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Everything posted by pinnit2015

  1. And to be fair, the term in dodgy casinos make absolutely no difference at all. If they don’t want to pay you, they will not pay you: regardless of what the terms say anyhow. Its more the softer terms that can be the issue or those casinos that are neither good in the sense, nor bad: definition of ‘in play’, swapping higher to lower bets : you can fall foul of these with ‘good’ casinos: but then again I’d expect theirs to be clear. I suppose new methods come about in terms of player fraud and they can’t spell out every single thing. That being said - the terms of some of these need closer scrutiny by MGA and UKGC.
  2. Casinos are up there with some wild west terms that's for sure. What's sometimes worse is that they've managed to convince a lot of people 'because it's in the terms it's legal'. Not really, no. If you take a normal contract between two companies there's things like proof burdens that need to be demonstrated to show Party A did X, that led to Party B suffering Y which led to a breach of Z. In casino land - well we've got these nebulous terms that we may, or may not, invoke. Kinda depends how we're feeling on the day. We're not going to even make some of them that clear because that would be crazy. Oh you're going to complain? Then we'll just pull out a bland, generic term and whack you over the head with that sure. I do feel sorry for them though - sometimes that house edge just isn't enough.
  3. Thought this would be better as loads of wilds with 8 spins left - rubbish payable from PNG tho. Must need all the lines with all the wilds....
  4. Mega Wild Ways? If they use the same mechanic as Wolf Cub, or heaven forbid, Cluster Pays the earth may fire off its axis
  5. Believe that's what some people want the UKGC to take on - verify Enhanced KYC through them and then get a code to input when registering with the casino - jobs a good un. I can see the merit of it but not a chance they'd take that on. Possibly could do the same with SOW but that'd still require the casinos cherry picking the players to send onto the UKGC PLUS, and it's the big issue, should something go wrong and the player is an international money launderer, the casinos would still possibly be liable. In effect, they're outsourcing their statutory duty to a third party and as a business you may not like that (i wouldn't: rule 1 of business school: never outsource strategically important functions) Who knows though - pretty sure the UKGC is fed up listening (well, I am) to RG issues (bit rich since they're complicit in much of it). Casino's still having rubbish controls etc. Players free rolling. Casinos free rolling. It's the same old, same old. Must come a point where the paper straw breaks the camels back.
  6. Like the Loco one - 'the purpose of earning money': no, I set out to gamble with the sole intention of, and only being happy, with losing. 'We determine what is abuse' - for that read: if you win a lot and we think we have the tiniest chance of ***** you out of your winnings, we'll take it. You're at the mercy of a casino doing the right think and only utilising the terms when valid - i get why they don't want to spell out what bonus abuse to an extent but the terms are totally open to interpretation in many cases: what's bonus abuse to some people is different to others: some have terms such as 'if you lower your bet after a a BIG win by more than 50% we consider this to be...' - what's Big? BTG Big of 25X or RTG of 5X?
  7. Good times keep rolling 5 free spins at casino (casino is the casino, what a stupid name) - Jungle Giant.
  8. Slotsmillion - 25 Free Spins in the Lobby (may be account specific)
  9. DOA's been good the last few days. Maybe it's doing battle with it's successor - DOA 2 is out in April-19: Hopefully it's not Twin Spin Deluxe
  10. Careful, they'll have the angry mob with the pitch forks waiting for you at the gates ?
  11. I've never deposited with a pre-paid before but Mastercard is hit and miss in terms of withdrawing back to it. Some sites, like Casumo, allow w/d back to mine (I don't really use them for it though - plus the UKGC is about to ban I think), some don't - most sites will tell you they process back to it but don't. Strange - tried to get a reason why and was told that it all depends on whether the 3D secure verification was in place the first time you deposit. Can neither confirm, not deny though. If they don't allow withdrawals back to it they should really disable the option when you go to do it - to be fair, I've only noticed a few sites that do this. Hazard a guess but the casino shouldn't really have gave the option to withdraw via that means then - not much the PP could have done if MC don't allow, I presume...
  12. It was only a matter of time before the first bullet point was implemented - I'm sure the casino's will have pushed back on this one over the years. But it's good - same for the second one as well. What's going to happen? HOPEFULLY, an end to this send in your documents, 4 corners etc and a move to electronic verification. Why? Faster and casinos will want you in theirs before you go to another. I'm interested in how the third one will apply though...particularly in relation to SOW: Maybe now casino's will be transparent in how and when they will SOW people: to be fair to them a few have said to me: One told me 10k lifetime deposits (sorry guys, that's not in line with AML) and one, yes a whole one, have gave me the correct answers - risk based (bit more subjective but if they're doing it right then I'll never be as my play doesn't change: deposit, bust, deposit, bust :-p)
  13. At the risk of being accused of being a troll - I find it strange (well i don't) that the OP again (Vegasland thread) deposits at a non UKGC casino. Loses money and then claims they were duped (whilst this doesn't excuse the casino for taking non UK players) so they can see can they get their money back. You're playing at non UK casinos as you're on Gamstop for gambling addiction (not my words, theirs) I find it hard to swallow that the OP is in horror that the casino accepted them as it's obvious what they're doing. Despite stating 'lesson learned' - you obviously haven't. Best placed to get your head sorted to overcome it rather than make this a habit.
  14. IMO they should be giving you your second deposit back then - don't know what their terms say but it's then a ridiculous situation of, no matter what you put in, they're simply not going to give anything other than the 100. But happy to accept though. Many places upon completing the wagering will automatically correct your balance to the 100 once wagering is complete. May as well give a charitable donation. What do the terms actually say?
  15. AG might want to look at the 6.9 rating as it's 6.9 points more than it should be? Got the good old 1668 licence, in which you'll find many a nefarious casino. Part of the Alpha Group, a shower of crooks.
  16. You'll probably find most UK punters don't use it. Main reason is that it's not convinced me that it's better than my current deposit methods (which are cheaper and faster)
  17. Good point - I see many defenders of certain games act quite condescending to people who complain about some games. Their normal approach is to call some games HV and tell the player they don’t get it. Whilst that has merit in some cases, a lot of the games sold as HV, simply aren’t. They are MV at best, masquerading as HV slots whilst paying almost LV. Quite genius if you think of it. BTG for example only have one HV game IMO - Queen of Riches. Napoleon is one of the more recent releases that is. And that’s why it has quite a few fans and arguably game of the year.
  18. Such a thread could be seen as being discriminatory to both BTG and Netent (bar 2/3)
  19. They have the benefit of being the only place to play at to win the Mega Moolah Jackpot though ?
  20. staxx050219 Is todays VS code - obviously you can't get them if you didn't receive the email but given that VS's mailer system a a tad ropey... Won a cool 12 quid
  21. They literally just said 'management decision'? Did they not even highlight the terms of the t's and c's that were apparently breached? Yeah, many casinos can, and do, witholding winnings from people (not the good ones) - it doesn't even make sense half the time from a purely business POV, even if you are ropey: Why withhold a grand from someone when you know, in all likelihood, that you'll see it put back again over the coming months.No one beats the house edge overtime, unless they walk away.
  22. I think you've basically described 32 Red ? Smartphone domination - Apple etc - Nokia chucked it. Home Computing? - the famous quote by IBM at the time in the late 70's 'Who wants a machine in their house?' (though they diverged to still become hugely successful) You don't need to go backwards to go backwards: you just need to standstill whilst others do what you do - only better.
  23. And moreover regulators like MGA, which they have, don't give two hoots in the main if players struggle to withdraw their legitimate winnings. Then, although wrong, a casino makes a mistake and send a marketing email to a self excluded player and all of a sudden we are into fines just shy of half a million. But hey, as long as they pay their licence fees within the 30 day prompt payment target, who cares. Like to see what happens to their licence if they didn't pay their dues ? I'd give casinos a three strike rule -3 unjustified witholding of monies and kaboom. Licence revoked. Easy peasy - just get real time updates from ADR'S as to the status of complaints. I went through some of the UKGC licensed operators a bit ago and was astounded to see that some, whom i wouldn't even give a dog licence to, had one. Hopefully we get to the point of 'Letting the Market Decide' - whereby the good ones push the not so good out from their current position. I doubt it will happen but the good sign is that players, though sadly not in the OP's cases, are more clued up and less likely to fall foul of BS casino's.
  24. Good shout re Gamstop....just adds to the mix: is it Gamstop, MT's people or whatever. I'm speaking to someone in MT so hopefully will find out. I did enjoy the reply from MT to my 'what other medium to you have for me sending in KYC as I'm not emailing'. Got a reply, again, please send to the email address. Must have cotton buds in their ears.
  25. And that is why no one has properly considered how incompatible SOW is with legislation like GDPR. Could be benefits to the B&M - socialising, pizza at the end of the night and generally a great night when i do it every few months for a proper session ?
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