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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Nothing spectacular. Just my personal opinion though...
  2. Okay then, I'll speak with the boss. How much reviews do you think you could deliver on a monthly basis?
  3. Luckily we have that game presented...so, here you are, dear J. Starburst
  4. Have you seen Kate's and mine screenshots in the winning thread? Could be a mind changer.
  5. A girl? What girl are you talking about, dear? I can see only a grown up beautiful ladies all around, but girls?! Nahh, we do not accept minors.
  6. Mean that you can write as much as you wish under each and every bonus we have, but for...free. Or in other words, you are not going to be paid.
  7. Here you are, mate. http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/zodiac-casino-usd20/ http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/nostalgia-casino-usd20/
  8. And what the heck is this giant Bengal tiger doing in the house next to yours then?!
  9. Agree, but in one condition only. ... To post at least 50 reviews!
  10. This could be answered only by the casino tech support where the aforementioned software glitch had happened.
  11. Beware, it could be also a big, fat zero instead!
  12. Yes, my "NANO BANO winning , combination SECONDS ufff " could not compare at any case with your ultra professional method of discovering and presenting such monumental scientific discoveries, such as catching starburst symbols for example!
  13. Okay, okay, I give up... It was Luciana who did that!
  14. Bravo! Already so eager to see it...
  15. Heads up for hajnrih! And still waiting for the promised a-z challenge from yapro.
  16. Hmm, yet another topic with less activity recently...not seeing too many new reviews, nor writers?! Are most writers on a vacation already or just everyone here is in a lazy mode!
  17. Hey,what's going on here?! Where are my reviews?! Come one, you lazy punters! Grab your pencils and start writing!
  18. Wish I could remember everything said by our members, but apparently I fail from time to time.
  19. Could be your lucky day with them today. At least I hope so.
  20. Yeah, this ValDes is virtually everywhere across this forum and website! Does he never get tired?! Aha + Sharon.
  21. You, naughty askgamblers!
  22. Ehh, a god?! A great musician, an awesome artist, but a god?! Come on...
  23. To whom it concerns! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participle
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