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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Fair comments there mate. I agree to some extent. But cloning has very serious defects that nothing can remove! Cloning can only be done over a number of times before serious defects take over. So I seriously doubt the success of cloning for humankind. For experiments and animals may be okay...but never for future human life! I can talk a lot more about this subject, but it will be totally out of place here!
  2. Okay...I've already talked about my most recent wins at Omni and at Fly... so here are the winning screenshots from my jungle friends. 7 times retriggered. Finally withdrew $1155 from Omni Casino! Only 2 times retriggered but paid quite well. Withdrew $885 from Fly Casino! I guess I can still win, occasionally that is, even without their deposit bonuses, hehehe.
  3. Yesterday, I withdrew my winnings from Omni Casino. So... Afi 1 - Omni 0 ...hehehe. But at Fly Casino, it was Afi 0 - Fly 1. Still waiting for my money from Omni...should be in very soon...so I'll fight with Fly for now, hehehe. Another $200 deposit into Fly...and things were not going so good! Dolphie darling managed to give me only 1 bonus game and that didn't pay much... so I turned to my Safari Lion and his friends... but they too were quite hungry and roaring for food...so together we bashed up Fly Casino real good... and I withdrew $885! Woohooooo! Overall... Afi 1 - Fly 0 (because I won $485 nett!)
  4. Hi there Thomasu...welcome to Askgamblers forum! Congrats! Nice win there...but you played only 1 line at 0.10EUR bet? Geeees...damn lucky win that! Imagine the win if it had been on full number of lines!
  5. I'm looking on the practical side of life...and having babies that way is simply IMPOSSIBLE to happen! Do you think humankind will ever forget about emotional relationships, seks, and the joy of making love? NAAAH...NEVER! Since day 1 of human existence on Earth, seks been enjoyed by everyone. Babies borne out of love-making, or via artificial means when natural ways failed. This is one beauty of life that nothing can replace! I believe in it 100%!
  6. Fair enough mate! I've not really been chasing them around cos I know there isn't any big win near enough... All signs have not been good...so I'm just tagging along with them...until a good sign shows up, hehehe.
  7. Yeah...good moevening too guru mate. Weekend is approaching, it's blardy hot outside, and I'm always inside without my shirt on... My windows are open so I cannot go more than that...hahahaha...
  8. Yeeeehah! Come ride with me mate! Those outlaws have been hiding real good these few days! Hehehe.
  9. Okay...okay...enough of the joking for now...till later! My last withdrawal was...eh, wait a minute, I must do some talking first, hehehe. Remember what I said about trying to make a win at Omni and Fly casinos without using their bonuses? Well...it wasn't easy at all... Fly Casino ate my $200 like it hasn't eaten in a week! My jungle friends and marine darling Dolphie couldn't help either. Fly 1 - Afi 0. At Omni Casino, all my jungle friends and marine darling played their part well and good. Lion and friends gave me some winning... then panther and friends boosted it up with some more winnings... and Dolphie was forever my darling...she was marvelous enough at the right time. And so I withdrew $1155 from my $400 deposits! Woohoooo. There you go Omni...you just cannot stop my friends from helping me when I need them, hehehe.
  10. Oh boy...once it's in the GENES...it goes into the JEANS too! Hahaha.
  11. Yep...and that's what I was saying too...those food sure tasted nice in my belly! Hahahaha. And now...must get MORE withdrawals!
  12. That's my sayang...clever girl! If Rakija tastes like water, might as well drink mineral water darling!
  13. Hahahahaha....yeah...what is a man without a belly? and what is a woman without a belly too? We all have them! aaaaaand...what has a belly got to do with a last withdrawal? Well...all the food from the withdrawal money is in the belly!
  14. Aaaand Gutten Evening to you too darling! (sorry...I've forgotten the German 'evening'...hehehe)
  15. OMG! I thought it was my Asian friend Th3 who greeted me with Selamat Pagi... but it turned out to be my Bosnian darling! Selamat Petang Sayang! (I bet you can guess what that means, eh darling!)
  16. Keep practicing your self-control on the greediness Blondie darling, and you'll overcome it in time! No...it is not mission impossible...and I have done it...as well as others too.
  17. Love your darling and your darling will love you Hajnrih! Good luck and all the best now...and bring home some hot cash too!
  18. Thank you NextTimeWin. I'm glad you finally got that no-wild bonus game on DOA. Play carefully and don't rush, and with luck, you may win 5 scatters or 5 wilds! However, it is not 100% definite that a big win will be coming. If someone else had already won big on the game before you played it, then you may not get a big win...but I wish you all the best and good luck! May Lady Luck bring you a nice big win too NTW!
  19. Careful darliiiiing! When it gets so hot, I'm prepared to take everything off!!! Hahahaha.
  20. If voodoo mudoo magic is something I can do There won't be a sad day nor ever feeling blue I'll be having so much money to buy and to play and beautiful ladies to entertain me everyday Oh geeeess...wouldn't that be so lovely?!
  21. I know a lot of players do not like playing Fruit Warp, but for those who like it like I do, here is an important announcement from me - At Casumo, Thunderkick games have gone through an untold revision! The wallpaper has been changed but the game's intro remains the same. As for the game itself...bad news! I now find Fruit Warp playing DIFFERENTLY that the way it used to be! The non-paying cycle repeats itself 2 or 3 times before making any big payouts and I have been hit by this change several times already by now. Needless to say, I can no longer make my usual predictions on the game...and worse still...I just cannot win anymore on Fruit Warp!!! I find this change totally disappointing and I keep away from playing it nowadays, unless on certain occasions only. Barber Shop seemed to have gone through a similar change as well. Yeah, Thunderkick will pop in here and say "no such thing my friend!"...but sorry my friend, my 250,000 spins done on the old Fruit Warp enables me to detect the recycling of the non-paying cycle, which was never like that before! In short, Thunderkick games have totally fallen out of my favourites list!
  22. Not so a hilarious one, this one darling...but a wise one indeed! Not like the "What?" quote...that was :rofl: ...words cannot describe how funny it is! Hahahaha.
  23. Aaaah...thank you for your most encouraging words and confidence, Blondie darling! Yet to be seen and proven...but with Playtech...I'm NOT afraid!
  24. Oh geeeees...thank you very much for your super nice words Valentin! My casino game play? Hehehehe...it is nothing special actually mate. It's all a matter of raising or reducing your bets at the right time! But then of course...you'll need to know when to do it...and that takes experience!
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