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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hahahaha...I'd deliver your share to your doorstep if and when that happens! ?
  2. Yeah...absolutely...and I'm not expecting such a lucky strike week may come any time soon either, hehehe. All I ask from my darling is..."don't take soooooo looooooong for the next time pleeeeeease!"
  3. Wins within one week...as what I got from my Supe It Up game too...so we do share a common Lucky Strike Week indeed, hehehe.
  4. Ooooooooooooh my godddddddddddddddd....now I'm TOTALLY astonished! ???
  5. Well, after reading that piece of news, I realised that it deals mostly on table games, with hardly any mention about slot games. Yes, to talk specifically on slot games strategies alone would take pages of advices, but that's not what the blog is for anyway, so I guess slot players didn't get much useful info or advices from reading it. One of my best strategy on my favourite Supe It Up game, is keeping track of all my deposits and wins. Over the years, I have come to see that there are indeed some 'patterns' of recurrences of big wins...like after a certain number of deposits...or after a certain number of very low payouts...and even after a certain period of dry spells. All these info help me to make calculated assessment of what's next to come...or within the next few free spins games. Not always spot on of course (otherwise I would be a millionaire by now, hahaha), but that's how I got those recent huge wins anyhow. But never forget though...if your Lady Luck (or Lord Luck) darling isn't around you, those nice big wins would almost never come! Yes, despite whatever skills any player may have developed over the years, without luck is without wins!
  6. Not your partner's but your own wins Sharon my dear? ? Woooo...a big big congrats to you indeed...marvelous big withdrawals from you...and I am astonished...but happy for you, hehehe.
  7. They don't ask for a selfie or SoW docs, they verify accounts within minutes, they pay within minutes too...and of course, must have my fav games. Right now, it is an impossible task for any EveryMatrix casino to do...in my case anyway.
  8. Another wow...that was some battle you had there didn't you?...fought and won, woohoo.
  9. WOW! From 5 free spins to $500...super marvelous mate...congrats! ?
  10. Too late...it's already loaded up with 45 red notifications! Hahaha. But I'm damn glad it's back and working now...much much easier and faster than that 'Unread Content'. ?
  11. A thousand apologies my dear! ?
  12. ??...you are now playing with 0.75 and 0.50 bets Sharon my dear??? Must be your partner's wins then...right? ?
  13. But the Forum's Bell notification system still isn't working Guru-san...not in my case anyway. The emails are getting in okay though.
  14. As of 1st Jan 2019, there is not a single EveryMatrix casino in my casinos list...all have been closed and destined to remain closed! Nothing worthy to make me go back to any of them anyway, as far as I am concerned...unless a miracle happens... ?
  15. Be afraid...be VERY afraid...but not as afraid as TheAverageGuy (of losing his 3rd place prize ?)
  16. See whaaaat? No...I didn't see anything... oh...you mean you saw an opening for more moderators? Hmm...I thought you meant you saw a UFO or an alien... (sorry...I was spending my hours watching youtube...including UFOs and aliens videos...?)
  17. The post is still awaiting moderation...mine too...but the moderator may be in the Bahamas... naaaah...in the Bahamas, no, not Cocopop...in the bathroom...maybe... ?
  18. 'Your content will be approved by the moderator...' message just came up after my last post...now still pending...???
  19. I just found one more gliiiiiitch in this new system... when I clicked on my 2nd winning screenshot in the game review, TheAverageGuy's screenshot would appear instead! Not once, not twice, but all the time! When I clicked 'view all' first, then click on my 2nd screenshot, it worked fine. I hope the house dentist is around...lots of teething repairs to be done! ?
  20. Yep...but I still prefer the more convenient old Bell notification way...hope it wakes up soon! ?
  21. After many more thousands of spins on Domnitors Deluxe, I am sad to say that the game is behaving like almost dead...barely alive...and the best that I could get up to today, is still below my best...a 209x win at 0.09 bet. For the record, I also wish to say that playing with 0.45 bets would kill your wallet very quickly, but at 0.18 bets, it is no better than at 0.09 bets. All my 3 best wins were at 0.09 bets. So what do I think of the game now?...no better than Ancient Egypt Classic...probably even worse...because I couldn't even get any better wins than 255x. ?
  22. One more thing...the notification of new replies (Bell symbol) still isn't working...or updating...maybe it's still sleeping? ?
  23. Ooops forgot...(don't I always?)...no need to pick on 'More Reply Options' now...just click on the 'choose files' below and you're ready to go!
  24. After many many hours of Maintenance Mode, AG finally came back to live...don't know exactly at what time...but it doesn't matter... (wanted to add an emoji...but good lord...there's just too many to choose from now...so much so...I don't know which one to pick...hahaha). I also see that Helena is now back to her original Katemak...Mr P without any image now gets a 'P'...others get their alphabets as well...but I still don't know the males from the females...except for the regular members of course, hehehe. Posting replies is a little different too now...but no problem...I'll get used to it very soon. Oh...yeah...you can now choose how you want to rate a reply...not just with a 'like'...coooool!
  25. Who can ever know what actually went on behind the scenes before the Awards Ceremony...just like the internet, don't believe everything you see or read as the absolute truth...because the actual truth is way beyond what you think is the truth... In other words, whichever casino wins any award, just say "...uhmm..." and accept it!
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