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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. May Zeus be with you on your holidays Guru! Hope you'll get to see Olympus rise...not just the sun.
  2. Aaah...any average guy would certainly think of an 'i' first, right matey?! Hahaha.
  3. Cannot deposit at any casino usually means you are not allowed to play at that casino, even though you may have successfully registered there. Some casinos simply do not have any sort of preventive system for restricted players, so anyone can register. Avoid such casinos!
  4. As far as players from USA are concerned, I guess there isn't any other easier option. Whichever way you look at it, nothing can come easily, and everything has additional surcharges/fees to be incurred. Considering the months that a withdrawal may take before you can see your money in your bank account, perhaps you should just get to the nearest land casino and enjoy yourself there...saves all the heartaches and anxieties in waiting.
  5. That sweet young thing there could have a dozen kids and still look the same!!!
  6. Hehehe...some things I can always get right...but some things I always get them blardy wrong!!!
  7. Well...not really the same idea, but similar...the last time it was the biggest win in any slot game. The problem with one chosen game is that some players may not be able to play that game...especially US, Australian and some European players, which are restricted from so many games. Chit-chatting only on weekends...no games on weekdays...ooooh boy...that may make my Sta-ling bored...but can save lots of money!!!
  8. Aaaah...I was wondering where my Sta-ling has disappeared to over the weekend...looks like she went back to the planet of the 'Sta's to get some fresh ideas for this topic...and voila...a slot game contest. Well Sta-ling...we once had a biggest winning screenshot contest for a while...and we also had a slot game contest proposal some time back last year, I think, but the problem with a slot game contest is in its implementation...which may pose the same problems with your suggestion as well. BUT...I'll let the AG team decide on that, hehehe.
  9. Oh damn! I was hoping that win would be on a 2 quid bet! Ah well...not surprising it came at 0.40 bet instead...it's becoming so common with so many games lately.
  10. Without any doubt, the best casinos for US players are brick & mortar casinos...those land-based casinos. US players are amongst the most restricted where online casinos are concerned, as almost all casinos do not accept US residents. The very few casinos that do accept US customers tend to be 'unreliable', or very very slow paymasters, or are simply rogues ones! So, if you're intending to play at any online casinos, check them out here first, in the casino reviews section, but not all such casinos would be in the list either. So there'll be lots of miss-hits I'm afraid.
  11. Basically, there are 2 concepts being put forward here... #1 - A cash reward incentive of some kind - either by way of accumulated points, posts or Level achieved. #2 - A Memorabilia reward of some kind - I have already suggested things like a VR Headgear, a Nikon digital camera, and even a memorable free trip plus lodging to meet up with the AG Team (forum moderator included, hehehe). Others are free to make other suggestions...or another concept...like Guru said...USE YOUR WILD IMAGINATION guys and gals!!! However...do not suggest a free trip on Musk's Space X voyager please.
  12. And that reminds me of 'our' gathering proposal that went awry about 2 years back...it just couldn't work out for me then... but who knows what the future may bring, hehehe.!
  13. About 3 or 4 years ago, Askgamblers printed some black tee-shirts with a nice Amsterdam graphical print on its front...some members got those tee-shirts for free upon request...I was excited to ask for it too...but I couldn't possibly wear any 'ASKGAMBLERS' tee-shirt in my country...so I missed out on those memorabilia. Well...if AG can come out with more damn good memorabilia for members as rewards and prizes...things that I can practically use, wear, or display...then that would be just as great. What would those items be? Well...I know some members here would go nuts over Virtual Reality Headgear...those disorientating headache-causing VR things...so that could be an interesting prize, although not really my kind of a prize. A nice Nikon DSLR camera would be more my kind of thing, so that should be considered too. 'ASKGAMBLERS' can be printed on the camera itself, or on the strap, as long as it is NOT on the viewing panel, hahaha...and that won't deter me from using the DSLR, or showing it off in public! Hehehe.
  14. Not to worry Sharon my dear...if membership level is the main criteria, then I will definitely be the FIRST to win that prize...other members may take at least a couple more years to reach Level 11. BUT...as the prize package says...I get to meet up with the AG Team...so if no Sharon there...the prize would be INCOMPLETE!!!
  15. Wow! That's a total of 10 games we can use for this month's contest! Thank you my dear! But unfortunately, I have only tried out Sizzling Spins and Mirror Mirror...without any wins so far. Aaaaanyway...no time wasting from me...my engines are running...so here I go... My 5 chosen games: Secret Garden (Double entry game): 24 screenshots https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/secret-garden-game-review/screenshots 7 Piggies: 4 screenshots https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/7-piggies-pragmatic-play-game-review/ A Switch In Time:4 screenshots https://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/a-switch-in-time-g3034 Misfit Toyland: 4 screenshots https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/misfit-toyland-rival-game-review/ Pimped: 12 screenshots https://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/pimped-play-n-go-game-review/screenshots
  16. Hmmm...Guru wants a wild imagination...so here's mine... For members who get to Level 11...only one that I know of...gets a return air ticket, plus food and lodging, to visit Askgamblers office and meet up with the AG team!!! Woohoo!
  17. Well, askgamblers is only trying to progress further forward and to make things even more interesting for its loyal members...so naturally, some things will change...some things don't...I always say that, hehehe. Ugly looking games aren't pleasant at all to look at, and they usually lack features to make the game more interesting...but for me, I don't mind the poor graphics at all...as long as the payouts are good, and remain good. With so many new technologies coming into play nowadays, even the good-paying old games have been affected, simply because the server that the game plays on have been 'upgraded'...and will keep on be doing so. Very bad for us players!
  18. Those thousand things? Well, I know the history of Vietnam, I know what had happened over there many years ago, I know the living conditions, the hardships, and why the citizens had to leave the country. Your parents may have been one of these refugees...I'm just assuming...pardon me if I'm wrong...and they migrated to Australia...started their own business later on...and you've been working with them ever since, until Puma came along. Anyway...all that is very personal for you and your parents...you don't have to say right or wrong for it, hehehe. Me? I'm Asgardian Malay...hahaha. Just kidding! Ancestry not from Asgard but from Indonesia! I'm the 3rd generation.
  19. Let me put it in another way for you sta-ling... Yes...each and every post that anyone makes has a limited number of emoticons that can be used at any one time. I'm not sure of the words:emoticons ratio, but usually, a short message or post shouldn't have more than 3 or 4 emoticons used. If too many are used, a message would appear on screen when you click the 'Post' button...indicating that too many emoticons are being used...delete one by one until the message doesn't appear...then that post would go through. For long posts with lots of words, you can use 5 or more emoticons...just see my long replies and count the number of emoticons I have used...that should give you an indication.
  20. Nice going there sta-ling! As open as I am... I didn't expect you to be from Vietnam...thought you're an Aussie...but that alone tells me a thousand things...hehehe. I knew some female friends from Vietnam before...working in the local gaming arcades...but that's about it...just acquaintances.
  21. WOW! I've only gone for 1.5 hours and already missing so much...ooops...deja vu is at it again...hehehe. Wow! So many questions from my sta-ling...but only kidding? Hehehe. Whatever. (pssst...sorry...but I had to delete some of your emoticons...too many there...limited use for me! Hehehe) Nope...I'm not a high roller...was a mid roller a few years back, but now, strictly low rolling like yourself! If I was a high roller, yep, you could probably buy a nice car with my biggest win...but as a mid-roller, my biggest win was $24,000 on Playtech's Desert Treasure game many years ago...but that was at a local gaming arcade. Now...the hardest part for me to answer... How old am I? It doesn't really matter...after all, age is but a number, hehehe. My soul inside of me is NEVER older than 30 years old...probably younger even! And I don't feel old either! Hahaha. Anyway...the honest truth...I am not younger than you sta-ling! Where am I from? I'm in Malaysia...not that far away from you...in fact, just a flight away...hahaha. What I do? Too complicated to answer...I'm a professional...but I'm doing something else, but still slightly related to my profession. Am I married? Was...but crumbled when times were very bad for me! Any kids? Dozens of them! My nephews, my nieces, other people kids...I love them all...because I don't have one...only an adopted son! Where I hang out? In my lonely room mostly. If I do go out, where I'm taken, I just go along! Hehehe. What's my home address? Nooow...that would be getting really personal... If you have a million more questions...save it for when we go out on a date! Hahahahaha.
  22. Aaaand...this Pinnit guy also regards himself as a low-roller...just because he plays 9p and 18p bets on Dead Or Alive! On other games, as you can see, he plays with 1 - 10 quid per spin.
  23. Hehehe...most of what you have suggested I have already suggested mate...but never mind...no harm repeating, hehehe. As for that 'refer a friend' suggestion...AG is already getting 'complementaries' from casinos for new customers that use AG's link...but of course, none of which comes back to us members...EXCEPT...in the form of paid reviews. So giving additional rebates/refunds/whatever would be an additional benefit for us members...still a good thing, if I may say so, hehehe. Points gained from reviews and submissions are only counted for 'Membership Level'. The total number of posts done by any member is accumulated with each new post...it has almost no bearings on the total points collected...except that certain posts, like posting winning screenshots for example, do collect both posts and points accumulation.
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