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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. I've checked it for you my dear...there's no restriction on UK at all...so you can sign up. My country is restricted from all promotions though...damn!
  2. Well...BlingCity was like a slingshot casino for me...it's gone with the sling now... hopefully CasinoWilds isn't going to be as wild as that sling was to me...only time will tell!
  3. That is exactly what I meant, mate! Other casinos have started reinstating Microgaming games into their games directory...so I like that! If with 3000 games and still don't have MG games...then they certainly have wasted one big step forward for nothing!
  4. If with those 3000 games but yet not having my favourite soup and other games...then I'm gonna &@*# CasinoWilds real good!!!
  5. You seem to be having good luck on microgaming games Pinnit...take that Six Acrobats win for example...I have played that game and it is just as poor for me as it is with Break Da Bank Again! Both games hate me! Hahaha.
  6. Oh...okaaaay...I was too lazy to click on it to view in full size.
  7. Aaaah...okay...you've got a point there darling!
  8. 3 screenshots? I can see only 2, but it says 3...
  9. Nice! Now I've got company...hehehe. However...you forgot to mentioned the number of screenshots posted...which is 2... and that screenshots doesn't show the bet size...I can't see it anyway, hahaha... so next time, please take screenshots that show your bet size mate. Don't wanna our darling here ending up using a magnifying glass!
  10. Aaaah...no wonder I've never heard of it!
  11. If there's a will...there's a way! Casinos are always looking for new CONVENIENT ways to get more deposits from customers, disregarding any concerns about user's safety or security! Totally irresponsible of any casino management that agrees to use this new method of depositing! Money is the root of all evil...and convenience is the open pathway to it!
  12. Aaaah...thank you for confirming that, my dear. I'm just too lazy to do the finger walking myself!
  13. Geeees! This is something new to me! I've never heard of this possibility before! Needless to say, just my personal thoughts, from all that I do know about using smartphones, depositing this way would only open even more new ways for hackers to steal funds from the users! Smartphones are never smart enough to prevent interceptions of their encrypted scripts, even with the best security apps installed! All those 'secured transcripts' could easily be collected, deciphered and all the info on the user could be gained! If you've read one of the latest articles on this matter, then you would know that even the 'Guru' himself was completely astonished as how easy it was to get all the required info on any particular smartphone user!
  14. Well...the article talks mostly about the myths of external programs to create wins on slot machines, which are true in a way, and are illegal to use in the first place. Nothing about secrets on the slot machines themselves, I'm afraid...nothing that I don't already know that is.
  15. Sorry mate...I couldn't take the agonising anxiety...so I tried Tasty Street in fun mode here in Askgamblers games section. Well...what can I say? The info said the game is based on Japanese fast food...more like based on Japanese 'quickie' food to me, hahaha. The background had me thinking it was in Amsterdam's Red Light district, but it was meant to be in one of Japan's 'tasty street' instead. As for the game itself...well...those 'moanings' doesn't do anything to me...sounded what women would sound like when they get excited...or ssexcited...hahaha. But the game plays and pays poorly, with a poor paytable. I wouldn't play it even without those moanings! One more thing...the game doesn't look like it was from MG...the settings are not familiar, although a bit similar.
  16. Sarah was probably too busy in her lab with her planting experiments...or she went to the loo! That's the lowest possible win with 4 Wild Desires...but I'm amazed you got it again! I couldn't even get one time of it! Congrats anyway Pinnit!
  17. Hi there Penero. Welcome to Askgamblers forum. Firstly, I must comment on the post that you have put forward. There isn't much details given, and worse still, it's all put in one long sentence...from start to finish...with no fullstops! The meaning of your long sentence can easily be misread by anyone who reads it! Now, let me get the points right. You played at Bovada Casino, made a withdrawal, and the casino paid you with a paper cheque/check. You then opened a new bank account to bank in this cheque, correct? You have not made any deposit into this new bank account, just that cheque alone, if I got your meaning correct. Now, it has been over 17 business days since you banked in that cheque but it hasn't been cleared by the bank as yet, correct? If all the above is correct, then the delay is purely due on your bank side. Have you asked the bank why the delays and why it hasn't been cleared yet? That cheque from Bovada may have been rejected by the bank, but the bank has not informed you as yet, which is typical of all banks, if I must admit, until much later. I have had rejected cheques banked into my bank before, and I only received a notification from my bank about 1 month later! When that money wasn't credited into my bank account, I informed the sender, and got a new cheque banked in. Problem solved! So...maybe you should do the same now, if you haven't already done so. Ask your bank if the cheque was rejected, and also ask if that cheque was acceptable or not in the first place, because some banks do not accept certain kinds of cheques. If it was rejected, then inform Bovada about it and get a new cheque, or payment via an alternative method. There have been several similar issues posted here before in Askgamblers about banking in cheques from Bovada Casino. The banks wouldn't accept the cheques. Hope this helps!
  18. So sorry darling, I know it takes a lot of confusing work for you to check 100 screenshots. There are now 256 screenshots in total there, all except a few are from me, but I have checked those 100 new screenshots for duplicates, found one, and removed it. All others are new ones. But of course, you need to do your part too.
  19. As promised... 100 screenshots uploaded to Supe It Up game review https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/supe-it-up-g1703
  20. Whaaaat??? Did you say 'Tasty Street'? The name alone sounds tasty...and I was just about to raise my finger and find that game...but you said don't go there...oh geeees...you're making me agonise in anxiety mate! Sucks...no such game in my favourite Asian casino...hahaha. I bet it isn't by MG but by some other provider...Rabcat maybe...their games all sucks to me! Well...okay...I quite like Castle Builder...but the payouts sucks nonetheless. Habanero...you have a good go...then let me know...I'll see if I wanna follow...hehehe.
  21. Does anyone ever wonder WHERE all that extra cash money is coming from??? I can even say..."hey, buy 1 Bitcoin and I'll give you 3x the cash amount!" Bitcoin is not real...but your cash money is!
  22. It doesn't have to be in the list mate...you are free to choose any 2 games each month...but not the same games every month of course.
  23. Hahaha...yeah...you're right there! The other topic could also be aptly entitled 'Why Free Play can be like a Quicksand!'
  24. And Bitcoin goes on relentlessly to conquer the world's financial market!!! Nobody cares what will happen in the future...nobody gives a damn about anything...except for making money and making more money! A very simple and very efficient trap, if I may say so! Do what they like...I'll never support Bitcoin!
  25. Yep...agree...straight to the points and no hanky panky...however she did miss out on a few important points...like to caution players that playing in fun mode cannot be the same as playing with real money...just so new players won't get the wrong expectations!
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