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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hahaha...your compliments is very much appreciated comrade buddy mate!
  2. All the best to you with your interesting DOA experiment Rainie darling! Just don't forget what I have advised you so far...don't want you to end up with holes everywhere. Jesse has a HUGE one...errrr...I mean a HUGE pistol... just look at his picture...so you can imagine the sort of damage that pistol can do to anyone! Me? I've had HUGE bullet holes everywhere...on my body...in my wallet...duelling with this bugger...no kidding folks... but luckily I think I have something like Wolverine's Adamantium that quickly heals those bullet holes... otherwise...you can see through me through hundreds of holes in my body!!! Hahaha.
  3. Well Hello...but no hello from me! I've just got confirmation via email from their support that players from Malaysia are still restricted. So why the hhell did they sent me a nice email asking me to login again with a free $10 NDB already in? Just blardy wasting my time and giving me false hopes! Damn!
  4. Hahaha...I'm counting on it too mate! Hence my Clint Eastwood avatar! If any bounty hunter is gonna get all of them outlaws, it'll be Clint... Oh, by the way...it's Clint Westwood now...from the East... Clint Eastwood was and is from the West...
  5. Dang! Yeah...you're right darling...I don't even have 1 mamacita yet...how to get 4 or 5? Certainly no 'oh-geeeees' for me...no way Jose...hahahaha.
  6. Yeah...already done that darling. Now I'm tired...and hungry...with a big mess all around me... Yeah...I can do with 4 or even 5 mamacitas with me right now...
  7. Hmmmm...like I don't know that too... But before we get gunned down...here's a consolation shot...errr...make that two... Damn those outlaws...they never come when I'm using silver bullets! And come out only when I'm using brass ones...or plastic ones even...geeeees! Look closely...they came back in the exact same spots...but all 5 of them the second time around! Aaaand...all came when my betting size has gone quite a lot down!!! Damn!
  8. Well...I don't mind anything...by any name whatsoever... as long as I'm not stuck body-to-body with another guy-mate...
  9. Weeeeell...I would love to wake up just in time to see something like that too mate! Maybe nice things like that only happen when we are asleep???!!! Anyway, congrats mate!
  10. Thank you my hunting comrade! I ain't riding out for them outlaws yet...just chasing Mr Cashby here, there and everywhere. And creeping up quietly on those sleeping lions, panthers and whatnots. Need to buy more bullets to go real outlaw hunting! Hahahaha.
  11. Aaaah...pardon me maam...my bad! Peanuts should be for guys I guess...for ladies...hmmm...never mind.
  12. Howdy fellas! How's yer day? Mine? Hmmmm... Anybody want or need FREE WATER??? I have lots and lots of them...all for free! Yeah...you can say it's God sent...hehehe. Started getting them last night...and getting some more right now...more free water. So much so, my house was filled with 2 inches of flood water inside!!! It kept me awake all night till morning...and only slept at about 10am this morning. Can't even clean the house yet as I'm expecting yet another minor flooding inside tonight...geeeees!
  13. Hmmm...don't worry darling...when I see your eyes up there...I remember your peanuts! Hmmm...that sounds a bit weeeeird doesn't it...hahaha.
  14. Hahahaha...that will be $1500 out of $2,000,000 Helena darling...so it's still peanuts! Hahaha.
  15. Hahahaha...I like this...a lot! And for that...the reward is now $1500...just for you, Paquito mate! IF those golden helmets come...hehehe
  16. Yes, me too! I love ALL his movies...from the early westerns, to the crime bustings...and to the dramas. Clint is my all-time favourite male actor.
  17. You are right up to a point there Helena darling (must be a new darling to me this lady! ) Wisdom has nothing to do at all with aging...and you are right! Wisdom has everything to do with life experiences and learnings... If you had experienced something and learnt from it...wisdom is gained. If you had experienced something but not learnt anything from it...you missed catching the boat and stays as you are now... by which, you can be 100 years old in age...but still no wiser than a 10 year old!
  18. Well...I'm not kidding! My rate of consumption is like...errrr...1 mug of beer in maybe 20 years!!!
  19. Thanks for the new info darling. But whatever they do or change over to...still no Guts for me. Well...I ain't missin' anythin' from Guts Casino!
  20. .....brooooom..... .....brooooooooooom..... ....."I told de fella to take a hike...a real good hike...like go roun' the world on his bike!" ....."No more easy ridin' time...now it's my time...huntin' down anythin' for dollars and dime!" YeeeeeAAP! No doubt 'bout it...wus beeesy last coupela days huntin'...real huntin'... Got here some nice sooovenieers to show yer... What do yer like to see first? Playtech okay? Good...good...then I don't have to force yer! And now for some mix-ups...or whatever-yer-might-call-it... Niiiiiice hah? Gotta ride now...got more reeeal huntin' to do...
  21. Hahahaha...a dialogue and a screenshot...just as I would usually do...well done mate! Not BIG enough but can do its job...the win...the win...hehehe.
  22. Daaaaang! I'm blardy late to reply this...my horse wasn't so well... Yes...yes...these 2 lovely gals want to see yours Paquito... So don't be shy...take it out and show it to them... Aaaaah...nice one there mate!
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