we have to eat.” With income lost or businesses closed, many have been forced to turn to charities for help. “We have nothing to eat,” Carmela, a mother-of-three from Palermo, told La Stampa. A video also emerged of a couple begging for a €50 advance outside a bank in Bari, Puglia, after their shop was forced to close due to the quarantine. “The more time passes, the more resources are exhausted. The few savings people have are running out,” he added. “This tells us socio-economic issues will erupt.” cocopop3011 1 Quote
Flatzem Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 3 hours ago, cocopop3011 said: I’d love to tell you what day we are in but I’ve Lost all sense of time How bad would things be if the internet was shut down for some amount of time, say a week or two or a month or more? would get so insane. So many people are addicted to the internet. All the mobile phone junkies would be constantly checking to see if it's back on. cocopop3011 1 Quote
cocopop3011 Posted March 29, 2020 Author Posted March 29, 2020 1 hour ago, Flatzem said: How bad would things be if the internet was shut down for some amount of time, say a week or two or a month or more? would get so insane. So many people are addicted to the internet. All the mobile phone junkies would be constantly checking to see if it's back on. Guilty!! Quote
Afi4wins Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 5 hours ago, Flatzem said: How bad would things be if the internet was shut down for some amount of time, say a week or two or a month or more? would get so insane. So many people are addicted to the internet. All the mobile phone junkies would be constantly checking to see if it's back on. One of these days, the internet would be shut down for several days...more people would end up going insane or's a probability, not just a possibility. Quote
Fiekie247 Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 Update in South Africa... Been in lock down for 3 days. No alcohol purchases allowed and cigarettes as well. 2 deaths confirmed 2 days ago, 1280 cases so far in South Africa. Shops and garages are open but only selling essesntial stuff, like bread and certain groceries. Essential services like people in the medical industry, pharmacies, banks, police, traffic cops etc should go to work as per normal, while the entire country companies are on lock down. Small business are going down, however the government made $200 million available for small business to claim money to survive during the lock down period obviously for those affected, like catering companies etc( With certain requirements that needed to follow). What i find weird is that the US passed Italy now with confirmed cases of 130 000 and 2500 deaths. I think this number will increase Quote
pinnit2015 Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 2 hours ago, Fiekie247 said: Update in South Africa... Been in lock down for 3 days. No alcohol purchases allowed and cigarettes as well. 2 deaths confirmed 2 days ago, 1280 cases so far in South Africa. Shops and garages are open but only selling essesntial stuff, like bread and certain groceries. Essential services like people in the medical industry, pharmacies, banks, police, traffic cops etc should go to work as per normal, while the entire country companies are on lock down. Small business are going down, however the government made $200 million available for small business to claim money to survive during the lock down period obviously for those affected, like catering companies etc( With certain requirements that needed to follow). What i find weird is that the US passed Italy now with confirmed cases of 130 000 and 2500 deaths. I think this number will increase The economic fallout is going to put countries back years - lost jobs, no new jobs or different jobs will mean those who lose theirs will stay out of employment longer = increased state burden, reduces the cash to inject into the economy etc - it's like getting stuck in a debt cycle. The age of AI/Robotics in manufacturing has probably been brought forward a decade (already is in place to varying degrees but will accelerate) - creating more obsolete jobs, no money for the re-training etc. And the cycle continues. Then there's the moral and ethical issues -at what point does the detriment of the measures enacted outweigh the % of folk you can save. The USA has always thought under Trump they're immune to the rest of the world - only last week Trump wanted to re-open them in a few weeks Fiekie247 1 Quote
Frour1979 Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 I know its a tough time guy but i feel some people are too negative sometimes, we can all try and get the benefits out of all this seeing as well are already in the *****! Its funny thinking we are invincible and we get hit back to reality really fast. Not sure if some of you watch the JRE podcast but he said something really funny and in perspective a while back;"Some people need to be brought back to reality, after all we are on a giant f*cking ball in space with a giant fireball in the sky providing us with the stuff we need to survive". No one took it serious and look where are at now. cocopop3011 1 Quote
ValDes Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 On 3/27/2020 at 4:05 PM, Frour1979 said: Its crazy how some of the "less" developed countries are handling the situation so much better! Thing is with them they cannot afford for it to get worst or their medical systems wont Hold out; now look at the "rich" countries.... Absolutely crazy One reasonable explanation is that some/most of these 'less developed' countries such as my Bulgaria for example are in fact still having that post-communist background and history. One of the most distinguished pros of the communist regime was free and affordable healthcare for everyone. That's the reason why 30 years later, Bulgaria is still having the highest ICU and hospitals beds per capita in Europe... What bothers me most thou is the quality and level of professionalism demonstrated by the persons around these hospital beds when and if the Covid-19 peak hits our country. We have more than enough doctors per capita but most of these persons turned their profession into business rather than what's supposed to be over the last decade... Frour1979 and cocopop3011 2 Quote
ValDes Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 @Flatzem mate, please keep in mind that the quantity of the half-naked girls in your most recent posts have been drastically reduced. Trust me, it took me a lot of courage and strength to do that cause some/most of these pics were really 'inspiring'... Seriously, pls make sure to keep your posts here as brief as possible. Thank you in advance. cocopop3011 1 Quote
Flatzem Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Social Distancing Quote
Flatzem Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Someone said: Police online have forms where you can report neighbours for any breach. Neighbours encouraged to report on each other. Very fascist. Council in Bradford West Yorkshire closed down car parks eg ilkley moor, Baildon moor, Haworth, to prevent access I guess. Playgrounds closed down for kids. Long queues and waiting times for supermarket shopping now. Yh this idea of non essential is mad. The blue lagoon..Derbyshire police have poured black died into it to ruin it....beggars belief. U.K. embassy been leaving Brits abroad stranded with no help forthcoming. Fb page ‘brits stranded in India’ formed to support people With media coverage believe raab has had to respond. But still many stranded little food and precarious accommodation. U.K. embassy compared to Germany, Australia, Irish, Czech, Finland etc all helpful. U.K. absolutely not forthcoming... but hopefully this will change now. The whole impact psych and physically emf etc. called Unnatural. U.K. gov announced will challenge ppl going against official coronovirus statements. Orwellian. Silicon Valley have said same. This sanitisation of web reminds me of 1984. Someone said: The more I hear about this CHARADE the more angry I feel as my freedom and liberty has been stolen from me for the past 3 weeks. Maybe I'm more angry at myself for self isolating.....The term used is itself an indication to the psychological warfare played on our minds. It's unlawful for forced isolation so they get you to do it for yourself Someone said: I know 2 people have died but they didnt have coronavirus symptoms they lost all feeling in their legs and suddenly died Someone said: I know one person who is in York hospital in a coma, apparently from Corona virus... Someone said: My Friend in Italy has had her driving Licence confiscated this morning and a 200 Euro fine because she went out without a paper !! Now I'm really getting pissed off!! Someone said: I love isolation. I self isolate myself since im 5y old. Im doing it for last 35 years. I love to be alone at home. Someone said: The government are saying there's a pandemic of corona virus,... But what they aren't telling you is that they are putting up 5g towers everywhere, and they are using a pandemic as a smoke screen,.. Once the 5g goes up.. It causes a consist cough ect and alot more effects, social distancing is perfect for them to put these towers up everywhere without us seeing, as I know us being curious we would ask why they are putting towers everywhere ... The 5g frequencies is actually called "corona", the radiation it gives off can go from 2.5ghz all the way up to 60ghz making any human close to it very very sick... Someone said: I'm surprised that the authorities haven't closed the internet down to stop us communicating! Someone said: Just a month ago, one of the leaders of the Animal Farm said that it was going "to reeducate some people" which can be translated as "to punish the few humans who still live in the Animal Farm who are astray from the rest of the herd". It said also in the same statement that " those who were astray "had no place inside the country" which mean again that humans should no more continue to live inside the Animal Farm. I commented this statement at the time here or elsewhere because that "man" do not talk at random. I knew it was aware of the coming parts of the agenda. Someone said: Here in Mexico, in our town where thee was one confirmed case on a cruise ship ... we are being stopped by military for walking on the beach with our dogs .. Someone said: And I BET having the Vaccines and Microchip are part of "HAVING A GOOD CREDIT SCORE" !!!!!! Someone said: First thing people need to do in the dis UK is to stop paying the BBC license fee, stop watching the ***** of the cabal owned mainstream. Someone said: They came up with COVID-19 (real or not, it doesn't matter) and have now started labeling almost everyone who dies of other illnesses, as COVID-19 victims (this is being proven but instantly censored on YT).....just to boost the stats on COVID-19 and make it seem (with the help of the MSM) to look exactly like a raging's NOT!!! The majority of the world are so easily duped it's heartbreaking. Someone said: People in england have had their chemotherapy stopped for 3 months WHY its disguting . Thank you another great video. Someone said: Chemo is poison anyway, they are better off without it Someone said: chemo kills your immunity system & then a flue will finish you off. Someone said: Agenda 21 is now a reality, MSM is now predicting power outages & the internet will be down. Someone said: I asked Google "what does lockdown mean" ... Answer: the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically in order to regain control during a riot. "the lockdown has been in effect since October 1983" a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure. Someone said: Mental health will hit a crisis in this country if this lockdown continues. Someone said: Governments will never let a good crisis go to waste... They will use this pandemic to get one thing or another out of it... Someone said: Army deployed in New Zealand now to prevent people leaving home except for food also not 4 weeks 5 at least probably longer and 1/2 years before borders open again estimated also cash not accepted by supermarkets now except self service Someone said: no great lockdown in Sweden they did try to impose it however being that those areas controlled by migrant population were in opposition guess they would not get away with locking the rest down Someone said: Alarming side show: 5G is being rolled out while we're in lock down!!! Someone said: Same here in Belgium. Planned for 2021 now done yesterday in lockdown Someone said: Domestic violence in France spiked through the roof. People can't stand each other,even family members. Someone said: Martial law here in NSW Australia , mother breast feeding told to move on Quote
Frour1979 Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 46 minutes ago, Flatzem said: Someone said: Police online have forms where you can report Neighbours for any breach. Neighbours encouraged to report on each other. Very fascist. Council in Bradford West Yorkshire closed down car parks eg ilkley moor, Baildon moor, Haworth, to prevent access I guess. Playgrounds closed down for kids. Long queues and waiting times for supermarket shopping now. Yh this idea of non essential is mad. The Blue Lagoon..Derbyshire police have poured black died into it to ruin it....beggars belief. U.K. embassy been leaving Brits abroad stranded with no help forthcoming. Fb page ‘brits stranded in India’ formed to support people With media coverage believe raab has had to respond. But still many stranded little food and precarious accommodation. U.K. embassy compared to Germany, Australia, Irish, Czech, Finland etc all helpful. U.K. absolutely not forthcoming... but hopefully this will change now. The whole impact psych and physically emf etc. called Unnatural. U.K. gov announced will challenge ppl going against official coronovirus statements. Orwellian. Silicon Valley have said same. This sanitisation of web reminds me of 1984. Someone said: The more I hear about this CHARADE the more angry I feel as my freedom and liberty has been stolen from me for the past 3 weeks. Maybe I'm more angry at myself for self isolating.....The term used is itself an indication to the psychological warfare played on our minds. It's unlawful for forced isolation so they get you to do it for yourself Someone said: I know 2 people have died but they didnt have coronavirus symptoms they Lost all feeling in their legs and suddenly died Someone said: I know one person who is in York hospital in a coma, apparently from Corona virus... Someone said: My Friend in Italy has had her driving Licence confiscated this morning and a 200 Euro fine because she went out without a paper !! Now I'm really getting pissed off!! Someone said: I love isolation. I self isolate myself since im 5y old. Im doing it for last 35 years. I love to be alone at home. Someone said: The government are saying there's a pandemic of corona virus,... But what they aren't telling you is that they are putting up 5g towers everywhere, and they are using a pandemic as a smoke screen,.. Once the 5g goes up.. It causes a consist cough ect and alot more effects, social distancing is perfect for them to put these towers up everywhere without us seeing, as I know us being curious we would ask why they are putting towers everywhere ... The 5g frequencies is actually called "corona", the radiation it gives off can go from 2.5ghz all the way up to 60ghz making any human close to it very very sick... Someone said: I'm surprised that the authorities haven't closed the internet down to stop us communicating! Someone said: Just a month ago, one of the leaders of the Animal Farm said that it was going "to reeducate some people" which can be translated as "to punish the few humans who still live in the Animal Farm who are astray from the rest of the herd". It said also in the same statement that " those who were astray "had no place inside the country" which mean again that humans should no more continue to live inside the Animal Farm. I commented this statement at the time here or elsewhere because that "man" do not talk at random. I knew it was aware of the coming parts of the agenda. Someone said: Here in Mexico, in our town where thee was one confirmed case on a cruise ship ... we are being stopped by military for walking on the beach with our dogs .. Someone said: And I BET having the Vaccines and Microchip are part of "HAVING A GOOD CREDIT SCORE" !!!!!! Someone said: First thing people need to do in the dis UK is to stop paying the BBC license fee, stop watching the ***** of the cabal owned mainstream. Someone said: They came up with COVID-19 (real or not, it doesn't matter) and have now started labeling almost everyone who dies of other illnesses, as COVID-19 victims (this is being proven but instantly censored on YT).....just to boost the stats on COVID-19 and make it seem (with the help of the MSM) to look exactly like a raging's NOT!!! The majority of the world are so easily duped it's heartbreaking. Someone said: People in england have had their chemotherapy stopped for 3 months WHY its disguting . Thank you another great video. Someone said: Chemo is poison anyway, they are better off without it Someone said: chemo kills your immunity system & then a flue will finish you off. Someone said: Agenda 21 is now a reality, MSM is now predicting power outages & the internet will be down. Someone said: I asked Google "what does lockdown mean" ... Answer: the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically in order to regain control during a riot. "the lockdown has been in effect since October 1983" a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure. Someone said: Mental health will hit a crisis in this country if this lockdown continues. Someone said: Governments will never Let a good crisis go to waste... They will use this pandemic to get one thing or another out of it... Someone said: Army deployed in New Zealand now to prevent people leaving home except for food also not 4 weeks 5 at least probably longer and 1/2 years before borders open again estimated also cash not accepted by supermarkets now except self service Someone said: no great lockdown in Sweden they did try to impose it however being that those areas controlled by migrant population were in opposition guess they would not get away with locking the rest down Someone said: Alarming side show: 5G is being rolled out while we're in lock down!!! Someone said: Same here in Belgium. Planned for 2021 now done yesterday in lockdown Someone said: Domestic violence in France spiked through the roof. People can't stand each other,even family members. Someone said: Martial law here in NSW Australia , mother breast feeding told to move on Damn most things mentioned seems like we are headed into a military/police controlled world. Its getting scary especially since we are stepping on thin ice. I dont want to seem like a tinfoil head, however if i wanted to start a new world order this is how i would do it! Quote
copyyy Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Have problems being bored and not knowing what to do while quarantine lasts?Become a gamer and play video games, helps me out a lot. Currently addicted with League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, MOBA/strategy game.Without it and my GF I would probably start hallucinating that government is putting 5G Towers in my yard People in Serbia still not listening, everyone going outside all the time 160+ new cases today 1,060 in total... Quote
pinnit2015 Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 1 hour ago, Frour1979 said: Damn most things mentioned seems like we are headed into a military/police controlled world. Its getting scary especially since we are stepping on thin ice. I dont want to seem like a tinfoil head, however if i wanted to start a new world order this is how i would do it! Iv a feeling the creation of a new world order would be done so subtle we wouldn’t even notice it, it’d be that effective. Behind every great world leader is a rich family, a morally bankrupt pharma company and probably a few fracking companies as well Frour1979 1 Quote
bigdk88 Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Anyone else playing slots too much during lockdown lol...? I am so strictly 10-30p range for that reason. I was even on Bigbloxx last night made 60 quid on it though lol.. worth a bash if you want to kill a few hours without losing anything. Quote
pinnit2015 Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Good press conference today; NHS Director can’t answer a question without political jargon. Even the question of why are the Germans so much better than testing than us? Id have respected an answer along the lines of ‘they’re German, they’re pretty much better at most things than us’ Amongst all the backslapping of the supporting businesses etc lies a real crisis and shame regarding the protection of frontline staff members. And yet, that goes unaddressed Quote
Flatzem Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 1 hour ago, bigdk88 said: Anyone else playing slots too much during lockdown lol...? I am so strictly 10-30p range for that reason. I was even on Bigblox last night made 60 quid on it though lol.. worth a bash if you want to kill a few hours without losing anything. stay away from any ash gaming or playtech slots. Quote
Flatzem Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 the new batch of comments.... I'm very scared of the vaccine, not the virus. did you know that, by law, you can't sue the vaccine labs if, when, something goes wrong? There were so many cases of grotesquely ruined lives that, by law, now they can't get sued anymore. “We are not witnessing viral epidemics; we are witnessing epidemics of fear. And both the media and the pharmaceutical industry carry most of the responsibility for amplifying fears, fears that happen, incidentally, to always ignite fantastically profitable business. Research hypotheses covering these areas of virus research are practically never scientifically verified with appropriate controls. Instead, they are established by “consensus.” This is then rapidly reshaped into a dogma, efficiently perpetuated in a quasi-religious manner by the media, including ensuring that research funding is restricted to projects supporting the dogma, excluding research into alternative hypotheses. An important tool to keep dissenting voices out of the debate is censorship at various levels ranging from the popular media to scientific publications.” Excerpt from foreword to Virus Mania, Etienne de Harven MD Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto and Member of the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York (1956 - 1981) Solutions - Do not take the “vaccine” have no debt if possible, Insist on a hard brexit, nationalise the private worldwide banking cartel. Boris, the leading Brexiteers is going to privatise Banking system and get shot in head by other Brexiteers like Jacob Rees Mogg and 90% of Tory bankers/Trust Fund Owners? Contradictions... This whole thing is a test in how possible is it to reasonably control society. How far can we (from government perspective) take it. How amenable are the sheep? Where are we at with the mind control. Are individuals ready to succomb to being merely batteries. The politicians responsible for this must be held accountable. The scale of the corruption is unbelievable involving every western government. Brazil not swallowing this lie. How about Mexico coz you ain't telling them ***** either without a very close shave with a chainsaw Good on you Brazil hang in there ! In Brazil they're busy chopping each-other's heads off. neither is Russia So guys we can exercise ..and also do a town run /group run ...respecting the laws of 2meters of course ..hole town to run for an hour each day mid day one behind another them are vast numbers ..hey were just exercising ..1 time a day everyday and respecting 2 meters between us and chanting as we do so ...everyone do this They can’t lose because if there’s hardly any cases they’ll say the isolation worked! It’s the globalists trying to stop nationalism taking back control? Who was it said: "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics?" You can prove anything with figures. People are delusional to think this stranglehold will ever end, just like they were delusional to think the police would never enforce it. police / military just proving once again what dumb brutes they are following the orders of tyrants. I see the media already pushing the idea this might go on for another 6 months ....just in time for the start of the next influenza season ... EVERYONE, PLEASE DO NOT ACCEPT A VACCINE. If you don't believe me, at least do the research and read the insert FIRST. I don't trust Doctors or the big Pharma - prevention is better than cure, that's why I look after myself. I don't trust any of them. It has a quantum dot in it to keep all your records under your skin. Google Bill Gates quantum dot vaccines. There are petitions springing up online already saying NO to mandatory vaccines... which is what Bill Gates appears to want us to have. Meanwhile in Sweden everyone is going on with their life's like everything is normal That's because it is. Sweden also is nearly impossible to make quarantine work. Many many small towns and villages spread over a HUGE area. Not nearly enough police or military to quarantine the big cities, let alone the wast areas of smaller towns and villages as I said. You would need all of NATO to enforce complete lockdown of Sweden. Won't happen here. in Germany in the media they never even talk about Sweden Here in Czech Republic we have curfew with so many exceptions that nobody can really control you and people just going out as they wish. No lockdown there at all. Some business is suffering, though not a major problem right now. I live in Sweden, ca 110 have died here. We Swedes are living almost like normal. I am not afraid. Tip: If you're looking for the truth... avoid the mainstream media, they are the real virus First it was terrorists, we don't hear bout them any more, then it was three years of brexit, we don't hear bout that anymore, now its coroner virus, its all bout keeping us continuously anxious and living in fear, soon we wont hear bout coroner virus anymore, but what's next? I suspect they are working on that already! Solutions - Do not take the “vaccine” have no debt if possible, Insist on a hard brexit, nationalise the private worldwide banking cartel - Rothchild and Goldmansachs managed This has become mass control on a worldwide scale without sufficient evidence, we're absolutely gob smacked by the amount of people who are simply under this control, i will sit back now and wait for this charade to unfold. This another way for them to them to reach their devious means, why is everyone so gullible !!! shame on those people shopping their neighbours to the police People, get out into nature as much as you can, especially when the sun is shining. Getting close to nature raises your spiritual energy vibration, something the Deep State wants to cut you off from. Note we are not talking about Epstein, Prince Andrew, Julian Assange (the media have really let themselves and him down) illegal/unjust wars, big companies not paying their taxes or climate change activist Greta Thunberg anymore. Have a friend who is an ER nurse at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Boston, MA. Asked her how many cases they have to date, and she said 0. Zip, zilch, zero. so what do we do? we need to resist this oppression so lets get organised. It absolutely amazes me that people can let all there freedom be took from them for nothing more than a simple flu! Wake up guys it's all a con to manipulate and change or lives forever. We could put an end to this madness if we all just chucked our tellies out !! From where I stand, there really is only 2 possible endings: 1) Socialism or 2) You don’t want to know... Just like terror ism...they say "the reason there are no bombs going of all over the place etc is because we (police etc) are doing such a good job" catch 22 This would be so good, if it were not for the bloody religious nutters on here. Apparently The corporate banking cartel is owned by elites from Roman and Venetian-Genoese bloodlines now married into nobility. Some worship Roman gods. They believe a character like Satan or Lucifer runs this world. This is looking like a scam more and more. ???? Let’s see the bodies. We need to assemble and raise these institutions of Slavery down to the ground. I have two sons 21/22; and they both know how ready I Am. This isn't about us now, it's about our Children and what will be left for them. Welcome to the Desert of the Real ~ Morpheus. Even CNN are starting to question were are the bodies? and that's saying something! If it smells like an op and it walks like an op it’s probably a psy-op A "new" virus is here, but on the bright side, I haven't seen any chem-trails. Oh wait.............. Indeed, I am going out any time I choose as many times as I choose...because my SELF-RESPECT is what MATTERS. Therefore, I enormously care about my self-respect...if you concede to stupid. deceitful then FREEDOM IS THE FIRST LOSER EVERY TIME...WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP HUMAN BEINGS... When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind. I'd love to know who started this "stay home stay safe" rainbow drawn on a piece of paper and stuck on a window psy-op. A rainbow oh how original. I'd best stay at home because little David from down the street stuck a picture on his window. That's right, get the kids involved to make the lie more believable. Going shopping with a face mask on and disposable gloves - seriously people? Detouring on grass verges when you pass me in the street because the government says you have to stay 2 metres away from everyone? The world has gone absolutely bonkers. If only they could see how ridiculous this all is. Clear that even UK left the UE, UE didn't leave UK. As we know in Brazil. The world is rule by a cult so borders mean nothing. Europe now is a fascist block One advantage of it is that nobody has to sign on at the dole office. See, there is one advantage. 5G being installed while this Corona virus lockdown is going on. Talked to a guy on a pole installing it 2 days ago. 5G law just passed. Dollar crash coming from stimulus. Cashless society coming soon. This is checkmate for the NWO folks. Get right with God Revelation unfolding before our eyes. We just lost freedom worldwide. Stick a fork in it. Yes installing 5g in France too. Thank you. They will try to enslave us harder now. Gotta fight it back. Be free friends. An all this info was all predicted years ago 2020 guess fun just begun NEED political world wide party to fight NWO agenda out loud an us all to support them There is road works galore going on in Glasgow city centre at the moment is it true that internet services will be suspended? But we are already under gov surveillance what more do they want?? I'm going out as normal, walking dogs twice a day, shopping as normal . I will also go out as normal at the weekend further afield with the dogs. When the government letter comes telling me to stay in, I will return to sender telling them to piss off on the envelope "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." George Orwell I live in the NW of England and have just walked a 3 miles essential journey in my town of 175,000. I saw not one police car, not one ambulance and only 10 other people on foot on at the most 20 cars on the road, this has got people holed up like it’s the Black death. The 2010 Rockefeller document is damning evidence that proves this is a manufactured situation. That's why they say stay at home and self isolate. They don't want you going to your local NHS because your find there not over run with cases of covid 19 And that's the exact reason that the police need to be all arrested then imprisoned by us and disbanded forever. They are the first evil organization we need to attack when this war finally starts. Somebody Tell me Please, how not to get crazy when everyone Around you believe the official narrattive, I Feel like fainting from all there celebrities, people Around me and family members promoting this stay at home bullshit and Hating on others saying „sit your ***** at home” etc, it genuinely paralyzes me, I know I should control my mind, but I guess I need advice, it feels super lonely Youtube removed video about German journalist who goes to hospital 'teeming with coronavirus patients' ! Damn this whole scam is a 21st century version of Orson Wells War of the World's radio broadcast and a hunger games false reality. I’m quite lucky as my sons all think on the same lines as myself due to the fact that they grew up with me always saying what I felt about all of this . Ever since I was a young age I knew thing’s didn’t add up ,seeing this in my lifetime is like a dream but where I have stayed stagnant for a while fed up with talking to myself because others choose to think I’m mad and work taking over I am now very much a week ,don’t get me wrong at first I did panic but then slowly it all came back to me and it started to all make sense . I am a nurse by trade and also a holistic practitioner I know who I believe and it certainly is not the government, I believe in myself and please people wake up from your cocoon and open your eyes to what is going on because once you do it will become blatantly obvious to you what is going on . Stand up band together for your right to freedom x The video that features a German journalist visiting a Coronavirus emergency hospital only to find it completely devoid of any patients despite claims by the media that it was teeming with Coronavirus patients has being pulled by Youtube for apparently violating its terms of service. I guess that Youtube is allergic to the truth. Is there an alternative link to this video? Funny how the police are everywhere now the streets are empty and they can fine you, where are they when we need them to protect us from all the other crimes. Just a observation 9/11 ALL OVER AGAIN!....ONLY THIS TIME, ON A GLOBAL SCALE! In Italy, less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Current all-cause mortality in Europe and in Italy is still normal or even below-average. A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19 A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment. (Daily updates below) According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old. 80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer. Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women. The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both. The two Italians deceased under 40 years of age (both 39 years old) were a cancer patient and a diabetes patient with additional complications. In these cases, too, the exact cause of death was not yet clear (i.e. if from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases). The doctor also points out the following aspects: Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which had already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past and is likely an additional risk factor in the current epidemic. Reference values Important reference values include the number of annual flu deaths, which is up to 8,000 in Italy and up to 60,000 in the US; normal overall mortality, which in Italy is up to 2,000 deaths per day; and the average number of pneumonia cases per year, which in Italy is over 120,000. Current all-cause mortality in Europe and in Italy is still normal or even below-average. Any excess mortality due to Covid-19 should become visible in the European monitoring charts. The souls that aren’t prepared for the shift or did not sign up to be a part of it are checking out... soul contracts simple as that. Why are the only sane people on here, can’t believe how gullible and brainwashed the general public are Listening to the radio, some expert saying we could be locked down for 6 to 12 months, there will be nothing left of the economy by then And that's when they'll throw in the cashless economy and change up all things. that’s all scaremongering. It was just a week ago there were threats of the a complete lockdown with army trucks lining the streets. Never happened. People have forgotten all about that tho due to information overload. The fear still exists in their heads. It’s another scare tactic. This is what Sweden does. Hardly no rules except gatherings must be under 50 people. And that you should go out and walk. Yes even the elder too. And just keep your distance and don't cough on people. Half of the people thinks this is good and half wants harder rules. Australia going into lockdown now (two people gatherings only other than families sharing the same house)...and we're being told "be prepared for it to go on 6 months". But if the incubation period is 2 weeks, or even if it's 4 weeks, surely after 4 weeks max there'll be no more unknown 'asymptomatic' cases, and the thing is 'burned out'...this does not add up at all. Makes sense why so many “deaths” while we are on lockdown Media today ......Frontline Doctor dies of Coronavirus ...was working in one hospital in Leicester ....falls ill then he gets taken to the Leicester heart specialist hospital .....I'm guessing he died of a heart attack but it's been put down to Covid19 People should start ignoring the lockdown. And if they end up in court they can refer to the government website announcement as a defence. All I want to know is that they are getting exposed, what’s going to happen to them? As they’re plan has flopped we know the truth! lock down or no lockdown I'm living my life ***** these archons "No man is more hated than the man who tells the truth" Budda quote Someone re post the hospital footage and get down to your own “centres” for more footage Same with the Flu... most are pneumonia deaths. And who the ***** knows what’s in the flu vaccine ... and most elders are forced to get it and it triples in strain. Another coincidence I guess. It's mentioned, on the back of a bottle of Bleach, as far back as 10 years ago. "Destroys corona viruses"! Unfortunately I know a load of "Press Enter People". I too have tried to educate people on this and have been abused for it. Their research goes as far as plonking their arse down on the sofa and watching BBC or Sky news. However, it is reassuring to know that many, many people now are beginning to doubt these virus figures and are calling it out. To them I say thank you! Corona virus is just like a magic trick people are distracted by the magician talking while the real deception takes place right under their noses. Anyone else think that maybe the governments promise to pay everyone by June is a smoke screen. It's anyone's guess what state the country will be in by June , it's over 8 weeks away !!! To all those brave men and women in law enforcement and the military.. this is your time to shine... and remember to do the RIGHT thing... Nothing has changed for me still working, but they can stick their vaccine up their hooter when it appears Basically the western population is controlled by dīvide et īmpera (divide and conquer Greek/Roman strategy. The leadership strategy has been like this for hundreds of years. This kind of reminds you of Al Qaeda doesn't it? It's EVERYWHERE, invisible, can infiltrate ANY COMMUNITY, City, STATE, must restrict ENTIRE peoples to deal w/ this "singular cause for TERROR". Same recipe The stress caused by not working and paying bills will weaken your immunity to the point where a corona generic strain (not necessary 19) will gain in strength in numbers and sicken you. Also believing you will die by being misdiagnosed of having 19 will also cause deaths. Whatever you believe becomes real (the placebo effect.) A self-fulfilling prophesy. Compartmentalisation, fear based control, debt, media, private banks and dialectical politics ; all their methods of controlling us Hopefully this will finally end the BBC as people are cancelling their TV licences like I have no longer watch or record live TV....... A friend of my wife's gran had a fall and was admitted to hospital she has just died of corona virus....just like you said figures are skewed You can’t enjoy nature they don't like it , your pleasure Mental slavery is the worst form of slavery. It gives you the illusion of freedom makes you trust, love and defend your oppressor whilst making an enemy of those who are trying to free you or open your eyes through a process called Stockholm syndrome involving cognitive dissonance. The sun produces vitamin D which is helpful for fighting the flu...go out in the sun... interesting how Youtube removed the video of the empty hospital!!.. They did this with my parents but no forms were signed and when I found out they lied and I am still trying to get the to justice dad died in 1998 and mum 2014 and they told me that they will give me another three years and told them you wont give me anything as I know who Bill Gates is and what your game is.....that is why they want to chip us all so they can catch those who escape the DNR Yes, go outside take your shoes off and stand on the Earth. Stay grounded. I went to the local shop earlier. I was the only customer at the time. I got to browse the shelves, select what I wanted, and paid at the till without having to stand behind tape or circumnavigate glove-wearing mask-breathing clowns. It was just like shopping used to be in ancient times. About 5 days ago... haha, tell these people in uniform, that you have virus : they have to distance ...away yup - where is the self respect while..... the many acquiesce to the few I would like to know where the high rate of deaths in healthy individuals is coming from in NYC. It's obviously not business as usual. When they first showed Chinas ill they were dropping dead on the street. I haven't seen one dead on the street where are the dead in their homes? Has any one seen anyone ill and how come the military are allowed to mix and are ok Isn't it funny how the people in power only have mild symptoms of the covid 19 Well we are told that it mostly effects the elderly and vulnerable, the same group of people who have been getting a flu shot for years - compromised immune system? A Connecticut doctor has been charged after authorities said he deliberately coughed on his co-workers: I got stopped by police earlier at the beach and when I said it makes no sense because there are people walking as families everywhere he instantly threatened me with a fine and when I called him out for threatening he just responded "it's the law pal" what an absolute robot. Little does he know the Reich that makes the laws he enforces It seems to be a forgotten fact that Statin drugs weaken the immune system - so much for the Cholesterol paranoia. They are fearing us up by grouping all flu cases into the all” new” not corona virus I’m waiting for employers, especially the health care field, to implement a mandatory directive for new or continued employment to get the vaccine. It’s next. I don´t care what becomes of me, but I won´t take the vaccine. You can sign that on my grave. They are always going to keep playing the masses until they get enough people to fall for it. They can never get everyone yet they merely need that 'critical mass' who are caught up enough to drown out those who are supporting reason. The control systems only work on a material plane using the six senses they constantly tell us about threats and fears. We police each other with our fear of dissonance and sheep herd mentality. Meanwhile they get on with the real mission of usury (debt enslavement), big business and the theft and transport of all natural resources around the world. I go out everyday with my kids ,live my life as normal nothing changed for us ! The German video has been removed by the ... whomever. What a surprise. 'Keep the truth hidden at all costs because whilst they are dreaming we can do what we like, do not let them wake up!' We need to wake up before it's to late ,I see dark days ahead. My dad used the Freemasons as an excuse to have an affair. He said he was at lodge meeting which was a lie. I do not mind social distancing at all, it is the not getting the grub I want that I dislike. hook, line, and sinker. And I feel like I have been scammed. I had this flue and after a week I was fine. Back to gym! I have a gut feeling it has something to do with 5g! From my research it’s the same symptoms as this virus! A very long time listener and on this issue I would like your thoughts! Despite having already more than enough control, money and power they want more and more. That shows that they are demonic. Because that doesn't make them really happy, it is irrational and ultimately self-destructive, it doesn't belong to common sense it belongs to parallel demonic reality that exist only because it steals energy from nature. BUT I will say something unpopular, majority of population is also demonic, they allow fear to dominate them listening and contributing to mainstream media, they have demons in their head. Therefore they are pushing civilisation over the cliff into disaster. Let me say it this way, they all have same program in their head, but 1% is sadistic and "the population" is masochistic. like the head and the tail of the dragon that eats his tail. Why are my friends so angry at me when I try to minimize their fears? I've been seeing this like never before, and I honestly think its people subconsciously defending their decision to accept all this stuff that is happening to our lives. Like I think subconsciously people realise this lockdown is crazy, so they will actually defend the virus as being deadly so their world makes sense, because the alternative is too massive of a lie to comprehend. German journalist goes to hospital 'teeming with coronavirus patients' - how can doctors cope? - and finds NO ONE THERE Removed from Youtube . The police tend to back down when confronted by a mob so we really ought to organise some form of mass 'trespass' by exercising our rights as freeborn Englishmen (not forgetting the Scots and the Welsh of course) by agreeing to meet somewhere in the open countryside that has numerous access points. Ideally, you should park in an urban area and walk-in to the meeting point, remembering not to carry your phone nor any form of id. If stopped by the police then I advise that you don't say anything other than 'I have been advised not to talk to the police without my legal representative being present.' What is bad as well, is that there was no Coronation Street on last Friday. There is one good thing coming out of the forced seclusion. Parents are home-schooling and finding out the garbage that public schools are teaching their children If they lie about one thing they lie about everything! DO NOT COMPLY! I feel like this is soft communist conditioning. Has any one read the 1945 Kissinger declassified document he wrote about over population and the need to find ways to control population. I'm in Florida, USA, there are a lot of people here that are highly sceptical of the tactics that have taken place to keep people from going out side. We are going out but respecting social distancing. If anything, it has helped business, schools,and people themselves to have better hygiene and clean surfaces in businesses. You can smell clean everywhere now. lol. I ask everyone to Just help the kids. Help your friends and even strangers if you have it, to get through this. Were not on martial law yet!!. There is a X American soldier who recorded herself on YouTube and exposed the government for creating a vaccine that they will make all Americans take. They are preparing FEMA camps all across America where they will put people who become sick from the Virus that will wipe out old and sick. They will lock us up if we don't take the vaccine. Emergency footing >> Martial Law >>> Concentration camps. End of freedom and civilisation as we know it. The PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE holds the patent for the 'gain of function' engineered coronavirus. Bill and Melinda Gates are 'MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS' of the company. Bill Gates is definitely involved. Whether you can actually trace the patent back to him is really meaningless. You're all shouting from the same cells. The controllers don't need to be strong, it is enough that you are weak. That is their strength. Their voice is your silence, their power is your compliance. Until we resist, shout loudly and rebel they will keep you in your cells. So what are you going to do? It's like Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS is Happening in Real Life Who benefits from this really common everybody will lose, WHO BENEFITS IF People don't DIE? Then you must let them go too but elites will lose their power IF everybody stop working so who benefits IF this is a fake virus? Check out who the criminal head of the WHO, an ex 'health minister" for Ethiopia, who intentionally let 2 huge Cholera epidemics happen. He is not a medical doctor either!!!, he is the very, very sick WHO manager for all the criminal western leader, Adolph Hitler wannabes!!! "The bigger the lie ...the more people will believe in it" Joseph Goebells I’m still living my life and travelling around as I want - it’s great, the roads are clear so it’s fantastic driving Did anyone back up “German journalist goes to coronavirus clinic and finds no one there” video? It has been deleted from Youtube have a look look at this ….. this poor chap died after going to hospital (post on 25th March if this link works) the disturbing thing about this is he needed no aid to get into the ambulance but according to his sister was induced into a coma immediately upon arrival ( and subsequent dying while in a coma state)...… I've also seen a report somewhere of someone who refused to be sedated ( this seems to be the policy before putting ppl on a ventilator) and survived while the other patients he saw in the hospital who were sedated didn't survive..... now this may all be coincidence but things are being done to 'massage' the figures and maybe increase the death toll figures then stories like these would seem very suspicious, especially a guy being deliberately made to go into a coma when arriving in what appears to be under his own steam and not in a critical condition I've been saying it since it started , its always a lie with this gang of paedophiles. I was watching another video and the speaker was talking about a conversation with someone who gathers info for publication of statistics in the U.S. They were reporting a death toll of 60, but she said that only 30 had been tested for the coronavirus. The others hadn't been tested and the authorities estimated the rest of the virus deaths without any genuine evidence. I wonder how many other countries are doing this. Terrified of terrorists. Brexit FEARS. Now this. Everyday. The important question is how to resist the system!?!?! Sounds more and more like social services , get everyone depending on the state , as for testing , will all NHS staff be positive ? If only people would listen! That video of the German reporter has been removed for 'violating YouTube policies' Perfect time to see right through this matrix ! Too many so called coincidences and flaws in their narrative. Nothing happens by accident my friends. This is a desperate attempt for the psychopaths to gain extreme control. Trump just extended the lockdown for 4 more weeks! Unreal. I have found this information out myself by researching the official government websites and previous records of how many people the flu kills and how and what constitutes the Corona virus family so the question I have to ask is why are they doing it and I follow economic system and 6 months ago we went into the same chart area as what we were in the 1920s Great Depression That’s what I was thinking about doing going to my local hospital to see what I can see!! And videoing my findings! I believe they’re watching all of social media very closely and then you see them the next day trying to debunk the speculation that they see coming from people! That’s after all what social media was developed for us to watch public responses to everything! I working in UK for 8 years , I do lot's of funeral arrangements every month. I didn't see any increase in funeral orders ; ) same work quantity like before ; ) Big SCAM people. Raise your consciousness. Raise those around you. We must get out of this trap together. Hello prisoners from all over the world. Greetings from Greece! Obviously, we deal with an attack to our basic human rights, I don't know if this is a test for their future global dictactor-ship or it is the actual one is going on progress! The symptoms of a common flu, that kills the elderly and vulnerable most of them with major health problems, are used to spread fear and destroy our economies and lives! Aditionaly, because there are quite a few people that observe this problem and don't believe, the ***** media take advance of younger people that lost their lives under unclear conditions all over the world and they promote their death was due to this virus in order to terrify the rest of us!!! Here in Greece and everywhere in the globe, videos of doctors that explain with scientific terms why this corona ***** is a hoax have been deleted from you tube because they violate the community laws! They don't want people to wake up unless they aim their targets! I hope we all wake up and get to the streets in great numbers to give the ***** what they deserve! All politicians are in the trick for this, that's my opinion! Sorry mates if my English are not so good, I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Greetings to all of you, stay strong, be awake. Trump is totally deceived. How embarrassing or he a part of cabal. Bill Clinton deregulated the media back in the 90's paving the way for MSM consolidation, to the point where 6 corporations control 90% of the US MSM now ... The globalists probably had a day like this in mind, knowing they could carry out their plans, with the media not questioning anything I can't believe how powerful we are when we unite into accomplish a specific chore( self house arrest ) , if there was a way we can act the same way in a positive way ,but sadly I'm almost sure it will never happen Here, in Australia we are under "stage 3" lockdown. We can't go out unless getting treatment, supplies or exercise. But get this, schools are still open. I went to the beach yesterday with my little girl and husband, No one around. People don't want to think for themselves, open their eyes!! Just in my county ( Northants ) alone over the last 3 years 11,000 have been hospitalised with Influenza ( info obtained by County Council Health Department ) . Quote
pinnit2015 Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Hopefully folk are putting their time to do things that they’ve always wanted: like grow a proper beard, I’m 3 weeks into one and past the itchy stage Quote
ValDes Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 Most recent update from Bulgaria... The government suggested 'state of emergency' extension with one more month till May 13th. The parliament will most probably vote Yes. Quote
catapultaudio Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 3 hours ago, bigdk88 said: Anyone else playing slots too much during lockdown lol...? I am so strictly 10-30p range for that reason. I was even on Bigbloxx last night made 60 quid on it though lol.. worth a bash if you want to kill a few hours without losing anything. Yeah, I've likewise been limiting myself to small deposits/bets but its real tempting to play much more than usual right now. I'm worried about the economic damage when all this is over... at least we can be confident the online casinos wont go bust. Quote
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