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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Okay, I can understand the very stressful and distressing conditions in hospitals...and the long hours they have to endure...so dancing is one way of unwinding those stresses. Music is indeed a stress reliever, which I always turn to whenever I'm feeling down or depressed, even getting away from people just to be alone to find peace of mind. Those dancing hospital staff made some mistakes...not keeping a safe distance from one another...6 feet apart should have been the case, but they got too close at times...a few were not wearing masks, essential for all hospital staff...and dancing indoors would have been better, out of public view. What would the public think when they see this? Dancing outdoors, dancing for exercising, dancing to relief their stresses? The public would demand the right to do the same thing too! Exercising outdoors, in open areas, in nearby parks or gardens...because they need to unwind too! Question is, would the police then start scooping up all of them into police vans for being outdoors, for not social distancing, for not staying at home? They'd be saying back "if the hospital staff can do it, why not us? We are under great stress too!"
  2. Agree...he was the one that got me furious with his vulgarities and making fun of things. The other guy, at one point, made a stupid question when he asked "why need a Queen?" Sheesh!!! If I'm a Queen, he'd be in tons of trouble by now! He should know his history first!
  3. No fishing trip for you this time around Guru-san, but you can still do fishing at home. Have a nice holiday mate.
  4. One more thing...to let steam off my chest... That woman was sitting alone by herself...she was not breaching the social distancing order, she was not caught spitting or trying to spread the virus, as done by some other stupid kids and youngsters, there was absolutely no threat by her in spreading the virus because there simply wasn't anyone else within 20 feet of where she was sitting...the only wrong-doing that she had done was by being outdoors when she wasn't supposed to...but then again...Dua Lipa and her boyfriend went for a nice stroll in London yesterday...so why aren't they arrested as well? That Richmond woman should have been politely reprimanded, told to go home and stay home, and not to do it again...arresting her is totally RUBBISH!!!
  5. Anybody who intends to go on air, on youtube, or on any social media, should listen to themselves speaking first! Where's the politeness? Do you want your kids to listen to such bad mannerism day in and day out? Sooner or later, that blardy 'f' word would become an intergral part of the English language, acceptable for use in daily dialogues, no longer a swearing word...and what becomes of the language then...and what becomes of humankind then? That's one good reason why I keep away from social media...it's becoming a totally bad influence nowadays! I only watch or read them to keep myself updated and in the know, but other than that, it's all totally unacceptable and shouldn't be allowed to be on air. Freedom of speech? Get your manners in order first!
  6. What annoys me MOST is NOT the woman...or her behaviour (she's been polite all the way, but knows her rights, although breaching the temporarily-imposed-law)...but the blardy usage of the 'f' word by the 2 guys???!!! Sheesh!
  7. My guess...what we readers are not seeing...or reading between the lines...is that in between those regular nice wins, there have been many regular lost deposits...in the thousands too...but what we readers are seeing, or knowing, are only the successful cakes...only Johnny knows how many spoilt cakes there had been! But one thing is for sure though...Johnny has got one damn lucky bone stuck to his gambling hands!
  8. Thank god things are not that bad in Malaysia...70 deaths so far...may have peaked...hopefully...
  9. The game is CLEO'S GOLD...can be seen at the top of the screenshot...but it's a no-win screenshot, so it does not qualify as a winning screenshot if you ask me.
  10. OH GEEES! I would go really crazy if I can't get my cigarette supply! They're still available at eateries and supermarts...thank god for that! However, the lockdown in Malaysia has just been extended by 2 more weeks...AAARGH!!!
  11. WOW! A huge congrats for an incredible 2203x win there my dear!
  12. I agree with you on many points Copyyy, but I guess I'm more of the forgiving kind...so I went for the last option - no changes.
  13. No...I was the first to vote! Unless my vote didn't register??? Never mind, I'll vote again...
  14. Being one of the longest member here, just let me say briefly that Askgamblers has experienced and gone through several unfavourable circumstances and situations that required it to take stricter measures to be imposed over time...particularly for all paid contests. Yes, I have seen, heard and read of numerous attempts carried out by many former/banned members of Askgamblers, all for the sake of free or quick money from Askgamblers! As it stands now, I am in favour of all the existing rules and requirements for the paid contests, and as far as I am concerned, no further changes or amendments need to be made...for the time being of course, barring any new unfavourable circumstances that may crop up in the future. As for new members, their first attraction to Askgamblers is probably none other than the quick-money-opportunities to be had from the paid contests. Some may be genuinely honest, others may be in it purely for the free money, but whatever the reasons, new members need to prove their eligibility and/or loyalty first. After all, anyone who has just started a new employment anywhere MUST undergo a PROBATIONARY period first, be it 3 months, 6 months, or longer as necessary, right? So to all new members, kindly realise that Askgamblers is not a charity organisation! But Askgamblers offer assistance and help to anyone who may need it, provided certain criteria are first met with. And as our Guru, Valdes, has said above, the paid contests are specifically meant as a 'reward' for all the loyal and endearing members here to enjoy. Nah...this is not a sermon...just my truthful words!
  15. How much is your win there Jameswin? I cannot see the winning amount, so I cannot figure out the winning multiplier either.
  16. Aaah...I guess not everyone gets to enjoy such a bliss on days like these...
  17. From my observations through all these years, I can safely say that any one game would usually play the same BAD WAY at almost all casinos, but would play GOOD only at a very few places! Also, no one player can have the same good play as another player at any one casino either! Whether it's due to each differential individual 'luck', or due to unforeseeable variables in the venues or games, no one can be sure. What usually happens is that you may be lucky at one or a few more other casinos, but would do badly in most other casinos. Solution? Try out various casinos to find your lucky one, then stick to it, until the good luck there finally disappears (yes, it will in time!), then move on to the next lucky casino for you.
  18. Sorry matey, but can you use 'AspireGlobal' instead of 'AG' please in your responses? I don't think many readers actually know what or whom you are referring to when you say 'AG'. I always use 'AG' to refer to 'Askgamblers', so your posts always need a second reading!
  19. A4W to C3011...copy that... Thanks for your concern C3011! Sorry, haven't checked in for a few days...been under the weather...not feeling good mentally...but not sick Covidly! Wish I'm out and about like the army, but that's literally "oh blimey!"
  20. Yeah, very true...but at least we got our fun and entertainment right?...and the casinos get their occasional expletives too, hahaha.
  21. Oh geees...I didn't realise that! All providers should differentiate fun play from real play, in one way or another. In Asian casinos, only a few certain Asian currencies are allowed to be used, so their fun mode play is always in Chinese Yuan (CNY).
  22. All that sounds like an autopsy surgeon at work...
  23. The RNG is nothing more than a 'stupid' machine...it cannot think or do anything by itself! Unlike AI...that's a learning 'intelligence', but only on what it is programmed to do. The finger should be pointed to the game providers themselves...for not wanting to prevent zero payouts for their feature games. If a guaranteed-win free spins game can be created and produced, why can't all free spins and bonus games be likewise? Take Immortal Romance's Wild Desire feature game for example...it could take thousand of spins to get one Wild Desire feature, hundreds and/or thousands of real cash spent to get it, yet it could pay a zero win 3 times in a row (3 separate consecutive Wild Desire features), over more thousands of spent spins! I know because I got exactly that when I was playing the blardy game some years ago...not once but 2 or 3 times over the years! On the other side, take Playtech games for example...Safari Heat, Dolphin Reef, Panther Moon, and almost all of their other slot games too, NEVER paid any zero win for their free spins/bonus games. I should know also, because I've been playing those games for over 20 years regularly! But those good old days are now gone...play Playtech games now and you may get a zero win! Blame it all on the game providers and no one else!
  24. No, it is not normal, but it does occur at a few casinos. However, it takes all the fun away from your gaming experience as you can see whether you won or not before finishing a spin. Is that fun? Can that be fun? To me, that is simply unacceptable, and I would not play at that particular casino again. Better to find another place to play where the same thing doesn't occur.
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