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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. I have no doubts about that at all mate...if I can do it...you can do it too! Guru and Master means the same thing anyway, hehehe.
  2. Oh geeees! I didn't think it would be so hard to do...but maybe I'm wrong...
  3. Europa Casino belongs to the FastEngine group of casinos, which include names like Bellini, Tropez, Titan and Vegas Red. All are solid and reliable casinos, but payments are a little slower than Omni and Fly. 4 - 5 days is standard. I've been with all of them for many years and my preference goes to Europa...because they can give me occasional 100% and 150% bonuses. Usually their bonuses are chicken feed, which I never take up. But you are playing without bonuses Johnny, so all of them can be good for you. Try all of them, then chose the ones you like best. Good luck mate...probably you don't need me to say that cos your luck has been simply out of this world Johnny!
  4. GO! GO! GO! Mate...all the best and may our darling LL be with you all the way! A record needs to be broken here! Hahaha.
  5. Ladies & Gentlemen...I present to you...the LATEST Playtech Fanatic...!!!
  6. Geeees darling...you can go on all night long...but I can't...!!!...enough said...hahaha.
  7. Hahahaha...no sweat at all darling! Like I don't know you well enough?! Thanks anyway...and I hope I do get paid real soooooon...
  8. In the back of my mind...YES...I know the game. In the front of my mind...I'm thinking of a dame... Eh...come on people...answer quickly...before that dame disappears from my mind!
  9. Whaaaat? I already knew that much...you have told me probably a zillion times already..."the woman is ALWAYS RIGHT!" Buuuuuuut...I don't mind learning yet another new thing today...hehehe.
  10. Geeees...I KNOW this image...but can't be sure of the game! Yes...I've played it a few times already...BUT... I'll let someone else answer this one...enough of one smarty pants for the day!
  11. Okaaay...okaaaay...never argue with a woman...can't remember who said that!!!
  12. GOLDEN TOUR!!! Hahahahahaha
  13. PUPPY LOVE! Yet another "Aaaaargh"...???
  14. Huh? I win??? There's no win or lose here darling...just mere TRUTH!
  15. AAAAARGH....any 1 year old kid can answer that!!!...or any GRANNY!!!...as 'someone' once said to me!!!
  16. OMG...someone has not been following my adventures lately...hahaha. The casino is none other than Grand Reef Casino (Playtech). Why are they taking so long? Their excuse have always been 'they have an overwhelming amount of withdrawals lately...' Actually, when there are 'no overwhelming amount of withdrawals'...they take anywhere from 5 to 14 business days to pay up! So...when 'overwhelmed'...geeeees...maybe 5x...or 10x...their standard payout time frame??? I've actually had to wait for 2.5 months to get my first ever withdrawal from them! Very very late but payment was made. On most other occasions...I got my payments ranging from 7 days to 15 days. On ONE extraordinary occasion...they paid me in just 5 days! I've done quite a number of withdrawals from the casino...and GOT PAID for all of them...so far. So...for this bigger amount than my usuals...$4,500...I can expect them sending my money by SNAIL MAIL...using REAL ONLINE SNAILS!!! Like I said before...if I don't LAUGH this off...I'd go MAD AND CRAZY in no time at all!
  17. Typical women!!! Argue...argue...argue...but in fact they do believe!
  18. I hate to admit it Bigdikki mate...hehehe...but your incredible record win on Subtopia may remain unchallenged for a long time yet! Why? Because I don't play it with 9 lines...I hate to miss out on the big wins when it comes...so I always play it with full 20 lines. But who knows...maybe one day...I may suddenly feel like playing it with just 9 lines, with big bets...and may win a whopper one that would break your record into pieces...just maybe...hahaha.
  19. Awwww...shucks Rachel...I was hoping you would say "I will bring this up to the casino's management for consideration"... but it hasn't happen...still...I can understand...no problem Rachel.
  20. Hi Rachel! You can guarantee, with no doubt whatsoever, that FUN PLAY and REAL PLAY mode ARE EXACTLY THE SAME??? In my time, I have proven that Playtech games ARE NOT THE SAME...but Playtech refused comments on this, as expected! I think I can do the same with your casino games...or NetEnt games...whichever is required! But of course...why waste my money, my time and my efforts to go all out to prove this very debatable point...unless of course...your casino (TRADA), or the software provider itself (NetEnt) can REWARD ME with a nice sizeable amount for proof that fun play mode IS NOT THE SAME as real play mode!!! Now wouldn't that be a real challenge and an eye opener for the entire gaming industry? Bring this up to your casino management and see what they dare say.
  21. Geeees mate...finding that lost underwater city Subtopia is never easy! There aren't any good clues as yet that I can recommend...but I've been playing Subtopia the same way as I do playing Creature from the Black Lagoon. It doesn't always work of course, because the underlying gameplay is different, but I have had a few successful hits so far. Nothing as big as what I have achieved with the Creature...so I'll keep on trying various ways until I can find a more reliable one. Then I'll let you know mate!
  22. Hi Natalie...welcome to this 'vivid community' of Askgamblers! May I ask why your username is a wedsite name? No...I didn't click on it to try it out...
  23. Accidental big bets...yeah...I had quite a few of those in my time too... making me go..."whaaaat the f*ck"...when I suddenly saw almost all my balance gone with the blizzard!... most of the time with no wins...and only once I got a nice $1400 win with a $10 bet on Dolphin Reef... won one...but lost all the rest of those blardy accidental big bets! Who doesn't make any mistakes? Even this Playtech Master makes it on and off...hahahhaa.
  24. Valdes is not called THE GURU for nothing you know!!!
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