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Everything posted by catapultaudio

  1. I'm sure this will be quite a common one, but lady luck works in mysterious ways it seems.... when I was in Budapest playing at the Blackjack table, I went up from £50 (or whatever it is in those crazy Forints to some quite ridiculous amounnt of chips, before losing them all right back down to my last chip. I decided to play the last chip anyway... what good was it on its own. Bam, Blackjack. Popped my winnings on the spot, BAM, second blackjack ... put it all on the spot once again, 20 vs a dealer A... sure I was gonna be SOL.. nope, dealer bust. To cut a long story short, my incredible run of just letting it ride continued for about 10 hands until I was back up to around 500£ worth of chips ... I decided to walk at that point, I wasn't much up from what I'd started at the table with, but damn, just when you think your evenings over, the craziest things can happen!
  2. You had a coupon for over $500 dollars ... ?? .. Damn, I might actually give it a go despite a 2 month wait for payment if they give that kind of free wagering ... (!)
  3. I like the idea of these tournaments and my winrate so far from about 20 or so has been completely amazing... a humongous zero dollars!! Not sure I will be going back
  4. I've seen videos from "The Raja" of him and his crew wearing masks in the Las Vegas casinos recently, so they were clearly open at some point recently despite Covid. Probably best to check what the exact current situation is before visiting though
  5. Yup, thats exactly it I would say - the trend was heading in that direction with new games, the switch to HTML5 was probably seen as a blessing from god for some of these "hard up" casinos....
  6. Personally I think its just disgusting behaviour, I've made my fair share of mistakes when I've been drunk, or much more often than that, just greedy - I dropped a tenner in the other day just for a bit of fun, played it up to £70 or so, but I'd set a target of 100 and so kept playing... sure enough I ended up back down at zero. Who's to blame for this CALAMITY OF INJUSTICE? *I AM* !!! Coming to a forum and trying to blame the casino in some way is just beyond ridiculous. But to be honest, its no different to any other walk of life - people will often try and blame others for their mistakes. Not to worry though, we can sniff out out BS around here like a fresh *****
  7. Its this exact attitude that resulted in your ban. The support staff probably don't know what device you are using... they HAVE to ask you these questions, and they HAVE to follow company procedure if you refuse. If its the same questions every time you can easily copy the whole block of text and just paste it in each time if it really is that dumb. Don't get me wrong, the support staff could also have made a bigger effort to help you without resulting in a ban - you stated that your answers were the same as last time, and I think that covers their requirement to receive an answer from you. They could possibly have recalled your previous answers, pasted them on the screen, and asked you to confirm each of the answers... I'd agree with the first poster... how drunk were you when you had that chat!! Don't you think all this could have been avoided if you had only just cut the guy some more slack? I'm glad you received your payment, and seriously hope that this BS doesn't spread to ALL of the UK facing casinos... the UKGC are seriously annoying at this po
  8. I really hate the fact that many games have had the selectable line options removed when the games were updated to HTML5. I understand the transition was absolutely necessary, its not long now before the plugin is removed from our browsers altogether, once and for all. You'd think something like that would bankrupt the host company who provided the service for all those years.... but hang on, that company is.... Adobe! They'll probably just shove another few quid on the price of photoshop or something won't they. Do you think this change was made in order to force people to spend more money by playing all of the lines ? I don't know, doesn't seem quite right to me. I can understand it must make calculating paytables much easier but these are games that already had support for these features, the work was already done... does anybody else have any ideas for what could have caused this huge switch towards fixed lines? I reallly hope Playtech continues to offer this feature.... and it SO better not be another UKGC enforced mystery change.. those guys really haven't got a damn clue.
  9. As others have said, its the withdrawals you really need to worry about - I'd say its actually an improvement that they are often now checking peoples ID before allowing them to play, as it ensures there won't be any garbage when the player makes their first withdrawal - if you can't spin the reels before confirming who you are, it feels like the casino are taking their legal obligations seriously. If the same casino allows you to play, accepting some decent amount of money along the way, then decides they can't possibly give you your winnings without confirming your documentation it obviously feels like they are doing everything they can to come up with a reason not to pay you... Lets not forget also, that the casinos will never refund a player who is unable to complete their verification procedure - quite likely they will be barred from the site too or at the very least won't be able to play any more games until you DO complete verifiation. So, make sure you have what you need, get it checked straight away whether they ask for it to be done that way or not, and don't deposit anything until you are sure you are playing on a fair playing field! Whilst its never happened to me, I have heard tales of players dropping hundreds at an online casino then being refused their winnings as a result of paperwork. That's a seriously sh*tty situation nobody wants to find themselves in.
  10. Wow, I didn't know about this, amazing they decided it was necessary to do this because of the lockdown ?! I mean, have I got the logic right here - people are at home more and possibly gambling more, t herefore we should stop them reversing their withdrawals...???... Come on this is utter nonsense, give me a break!!
  11. I knew you'd have a sensible opinion on this ! Minecraft is a fantastic game, and certainly cheaper than buying Lego - but I certainly wouldn't want to be spending money on endless extra in-app purchases in the same way I'd be happy to buy extra lego sets. The costumes and "aesthetics" are often marketed as being somehow harmless, and I'd actually argue the complete opposite is true - the thinking is that because these are only cosmetic items as opposed to "pay-to-win" mechanics that makes them completely optional and therefore OK, but in the case of games like Fortnite there are reported instances of kids being bullied because they only have the basic free costumes or dance moves etc, which of course leads to those kids pressuring their parents to buy them these entirely pointless items ... and new ones are being pushed out on a weekly or even daily basis, which is entirely unnecessary and a blatant cash grab IMO. Whereas buying new weapons or team members or whatever has a measurable effect on your experience of the game, these cosmetic items don't do anything useful at all, so how is that BETTER? I remember when I was a kid my mum allowed us to play a couple of those "0891" (premium phone line) competitions on one occasion, basically to demonstrate to us what a rip off they were and how you'd never get anything out of playing them... I remember her saying a few years later when I was old enough to understand it properly, how she'd been praying we wouldn't actually end up winning anything out of it This example seems laughably tame compared to the environment we have today though, where almost everything is monetised and in a much more predatory way, too.
  12. Hope this hasn't been discussed to death already, I was surprised to see no results when searching, as this topic was seriously hot a couple of years ago... So, I have a friend who quit gambling a while back as they acknowledged it had become something of an unhealthy habit for them ... a position I supported, as a friend, though I'll be honest I was real disappointed to see the end of our regular poker games and Friday nights sat in playing online slots together Fast forward a while, and it turns out this same friend has ended up spending just as much, if not far more, on loot boxes and in-game rewards on Xbox ... the UK Gambling Commission have decided that these services do not constitute gambling, primarily based on the fact you cannot convert your "winnings" back into real money .... Belgium on the other hand disagreed, and decided that paying real money for an opportunity of a randomised prize, does infact, constitute gambling. For me, seeing a friend with a known gambling problem become addicted to these products is enough to convince me that it is certainly very similar, especially in terms of the psychological effect on players. I actually believe you could argue it is far worse, after all there is no chance of coming out"on top" even for a moment when all you are buying is virtual football stickers in FIFA, or buying 1,000 random boxes praying you might receive the gun, costume or other piece of digital bullsh*t you actually want from that next box. I don't play modern games myself, or at least not 95%+ of them ... I can't resist a bit of GTA and am looking forward to Cyberpunk but this whole DLC/ Season Pass/ Loot Boxes ~ Constant nickel & diming of players is a major reason why I just absolutely hate it. I'd be fascinated to hear what people hear think, and if you feel the industry has cleaned up its act much since this was a major scandal 18-24 months ago... whilst I agree the most egregious cases of this ***** were swiftly put to bed (eg. Star Wars Battlefront 2), the Fifa/Madden Ultimate Team ***** is still alive and well and generating as many billions as ever... I've just bought my younger sister a PS5 this morning and I do worry about her being constantly exposed to this *****. That said, she works for Ubisoft herself so I'm sure there will be some who will say she deserves all she gets
  13. Hi Trudelo... Well i can certainly agree that Playtechs Blackjack games can be really horrible a lot of the time! I don't think the cards are rigged on Playtechs Blackjack game though, but I do think that they offer a worse set of rules with a much higher house edge than some other providers. Comparing the RTP like for like against other providers BJ that I've been much more successful playing, such as Microgaming for example, does indeed make me feel like there is something amiss... but I'm sure this is just confirmation bias at work, IE, I tend to play a lot less at the places where I have poor results, therefore there is far less chance for them to redeem themselves. I recommend giving Microgamings Premier Blackjack a try, the rules are quite restrictive and not as much fun as their Atlantic City, which is another version I'd definitely recommend you try, but the Premier is the one where I've won by far the most cash... Good luck !
  14. And so if you breach the agreement you are supposedly no longer covered by the protections ? Agreed, that is completely ridiculous, the whole point of the legislation is supposed to be to protect addicts from themselves ... blaming them for the impulsive behaviour is deplorable.
  15. Yeah, I've likewise been limiting myself to small deposits/bets but its real tempting to play much more than usual right now. I'm worried about the economic damage when all this is over... at least we can be confident the online casinos wont go bust.
  16. Rules that say you can't bet big if you've already bet small are predatory in my opinion, especially when combined with large wager requirements. You're pretty much guaranteed to fritter your money away if you stick to small bets throughout the entire wagering requirement, I play bonuses all the time and inevitably have my most successful sessions when I have a nice win, up my bet, and then hit another decent win at the larger bet size. Don't think you will have any trouble being paid by Whitehat, they are a trustworthy group in my experience. If they've bonus banned you that definitely sucks, but unless you actually broke any rules, you'll still get your money.
  17. Watch my spin https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/watchmyspin-casino-review/#review-5e8397ce23dc0260e27fd4e3 Black Spins https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/blackspins-casino-review/#review-5e83a3663c043568e86382ec Plush Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/plush-casino-review/#review-5e83e17fe679f3450a77c9cb
  18. Watch my spin first deposit bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/watchmyspin-casino-100percent-up-to-gbp100-2/#review-5e839abad788c223771e9826 Watch my spin second deposit bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/2nd-deposit/watchmyspin-casino-100percent-up-to-gbp100/#review-5e839ee3f217ec4d2468c611 Watch my spin third deposit bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/3rd-deposit/watchmyspin-casino-50percent-up-to-gbp200/#review-5e83a127b5e456342e79c268 Black Spins first deposit https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/blackspins-casino-100percent-up-to-gbp200/#review-5e83ded296305b41e15c9d71 Plush Casino 1st Deposit Bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/plush-casino-200percent-up-to-gbp100/#review-5e83e60723f1113eb3787398
  19. Oh my I agree you have been failed and it is clearly unacceptable that you weren't identified as an at-risk player if you registered with name, address, DOB already entered on the SE database ... personally I don't think the e-mail should really be a factor, you can create a new e-mail in minutes and it cannot be used to identify an individual anyway ... unlike personal information such as your name and date of birth. Nevertheless, you are of course responsible for your actions as well ... so I guess it really depends what the rules on this are, and I would expect ValDes knows more about that than I do. I'd say it is worth getting in touch with the gambling commission to see what their views are. If they say the casinos should never have accepted your bets, you may be in with a chance. Take a real deep breath and get them rung, good luck .. and please seek help, I get upset if I get drunk and spend a couple of hundred that I shouldn't have, and thats just a minor inconvenience not a life-changing mistake ... losing your life savings is surely enough to drive many people to despair, I hope you manage to get yourself back on track. Best of luck friend
  20. Depends which country you are from I think ? I've been asked by a couple of casinos after depositing roughly £2,300 GBP , but there's others where I'm certain I'm way over that but have never had any questions asked... so I believe it is likely to also take into account what period of time the deposits have been made over as well. I did a quick search and found some useful information on page 80 of this PDF which seems to suggest €2,000 EUR over the lifetime of the account is the threshold reached, though it does sound as if it is primarily in relation to land-based casinos, if you have a more thorough read you will probably be able to find the more accurate details... but then again you may be from another country with completely different rules too http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/PDF/AML/Prevention-of-Money-Laundering-and-Combating-the-Financing-of-Terrorism-5th-Edition.pdf
  21. If the poker room doesn't allow you to register from your location then using software to circumvent this really isn't going to help anything... you won't be able to verify your account meaning you won't be able to make a withdrawal anyway. Completely possible. Sure, there may be a handful that allow you to use a VPN ... but you definitely want to check first, and post here if you find one, as I can't name any offhand! Crypto poker rooms definitely seem like your best bet... to be honest though, just sitting on your BTC is pretty much the same as gambling it at the moment, rates are absolutely all over the place since the virus broke out. Its utter madness!
  22. Sloty Casino 1st Deposit Bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/sloty-casino-100percent-up-to-usd300/#review-5e31d69c0c9cfa0dce6b77a6 Sloty Casino 2nd Deposit Bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/2nd-deposit/sloty-casino-50percent-up-to-usd400/#review-5e3355b2b9917e5fa363bd15 Sloty Casino 3rd Deposit Bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/3rd-deposit/sloty-casino-25percent-up-to-usd400/#review-5e335a8f4c3a382e77465ef2 Sloty Casino 4th Deposit Bonus https://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/match/sloty-casino-25percent-up-to-usd400-4th-deposit-bonus/#review-5e3363672545a27fec5aa7af
  23. Hey coco, I wasn't very clear with my first post, as I did have other things come out of my account which were for legitimate purchases I'd made.... the total value of "Kindred" transactions adds up to just under £250. The bank claim that the "timeline of events", IE the fact I also made purchases on Amazon during the night whilst I was at work, makes it unlikely anybody but myself made the other transactions too... when I made those purchases I got a notification on my phone asking me to authorise the purchase, which I did, and they ask me why I did not notice these other transactions at that time... but I simply get the notification, authorise with my fingerprint, and thats it, I don't necesarily look at the banking app at all during that process... Absolutely have confronted people, my girlfriend at the moment doesn't gamble no, but she has told me who continued to play after I left... of course she was assuming they were playing with their own money, but admits she paid little attention, she was too busy catching up on the weeks hollyoaks... lol... said person claims to have used their own card, and has even shown me a screenshot of their account proving so ... but that doesn't mean mine wasn't also used of course. Thankfully I did manage to sort out a few quid to get me by in these interim few days before I get paid again, Action Fraud were helpful but just like with the regular police, theres always this feeling they are basically blaming you for everything... when I was burgled, well I left a window open so should learn my lesson.... when I have money stolen from my account like this, its my own fault for saving details in my computer.... I have to make a decision if I'm going to give the person I suspects details to them, as he doesn't appear he is going to admit to anything... the casino don't appear interested in helping either, and have already permanently closed at least two of my accounts simply for reporting it to them ... truly horrible situation all around. TBH I'm now considering myself lucky it wasn't a more substantial amount of money or anything, on a regular month I probably wouldn't have been quite so upset, but right after christmas when things are already tight, my own budget has been £50 a week for gaming .... I mean come on, if I'm losing £250 to a casino I at least want the pleasure of doing the actual spinning! I'm gonna be a thousand times more careful about who sees my new physical card going forward though, thats for sure... this could have been avoided if i'd been much more careful with my CVV code, which isn't saved into any devices ... obviously my friends need an upgrade too, but drunk people are always going to do stupid things aren't they...
  24. The trouble I'm having is, one, I played other sites earlier the same day, which apparently suggests I must therefore have played for the rest of the night too... And secondly, I placed some orders on amazon during the night whilst I was working, so apparently should have noticed that I had other recent transactions at that time... Not necessarily true, I had plenty of money, I didn't feel I needed to look at my balance... Who does anyway, as a matter of course when making a purchase? I've clearly gone mental with the folks who stayed here with my girl when I went to work and have my suspicions about what has happened... Yes my logon for most sites are saved in my laptop but I felt secure with this arrangement because of the 2FA requirement to purchase things online. If I tell the police who I believe made the deposits, and my bank, is that going to help get my money back? Or just get them into trouble? I don't really care if they get into bother, but of course I might be wrong and if they just tell me I have to demand the money back from them anyway, getting them arrested surely won't help my cause much will it?! This is truly a nightmare for me, I'm completely distraught, I have no way of borrowing any money right now, and have just gone one day without eating... Don't know how to get to work tomorrow either at this current time... Is the money completely irretrievable as far as the casino is concerned , anyone know?
  25. Hi all, So... yesterday I've had something of a complete nightmare with my bank account, came in from work in the morning and went to bed for a few hours (night shift you see).... by the time I got myself up I found myself with just £50 left in my bank account, which had £600 in it the night before. Didn't recognise most of the transactions that were showing, "kindred" was the name of the company... but whatever, I contacted my bank immediately and told them, who informed me it was an online gaming company .... Unibet, to be exact. Strange, I do play at Unibet occasionally and it always shows as Unibet on my statement. Furthermore, I am normally required to confirm my transactions using my mobile phone at point of purchase, but this strange "kindred" tag did not trigger this fraud prevention mechanism. Obviously I reported to the bank immediately, had the card blocked, spoke to the casino who said they will need to talk to the bank.... but were friendly enough to shut my account immediately too... the bank asked for a crime reference number, which I acquired, but was also told I need to talk to action fraud on Monday as well. My worry is, I had my card details saved into my laptop ... that may or may not be a factor here. I work in IT and don't really protect my machines as most people do, I guess you could say I am cocky. But the most likely thing that has happened is that the people I left in my flat when I went to work the previous night figured they would keep on playing, as I'd been spinning Sky and Videoslots before I left... both sites that I have sensible limits set on... and again, whenever I deposit there I have to confirm the purchase with my mobile. Or it could just be that my machine is hacked also. Whatever the case, this is £250 i really could not afford to lose, and I'm worried that chasing this up to get it back will get it barred from playing at other sites now too. Does anybody have any advice what I should do about this at this stage? I need the money back desperately at this stage, I don't get paid again for over a week and have been left with next to nothing.
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