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Everything posted by ValDes

  2. What makes you think so, Katy? Indeed, they are paying in a timely manner, but fast? Depends on what you consider as fast. If it's 1-2 days, then they are definitely in that group.
  3. Soooo, a slot you say...... Something like this one for example?! An AskGamblers Romance II! Sorry, Microgaming. The trademarks are already sold out!
  4. There's something you should know when it comes to Microgaming and casinos, using their software though... There is NO way, absolutely NO way, for ANY operator using Microgaming software to change/interfere/manipulate even a single spin made at those casinos! The outcome of each and every single spin made is calculated and produced at the Microgaming servers. NOT at the casino servers! So, to claim that a Microgaming powered casino could manipulate your game-play is totally inconsistent in my opinion. And I would love to see the whole game log. Could even help you analyzing it and calculating RTP. Or maybe you could post here the answer of Microgaming's investigation over your sessions at Jackpot City casino.I'm curious to take a look at them already and see if a 41% RTP session is even possible to happen...
  5. Yeah, one of 'those day' ... when Lady Luck is sitting comfortably on your shoulder.. and there's nothing in the world which could stop you...
  6. Yeah, but you don't start betting with a balance of 6000 right?
  7. I would recommend you submitting a complaint against the casino as soon as possible.
  8. Yes, it is forbidden to do that actually! The fellow AskGamblers forum members deserve only the best, i.e. posting mostly at the winning screenshots topic!
  9. Hey Zeljko It's not about using or not a pros/cons system, but what do you put there as arguments and how do you support these arguments. Personally, I find most of these arguments as totally inconsistent, but that's only me, other members may like it. Who knows?...
  10. Good news there, eh Sharon?! Time to use Valleys luck...and money! Right?!
  11. Dear Johnny, could you please stop behaving as if you were offended by something or someone here! You are quite right when saying this is a "friendly forum". Indeed, this is really a friendly forum, and thus, we do not allow the usage of offensive language here. Excuse me, but words like crooks, thieves and such like are still marked as insulting words in my book?! ...So as in our Forum Rules, which is more important! No one wants you to leave. Personally, I would like that at least. Your screenshots are definitely awesome by far and causing so much positive emotions among our members since we don't have that much high-rollers posting at this thread. All we ask you is to be careful with the language used when posting and to support your accusations with real and valid arguments and evidences! Simple as that. By the way, if you have some proofs that you were scammed by the casino, please post them here. Just make sure all personal data will be properly hidden or removed.This is a public forum and we do not hide anything from our members. On the contrary, what we are doing here is to supply our customers with all possible and useful info about an online casino operator and leave them consider it on their own.
  12. It's Friday night again and guess who's here! Yeah, that's me, your rock DJ, ValDi Ei Ei!
  13. Dear Johnny, I was quite patient with you so far, mainly because you were going through a difficult period with controlling your gambling. But what you are doing in the last couple of days is absolutely unacceptable and beyond all reasonable limits of the good manners! You can't just throwing insults and accusations against online casino WITHOUT even trying to support your statements with a single valid proof! This a reputable gambling related forum, visited by tens of thousands of people on a daily basis and we simply could not afford to tolerate rudeness and fool language. Take the above as your official warning. Mind your language, do not use insults and please, support any accusation with valid proves. Otherwise you are risking to become a laughing stock! P.S. Topic title has been edited.
  14. Sincerely hope so, as there ain't going to be another chance.
  15. Cool. For this forum or we are going to start some cartoon?
  16. I'm afraid that even now, some of our posts look more like a comics rather then a serious gambling analyses! So, my answer is no. Sorry, but just could't resist getting new suggestions from Icy every single week.
  17. And soooo... After the insane long reading, a barrel of coffee (and beer), I'm finally done with the monthly summary,which is as follows: bigdk88 - 5 reviews bogdangy - 3 reviews cocopop3011 - 18 reviews (No need to comment on your reviews, right? They are awesome, but I've never expected less from you! ) gordontan - 32 reviews hajnrih - 2 reviews Icymod - 125 reviews (Great work, Icy! As usual! ) IrineTropic - 11 reviews jumbosaver - 165 reviews (I'm afraid that 5 of your reviews (No Worries, Secret Admirer,Witch Dr, Thunderfist,Wings Of Gold) are short on words and thus, not accepted. Also, please be warned that quantity does not necessarily means quality. Why don't you try to improve your reviews a bit and share more personal experience inside rather than paying that much attention to some general facts? Why don't try to surprise us a bit by telling something we don't know about a game, something you managed to dig out from a research or over the internet? No offense mate, but reading your reviews could be described with one word and it is 'boring'.) katemak - 16 reviews kruno1414 - 4 reviews mpane80 - 50 reviews (Please, try to diversify your reviews a bit, mate. 99% of them follow one and the same structure and wording) paquito76 - 86 reviews Raptordinos - 3 reviews sencize - 10 reviews valentin68 - 40 reviews yapro - 48+61 reviews (Good job,mate! ) Thanks everyone for taking part in the contest. To those of you, who intend to continue writing, I would like to wish a productive work and please, make sure you meet all our terms and conditions. P.S. For all matters, concerning this contest, please send me a PM.
  18. Finally! After countless hours of reading, checking, taking notices and drinking coffee I'm done! And the monthly summary is as follows: blondies - 8 reviews bogdangy - 5 reviews eminemtherapking5 - 1 review hajnrih - 2 reviews katemak - 20 reviews mpane80 - 3 reviews (I'm still waiting you to re-post the Vernons casino review ) Raptordinos - 1 review spacecat - 2 reviews swati - 60 reviews (I'm afraid that 11 of your reviews (777 Dragon,Coral,ExclusiveBet,Floor,Heypoker,King Solomons,Nedplay,Paddy Power,Queen Vegas,Whitebet,Wild Jack) are short on words and thus, not accepted. Also, please be warned that most of your reviews are just too general and does not contain enough personal experience and therefore no more reviews with the same quality shall be accepted.) Tweeksta - 6 reviews vaibhavsingh - 76 reviews (Your Lucky Club review is short on words and thus, not accepted. Also please bare in mind that quantity does not mean quality and unfortunately your reviews just confirm this fact. We accept both positive and negative feedback for casinos, listed in our website, but statements like this one "Altogether it is good for fun but you can not make a lot of money with them." is simply beyond our ideas of a fair and honest attempt to describe your own personal experience with a casino! No more review with the same quality shall be accepted! ) yapro - 146 reviews (Glad to welcome yet another experienced member within our forum) zeljko777 - 47 reviews (Your Casino Mate review is short on words and thus, not accepted. Also, please pat some attention to the Pros/Cons system you are using with the reviews. No offense mate, but in my humble opinion it sucks big time!) Thanks everyone for taking part in the contest. To those of you, who intend to continue writing, I would like to wish a productive work and please, make sure you meet all our terms and conditions. P.S. For all matters, concerning this contest, please send me a PM.
  19. May I join this merry company, guys! With one small remark though, if you allow me of course. If I withdrew every time my winnings of over 100, I would have already been a millionaire!
  20. ValDes is right here! Already calculating the off-topic fines for some gentlemen here!
  21. Just kidding, my dear Macedonian neighbor! I'm in such a good mood today... almost finishing with the big reading, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...
  22. Afi, I believe what Johnny was trying to say is that the withdrawal has been requested. And now he's most probably waiting for the money to arrive...
  23. The aforementioned lady has just been informed about your ... "verbal outpourings" ! Hope she's coming here any minute...
  24. Hey, I bust my *** doing all these screenshots today and yet no one even press the like button under this post?! As a very famous woman at this forum used to say - "How Rude!"
  25. ValDes is all ears right now! Feel free to en-light us at the chit-chat topic.
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