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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Nice hit, Darg! Congrats and keep them coming! Is this you biggest ever Gemix win or you got bigger ones before? Just wondering what the winning potential of this game is as I never really gave it a serious try...
  2. Your screenshot reminds me once again why Wild Turkey has been sent of in my 'slot freezer' long time ago... Still a nice win though. Congrats mate!
  3. You know just as better as I do that it doesn't really matter what game you should have been switching or not IF Lady Luck wasn't there that day. Supe It Up, although one of all time favorite Microgaming slots, is definitely not a game you should play with less then 200 x bet starting balance, like most of the high variance games though which we both love so much..
  4. Thank you guys, appreciate your support!
  5. Okay, while our colleagues from the tech department are working to solve the problem once and for all, could you please try the following: 1/ Use this link to browse new forum posts - http://www.askgamblers.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=viewNewContent&search_app=forums The website might display you are not logged in, but please discard it. 2/ Make sure to check some of the options which suits you best from the menu on the right - http://prntscr.com/cdf3ob 3/ You should be able to track down all new forum content and post without any problems. Please try and let us know if you are still facing troubles.
  6. Exactly! This is what we were always trying to do here since day one and despite all the difficulties down the road seeing a relatively new forum member like you posting the above makes us believe our efforts were not in vain and of course a powerful stimulus keeping up the same way! Thank you, raverbabe! You really touched me!
  7. Sergiu is the right person to clarify this important detail. Sergiu, is it only the MG games that are not available to play for SA players or the whole casino?
  8. Sure, you may check here - http://www.askgamblers.com/forum/forum/9-poker-and-sportsbook/
  9. I guess the chit-chat thread is way more suitable place for this kind of conversation. Reading the very first post here will let you know why...
  10. Important clarification though, the videos should be yours or belonging to website you own or represent.
  11. Nope, not at all. If we were banning each and every account holder who violated a rule intentionally or not, I guess it will be dead silent around in no time. We strive to give a second chance anyone who didn't commit some serious violation of our rules. Of course, the final decision is always subjective, but guess we should all live up with this.
  12. Hi Sergiu and thanks for the clarifications made in regards of the free spin offer.
  13. Sad story to say the least... And scary too! And what's even more concerning is the fact that this is happening in 2016, not in the 1870' Wild West... Maybe it is just about time to bring some heat back to those 'sweet and kind' gentlemen who sent you that crappy email and file a report in front of the European Cybercrime Center which is part of Europol. More info here - https://www.europol.europa.eu/ec3 Good luck and keep us updated.
  14. Perhaps visiting the Notification Management part of our Knowledge Base might help you understand and control better all your AG notification preferences.
  15. Hmm, are you sure about that?... Have just opened my Neteller and guess what, there's no Skrill out there listed as available 'Money Out' method.... As far as I know the same applies for Skrill as well. You could deposit money from your Skrill to Neteller and vise versa if you know the email and pin/password for the other account of course, but direct withdrawals...
  16. Saw it, on it... Please have some patience until we double check and apply the necessary changes if any.
  17. If No is visible then it means the add-on is switched. You could easily check that though by sending a test notification.
  18. Okay guys, your feedback has been passed to the relevant person. Hope you will all receive answers any time soon by the casino reps themselves or once we receive such info from the casino directly. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
  19. This useful add-on was in fact present in the previous website version with the launch of the AskGamblers Notification feature. You could change its settings from the notifications page - http://www.askgamblers.com/settings#notifications Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the option which suits your current preferences.
  20. Thanks for your feedback guys, we will take it into consideration of course. Section Updates in the Posting Guidelines actually refers to multiple reviews left in a relatively short period of time. I hope you all agree that's not quite the normal behaviour of the common player and leaves too much spaces for unnecessary suspicious on behalf the other players reading that review and/or the relevant casino managers. There is nothing wrong in posting new review after let's say couple of months though, that's more than enough time to change your impressions and general opinion about any online casino brand. We have such members posting more than one review within several months and their reviews were left since they didn't violate any of the Posting Guidelines. Absolutely! Helena made quite an important remark here as there is NO way you could expect to be paid twice fro reviewing the same casino, slot or bonus. Please, keep that in mind in case you are participant in any of the AG paid contests.
  21. Nope, despite all the invitations I don't attend affiliate conferences. One day maybe... when they start to organize 'online players' conferences...
  22. Not sure if I could remember such "big max bet win" on Mega Spin - BDBA to be honest... As for the DOA hit you are talking about, raverbabe, it's just $2250...unfortunately...
  23. What do you mean by "lost" reviews? The system didn't accept them or it all disappeared upon clicking Post Review button? If so, please accept our apologies for the inconveniences caused by the log in/out bug. Perhaps writing saving the reviews on some text editor first is a good idea to save you from similar future troubles.
  24. One of the greatest 'gambling superstitions' I've heard so far, really! I have at least a dozen of these myself to be honest so here it is, another great idea of a new forum topic - My Gambling Superstitions.
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