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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Well Sharon darling, I had a very similar incident on Jack and the Beanstalk...but at another casino. During the free spins game, I had 2 more spins left... One harp was already on line 2... Then I saw 2 more harps appearing on lines 3 and 4... then the game went DEAD and the same error message came on!!! I went "WTF" loudly...to myself of course...nobody else around... reloaded the game...but the 2 harps were not on lines 3 and 4...just normal icons!!! and again I went "WTFFFFFF" loudly... I had just missed a big win with 3 harps...and with 2 more spins to go... that could have made it 4 or even 5 harps...who knows! I don't believe that was a technical error or malfunction... it was more like a blardy blardy MANual intervention... a possible huge mega-win-on-the-way prevention... From that day on I don't trust any of Jack's game actions!
  2. Did some finger walking and a bit of eyes searching... Quite a few more screenies I've got...how interesting! Aaand finally...the heavyweights... T-t-t-tat's all folks! No more 5 Wilds...must get new ones now!
  3. When I first saw that Thunderkick games were in Tivoli's game directory, I became interested and visited the casino's website. Sure enough...my favourite Fruit Warp game was/is there...calling me to join in...but...I'm smarter than that! Hahaha. I did some checking up first...yeah...the casino's tobacco and cigarettes...very important those to me... I cannot and would not play any slot games without my tobacco and cigarettes... because I must keep sending my smoke signals to my darling LL...Lady Luck... so she can know what I want...always! Hahahaha. Whaaaaat? You don't know what tobacco and cigarettes I'm talking about? You do know...those smoking items in every casino...they all have it...they call it their T & C in short...hehehe. Sorry Tivoli Casino...I do not agree to your terms... I do not agree to any casino telling me what games I can play or cannot play on... I do not agree to any casino that tells me "hey...your $1 is only $0.70 to us"...or anything like that... my $1 shall always be $1...take it or leave it!
  4. Whooooooa-boy! So so many monkeys...yet so so little money... Ah-well, monkeys are never as pricey as chimpanzees... and chimpanzees are never as expensive as that gorilla Kong! Anyway well done on that monkey business my friend!
  5. That blardy Billy has been thinking of leaving Jesse's group for a long time now... everytime the other 4 boys are around...Billy goes missing and refuses to come out... and whenever Billy is around, only Della or Belle would accompany him...the others won't come out... The team is gonna break up sooner or later I'm telling you! Hahaha.
  6. Ah-hah...thank you darling! When my finger is done with the clicking, I'll do some more posting!
  7. Well, well, well...I had actually missed out on this topic all this time...if not for Coco Sharon darling here! Yeah...I had quite some good 5 Wilds in my time too...all posted up in other threads but here. My finger is lazy to do some wild walking today...cos a lot of finger clicking is due today...hahaha So I'll just post some quickies here. Anyone for quickies??? Then there some from DOA too...but my finger is laaaazy now!
  8. Hehehehe...I like this Sharon darling!
  9. WHAT A LOAD OF BULL!!! No bonus money or no bonus winnings should ever be automatically cancelled out (or removed) until the balance in the account is actually ZERO! Setting a system to remove any bonus money and bonus winnings upon reaching a balance of 0.60 or lower is UTTER BULL...it's SWINDLING a player's money!!! I stopped playing at Casino Cruise the moment I realised that any bonus money CANNOT be played on certain games...including DOA. Well...that's their rule of course...they made it that way. My rule...if that is so, then no deposit and no play EVER again from me...and this is how it has been for me until now! With this HUMONGOUS FLAW in their system now in the open...who would ever want to play again at Casino Cruise?! Only ignorant players...or in-the-know fools would carry on playing there I guess...geeees!
  10. OMG!!! Such good wins...and you lost it all...aaaaargh!!! OMG...didn't I always tell you "listen to your heart"..."follow your instincts"...??? OMG...so sorry about your loss darling...better luck next time.
  11. You forgot the meaning of 'withdraw' darling??? Let me explain then for you... After many many deposits, after many many attempts...still cannot make some nice money...then you get a 'withdraw' symptom... it makes you feel angry...feel sad...and feeling like it's the end of the world already... cannot sleep...cannot eat...until you get the opposite symptom of 'withdraw'...it's call a 'win'!
  12. That is DDDDANG GOOOOOD darling!
  13. Aaaaah...the Q-Q-Queen of Qs strikes again! Well done darling. Should be feeling much much better now, eh darling?!
  14. Aaaaah...I had a look earlier on today but can't figure it out yet...too BLUUUURRRRR...hahaha Will have a good guess later on...now beezy still...hehehe
  15. OMG...that is bad news indeed mate! So many deposits and still bust...bust...bust...geeees...so sorry to hear this. For me, it sounds almost the same...but different it's buzz...buzz...buzz...beeezy...beeezy...beeezy... My finger that is...beeezy clicking here and there...hahahaha. Like the waves in a stormy sea, my balance went up and down like crazy... win some...lose some...up till now...I would say about 'even'. Still...not too bad...still got time to make a win...hahahaha.
  16. I may be wrong guessing Blondie's age...but my answer was close enough, right darling? Hmmmm...maybe I saw that vision wrongly....maybe that '6' should have been a '9'? Couldn't have been a '0'...too young...but never mind!
  17. And thank you too Blondie darling! Hope your good luck will be coming real soon!
  18. Thank you Sharon darling...me and my darling LL will do our best!
  19. Well...that first clue was a DEAD GIVEAWAY! What other software provider ends with a 'k'...if not Thunderkick, eh?! 1 look at the Wild 'W' in blue and I already knew it was from Arcader. You can't hide anything from me if it's from Thunderkick's games...hahahaha. If from Yggdrasil...or Novomatic...or from games that I don't usually play...then I wouldn't know!
  20. Whaaaat? A balance of just $5.00? Oh geeeees...I usually switch over only when my balance is less than $1.00...hehehe If I'm playing Playtech...it's always Dolphin Reef first...sometimes Safari Heat or Silent Samurai. If I'm playing NetEnt...it's always Dead Or Alive...not expecting to win anything from Jesse...but to zero off my balance! Hahaha. For Thunderkick and HPG...I always play it to the end...and leave behind whatever few cents left...no way to zero them off!
  21. Aaaaand...here are a few more goodies... (whaaaaaaaat...got more goodies???) Yeah...too many to post up in one go...hehehe. ...and from a new game 'Vikings Go Wild'... End of goodies for today!
  22. Thank you mate! How did it all end? Hmmmm... ...read on... Tell you if I had another lovely withdrawal? Hmmmm... ...read on... Thank you darling! Yes...my darling Lady Luck stayed with me on and off throughout the day... at times she had to fly off somewhere for a breather or a short breakaway... but she always comes back to me later...cos she knows I need her to stay... a withdrawal here, a withdrawal there...had many withdrawals came my way! My Lucky Streak is getting better and better with each new cycle...wooohooooo!
  23. Whaaaat? I can see the 'W' there... Try again Sharon darling...this time show only a small portion of the object... then we all will be guessing like mad what it is...hehehe
  24. Know what? The other day when Blondie said it was her birthday, a number suddenly popped up in my head! Maybe just my imagination...but the number was 26...hehehe. (pssssst...a right or wrong answer would be just fine Blondie darling! )
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