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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Enjoy your holidays, walk don't run, sit don't jump! Hehehe. See you back on Monday!
  2. 2 weeks ago is pretty recent darling! Not like my 6 or 7 months so far!
  3. Not to worry Zeus mate! You're never alone! My last withdrawal was...a SYMPTOM...a withdrawal symptom...similar to cold turkey symptom!
  4. OMG! A million free spins offer? Geeees...I could use 100,000 or two of those!
  5. Sharon darling, I thought William Hill Club Casino accepts players from UK? If I remembered correctly, I checked the list of restricted countries and UK wasn't there. Anyway, I could be wrong though. I'm hardly playing any Playtech games now! Even Dolphin Reef doesn't play as before now! Sheesh! Playtech is slipping away day by day...it'll be dead for me soon enough! Sorry, I can't think of any new good games to suggest. 'Aloha! Cluster Pays' makes me giggle watching that Totem Pole...crazy pole...hahaha DJ Wild is keeping me interested for a while...but not getting any wins... Fruit Zen is my current favourite, Starburst is nothing but a pack of lies to me... So I'm back to my good old games too...like Jesse and the Creature, hehehe. Sorry about the blabbering darling...just wanna get some things off my chest first!
  6. Dang! So sorry to hear that darling, but don't worry too much about it though. People are like the weather too...one day sunny...next day rainy...another day damn sh*tty,,,hahaha. But there's always tomorrow...and tomorrow is already here over at place, but I'm still in yesterday!
  7. Nicole, Nicole, you make me smile, you make me giggle, yet you scare the hhell out of me! Hahaha. Why? Because you are playing the same game at too many different casinos! Honestly speaking, this is one thing you shouldn't do! My advice is to stick to just 1 or 2 good casinos, casinos that are amongst your favourites, casinos that have been good to you in the past, casinos that you can trust more than any other. Playing at many casinos is like burning a candle on all four ends!!! Whaaaat? A candle only have 2 ends, right? Right! But you are burning it on 4 ends! Hahaha. How is that possible? You burn the candle at its 2 ends, but you are also burning the same candle at 2 more spots along the length of that same candle. Get my point? That candle will burn out in no time at all!!! What you are trying to achieve is not the same as what other players are trying to achieve, Nicole! Other players only want to get a big win anywhere, so they are playing a hit and run game! If lucky, they'll get it, if not, they'll try somewhere else. For you Nicole, you want to prove that you can get this big win on one particular game, so the best logical thing to do is to play that game at only 1 casino, then your chances are much higher of getting it! The reasons for me saying so, can start a small war here in Askgamblers, hahaha. Because everybody have their own beliefs in how a game works and how a casino works. Let me tell you now, that when you want to play a NetEnt game, just for example, you get connected to a NetEnt's server to play the game, correct? This NetEnt server is not in the casino itself but is located somewhere else. But where is this somewhere else? Well, it could be in the UK, it could be in Europe, it could be in Africa, or it could even be in Asia! It all depends on where that casino is linked to NetEnt. By playing at different casinos, you could actually be playing at different NetEnt servers, so the same game will vary slightly, from one server to another server! The rationale is the same as that RNG thing I have explained. 1 main server alone CANNOT HANDLE all the thousands of casinos worldwide, so these casinos are separated into various regions. At one casino, you'll be playing at a UK's server. At another casino, you'll be playing at Europe's server, at another casino, you'll be playing at Africa's server. See the difference now, Nicole? So, stick to one casino for best results, because the cycles of the game will come from one same server and not from a different server or servers! Many members here may well be saying that I'm just bullsh*ting you, but never mind what others are saying. Like I said, no two gamblers think alike, no two gamblers can know the same knowledge either! Anyway, it's all up to you Nicole. You can follow my advice, or just read it, learn it, but keep it in your memory, then do what you want to do, what you feel is right for you. In fact, this is the first time ever I'm talking about this different servers thing, so a lot of members here in Askgamblers may be reading this for their first time too! There may be a hail of bullets coming my way soon...but I've got my shield up anyway, hahaha.
  8. DAMN! I have always wanted to try out this Thai Temple game but never got to it yet! Nice win there mate! Congrats and thanks for the tip! 105 free spins? 6 retriggers? Now that's my kind of game! But my wallet is now a big shame... must wait until some money came.. then I'll go to Thailand to play this game!
  9. Nicole, you just made my day! For the first time, you actually made a direct reply to me! And for that, I thank you! Well, sometimes, the truth can really hurt! But the truth is, every game runs on a RNG, a random number generator, so everything is indeed on a random basis. BUT...random means a lot of different things to different people. All casino staff are told to say 'it's random mate' or 'it's random honey'. Everyone is told to believe that the big word RANDOM means nothing is being controlled. Well, I can say to you Nicole, what casinos are saying to all their staff and to the public too, are merely and specifically to protect their TRADE SECRETS! No game provider would ever want to disclose their trade secrets. How their games are being designed, how their games are being PROGRAMMED, how some aspects of the games are actually being CONTROLLED by specific programs...blah blah blah. How do I KNOW about all these...well...I have my secrets too...and I cannot disclose some of it, to protect the innocent! A line you always hear in documentary films whenever top secrets are being revealed! Hahaha. The truth is...any blardy RNG CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO RUN ON ITS OWN!!! If it does, all casinos and game providers could go bust overnight!!! That's why, if you read their T&C carefully, some casinos mention RNGs...not one RNG but a few, or many...who knows! Why? Because 1 RNG alone cannot do everything. 1 RNG alone cannot give the results that game providers and casinos would desire! Can 1 man ever run a casino by himself alone??? NEVER POSSIBLE!!! Every game has a RTP, Return To Players percentage, right? How the blardy heck can a random generator ever come to this fixed percentage if something is not controlling it to do so???!!! Think about that! If you get 10 people to work on a Project, then there must be 1 MANAGER to make sure that everything goes as planned, as desired, and as intended! SIMPLE BASIC RULE! So, every game follows this principle as well, every game is controlled by this principle as well! Everything is random, yes, but CONTROLLED RANDOMNESS!!! Can any provider ever say such a thing? BLARDY HECK NO!!! That would be asking for big big trouble! That would be asking millions of questions being asked! That would eventually break their trade secrets! Having read all that, can you UNDERSTAND now why everyone is saying "it's all random darling!"
  10. And for once, thank you Nicole, for replying back to me, although indirectly, but that is not important. When I was playing Fruit Warp about 2 years or so ago, I don't think anyone could or would spent as many hours on the game as I did. I don't think you did as many hours on Esqueleto too, but maybe I'm wrong. If you did more than 8 hours a day, then maybe we are about the same! Hahaha. Who lost more? Geees...I think I have to let you win on that one! As for Thunderkick replying back to your email, I think just forget about it. No game provider would disclose their trade secrets, which is what this is all about anyway. Even Playtech had refused to reply back when Askgamblers asked them about my research findings on some Marvel games! They wouldn't confirm it, neither did they deny it. But for me, no reply means most probably it's all true! Well Nicole, if you decide to stay on, which I think you should, then you should start referring to me as Afi. Afi4wins is a title...that's not me! Hahaha.
  11. You see Sharon darling, at times, you can even be smarter than some other players! It's called 'knowing when to stay and knowing when to run!' Any player who doesn't know this, or unwilling to accept this, will simply go on and on and on...playing the same game...then complaining how come there isn't any more good wins! Look at Dead or Alive. Players play it like mad, but stopped playing it when things simply got so bad...BUTTTT...that's a long but...not a big butt... ...when the time is right, they all come back and play it...MYSELF AND GURU INCLUDED!!!
  12. Ooops, sorry darling, I got carried away with 'dial 911'! What I meant there was Cocopop 3011!
  13. The reason why is actually very simple Sharon darling! Nicole has had several good times playing with Esqueleto Explosivo. She stated that in many of her earlier posts. What she fails to realise is that all games, after playing so well, will definitely go into a dry run phase. How else can games bring in revenues for the casinos and the game provider? What she is going through now is probably this dry run phase. The way she is playing now, she can lose another $300,000, for all I know, and yet still not make a win! Why? Because it's time for the game to collect. What she can do best now, is to keep on playing Esqueleto Explosivo, but only at 0.20 or even 0.50 bets all the way, UNTIL THE GAME STARTS PAYING BACK! When that will be, nobody knows, but it will be back, that I can GUARANTEE! I've seen this 'cycles' many times already with Fruit Warp, my top favourite Thunderkick game, which I used to play everyday for hours, and having done at least 300,000 spins by now, so I do know about the cycles, believe it or not! Will Nicole believe all this? Will she accept whatever I've said? No, I don't think so. What she'll do is to post yet another message addressed to Cocopop3111!
  14. If there's anyone here in Askgamblers that has played more times with Thunderkick games, then it must be me! Nicole is one girl who refuses to accept the fact that all games do have cycles! There isn't any game available anywhere, now or then, present or past, that doesn't have cycles in them! Whatever we have told her, she has refused to accept. I have even told her about my experiences with Thunderkick games, but she never even respond to my post. Well, so much for being responsive on Nicole's side, yet she's complaining about Askgamblers?!
  15. Alex is a former AG employee? Eeeeee...must be before my time! But it's good to know!
  16. Well, I've already mentioned to you before why I can't get a faster internet connection, but you've probably forgotten too, hehehe. I'm not really bothered about all that, as long as I can keep going without too much fuss, or without breaking a screen, hahaha.
  17. Well, honestly darling, posting my reviews, as I did above, is a lot easier for me, rather than posting 1 review per message. 20 reviews would mean I need to post 20 times...so much more of time wasting for me, considering my slow ISP most of the time! For others who are using ADSL internet connections, getting connected and posting reviews is hardly a problem. But for me, it can take up to 30 minutes or so just to post up 1 review on bad slow days, and maybe it'll take 10 hours to post 20 reviews...can you just imagine that???!!! But, it all depends on our Guru. See what he says, hehehe.
  18. Okay darling, make some room for me, pleeeease! Alchemist's Lab http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/alchemists-lab-g962 Beach Babes http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/beach-babes-g2501 Beach Life http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/beach-life-g993 Bonus Bears http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/bonus-bears-g1027 Dance of the Masai http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/dance-of-the-masai-g4539#review-573738927528f733ed8b4589 Diamond Valley http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/diamond-valley-g1145 Elementals http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/elementals-g1177 Fantastic Four 50 Lines http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/fantastic-four-50-lines-playtech-game-review/ Farmer's Market http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/farmers-market-g1197 Game of Thrones 15 Lines http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/game-of-thrones-15-lines-microgaming-game-review/ Genies Touch http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/genies-touch-quickspin-game-review/ High Society http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/high-society-microgaming-game-review/ Hot As Hades http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/hot-as-hades-microgaming-game-review/ Rugby Star http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/rugby-star-microgaming-game-review/ Sneak A Peek Doctor Doctor http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/sneak-a-peek-doctor-doctor-g1153 Sneak A Peek Hunky Heroes http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/sneak-a-peek-hunky-heroes-g1351 SunTide http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/suntide-microgaming-game-review/ The Incredible Hulk http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/the-incredible-hulk-g3015 The Incredible Hulk 50 Lines http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/the-hulk-50-lines-playtech-game-review/ Win Sum Dim Sum http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/win-sum-dim-sum-microgaming-game-review/
  19. Heeey! I like that! Learn Japanese via illustrations! Arigato Awena san!
  20. Danke? My darling has gone German? Konichiwa! Arigato! Sayonara darlingator! Afi is now Japanese!
  21. I'm with you all the way there darling! My Skrill is doing winter olympics in a deep deep freezer...with permanently closed doors!
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