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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. First of all Flatzem mate, I just want to confirm that when you say 'stars' you are referring to the Sheriff's Badges, right, the top paying regular symbol? Secondly, DOA played and paid quite differently in those early days! I myself had gotten 3 times of 5 Scatters within 2 months (or maybe 3 months), all at Casumo Casino! Later on, I got 2 times of the 5 Scatters at another casino (Dunder Casino if not mistaken), so yes, I did get several times of 5 Scatters over that short period of time, maybe within 2 years or so, but probably must have done no less than 500,000 spins on DOA by then. Our Guru Valdes must have done closer to a million spins by that same time, hehehe. Wildline wins were a bit more harder to get, but I did get some of them. Thirdly, the early days of any new game have always seemed to be the best! From then on, it became harder and harder to get 5 Scatters and/or Wildline wins. Nonetheless, DOA is still one of the best games around to play and win!
  2. Honestly speaking mate, no amount of watching those youtube videos is gonna get you closer to getting a Wildline win, but since there's plenty of time, no harm in watching though. From my own experiences, those Wildline wins would occur anytime and unexpectedly. From after seemingly endless useless spins, to coming in the next free spins game!But from what I do know, no Wildline win would come if you get a 5oak win of any one the picture symbols, and neither would it come after a good win of 150x and above. There may be exceptions of course, but I have yet to hear of one.
  3. Aaaah...okay...at least you've got one in Euros, hehehe.
  4. Oh My God! That was indeed a real MONSTER win mate...a huge congratulations! You're really on fire these few days!
  5. My jaw would be dropping if your wins were in Euros or USD mate! But congrats all the same!
  6. I like it...I like it...2 times getting 5 Scatters in the free spins? Oooooh boy! That's one great achievement mate!
  7. What do you mean by "future" ? Well mate, there hasn't been anyone else here in Askgamblers that has won many Mega Wins on Playtech games...and you're the rare ones that I'm seeing. Get some more repeated Mega Wins on Playtech games and our Guru may just acclaim you a Playtech Master too, hehehe. That should be nice isn't it? Unless of course, you'd be more interested in a Slots Master crown instead...
  8. Does anyone actually enjoyed watching those people dancing? I don't! It looks more of a mockery to me...
  9. Am I seeing a future Playtech Master in the making here?
  10. Aaaah...I like that...reminds me of me...hahaha. I play because I love playing it. I play to win, so that I can carry on playing day after day. Trying to get bigger wins with bigger bets have gotten me into serious problems so many times before, so I'm very contented to go on with small bets, for as long as it takes, for as long as it keeps me playing!
  11. I certainly hope NOT so...I don't think many people can stand this sort of self-exclusion and isolation for long periods of time. Situation in my country is cooling down, flattening of the curve as they like to say, so I hope things can get back to normal by May...or almost normal...to allow us to move about but still distancing ourselves for as long as necessary.
  12. WOW! That's some 'little play' you've got there mate! More like many many plays to me...but keep them coming anyway!
  13. Woo-hooo...that's a fabulous huge win there mate! Congrats!
  14. Back from hibernation iterativ? Welcome back.
  15. Seems that several players are facing a downtime on NetEnt...not over at my place though.
  16. If it's$50 cash then I'd be interested...no thanks for gift card though.
  17. No it's not...it's been okay the whole day over at my country. Which country are you from?
  18. One more thing...dancing on the stairs is a big NO-NO !!! Someone might trip and fall and cause a domino effect...then they'd face another crisis!
  19. I only got ONCE of 5 Wilds in the base game, but several times during the free spins...so it is RARE to get 5 Wilds in the base game...5 scatters are slightly easier to get, to me at least. DOA2 has a bigger max win potential, but I still prefer DOA as it is easier to trigger the free spins. Damn hard to get on DOA2!
  20. I take short naps whenever I'm feeling a bit stressed out, or feeling under the weather...then I'd be okay. So have a good rest my dear...see you back here soon.
  21. Okay, I can understand the very stressful and distressing conditions in hospitals...and the long hours they have to endure...so dancing is one way of unwinding those stresses. Music is indeed a stress reliever, which I always turn to whenever I'm feeling down or depressed, even getting away from people just to be alone to find peace of mind. Those dancing hospital staff made some mistakes...not keeping a safe distance from one another...6 feet apart should have been the case, but they got too close at times...a few were not wearing masks, essential for all hospital staff...and dancing indoors would have been better, out of public view. What would the public think when they see this? Dancing outdoors, dancing for exercising, dancing to relief their stresses? The public would demand the right to do the same thing too! Exercising outdoors, in open areas, in nearby parks or gardens...because they need to unwind too! Question is, would the police then start scooping up all of them into police vans for being outdoors, for not social distancing, for not staying at home? They'd be saying back "if the hospital staff can do it, why not us? We are under great stress too!"
  22. Agree...he was the one that got me furious with his vulgarities and making fun of things. The other guy, at one point, made a stupid question when he asked "why need a Queen?" Sheesh!!! If I'm a Queen, he'd be in tons of trouble by now! He should know his history first!
  23. No fishing trip for you this time around Guru-san, but you can still do fishing at home. Have a nice holiday mate.
  24. One more thing...to let steam off my chest... That woman was sitting alone by herself...she was not breaching the social distancing order, she was not caught spitting or trying to spread the virus, as done by some other stupid kids and youngsters, there was absolutely no threat by her in spreading the virus because there simply wasn't anyone else within 20 feet of where she was sitting...the only wrong-doing that she had done was by being outdoors when she wasn't supposed to...but then again...Dua Lipa and her boyfriend went for a nice stroll in London yesterday...so why aren't they arrested as well? That Richmond woman should have been politely reprimanded, told to go home and stay home, and not to do it again...arresting her is totally RUBBISH!!!
  25. Anybody who intends to go on air, on youtube, or on any social media, should listen to themselves speaking first! Where's the politeness? Do you want your kids to listen to such bad mannerism day in and day out? Sooner or later, that blardy 'f' word would become an intergral part of the English language, acceptable for use in daily dialogues, no longer a swearing word...and what becomes of the language then...and what becomes of humankind then? That's one good reason why I keep away from social media...it's becoming a totally bad influence nowadays! I only watch or read them to keep myself updated and in the know, but other than that, it's all totally unacceptable and shouldn't be allowed to be on air. Freedom of speech? Get your manners in order first!
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