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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hello and welcome to AskGamblers. Your complaint has been accepted and processed. You may review the case here: Pocketwin Casino - Requesting bizarre photo with winning cheque Please make sure to stick with the AGCCS Complaints Guidelines.
  2. And let me assure you will not be the only player here who would dedicate most if not all to such 'new', but 'classic' MG viper client casino... That ain't gonna happen I'm afraid, at least considering the industry trends when it comes to new brands launching and supplying.. Anyways, that's pretty interesting subject and it would be really awesome if you could start a new forum topic dedicated to this matter. Think that most of the regular forum members here have lots to say about it...
  3. Dear Johnny, As previously explained on numerous occasions, we do not tolerate any personal or whatsoever attacks on other websites and/or forums. Hope you still remember that mutual respect and friendliness are some of the key factors which our forum community so much proud of. Please stick to the forum rules and spirit. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi again, Your new complaint has been accepted and processed. Please make sure to stick with the AGCCS Complaints Guidelines. Cherry Casino - Huge 220,000 SEK withdrawal delayed for months!
  5. End of the August contest. Hope you all enjoyed reviewing this month. Summary to be announced at the beginning of next week. Stay tuned. Any questions referring to AG paid contests, please feel free to send via PM.
  6. End of the August contest. Hope you all enjoyed reviewing this month. Summary to be announced at the beginning of next week. Stay tuned. Any questions referring to AG paid contests, please feel free to send via PM.
  7. End of the August contest. Hope you all enjoyed reviewing this month. Summary to be announced at the beginning of next week. Stay tuned. Any questions referring to AG paid contests, please feel free to send via PM.
  8. Used to be a huge fan of their ultra high variance games, such as Tut-Ankh-Amun, Aztec Enigma and Arctic Adventure to name a few... Not sure how it is now since as already mentioned I didn't play there from ages, but hey, you may try their games for free here and see which one gonna suit your demands. 3Dice Slots here - http://www.askgamblers.com/software/3dice-com/games/
  9. Thanks Icy, really glad to know you appreciate my efforts so high. However, some important clarifications need to be made... Guess when talking about the 'night shift bartending job' you are actually referring to the AG Story page. If so, I'm afraid it wasn't me who is the main hero, but the founder and CEO of AskGamblers, his name is Igor Salindrija. More about him here. In April we were acquired by Catena Media and now we are determined to push the boundaries and bring our services to an even higher level. Jelena, a.k.a. Luciana left AG in 2014 and joined the Fruity Casa team. She is often active in our forum though and you could ask her personally if her move has something to do with your unforgettable courtship.
  10. Wow, 3Dice and their unique games! Must have been ages since I played there for the last time... Used to be a regular depositor there couple of years ago as most of their games were high variance slots which could grab you right from the start... Thanks for reminding me and congrats for the big win! Guess I'll pay a visit to 3Dice any time soon and refresh some of the good, old memories.
  11. I do believe that it doesn't really matter if the game would display ''2'' or ''K'', simply because if the predefined outcome of the double up round has already been set /and that's something we both obviously believe to be the case/, the game will then select a suitable card to beat it. Sure, beating "2" seems like a way easier card to beat assuming there are 48 'bigger' cards left in the deck, but somehow I am totally convinced that the chances to lose with a ''2'' on the right are just as equal as beating a ''K''. Wish we could get a confirmation of that one day from one or more of the biggest players on the gambling software market such as NetEnt, Microgaming, Playtech, etc, but we both know that ain't gonna happen soon as they all defend and keep their RNG models in top secret. Until that day, I guess what we could do to make our gambling lives easier is to pay less attention to all these 'visual teasers' and focus on searching Lady Luck's 'close encounters' if you know what I mean.
  12. Warning? I don't really think so... The issue was simply a matter of not reading our Posting Guidelines carefully on behalf the casino management team and the underlined rule below in particular, that's all. As far as I am in aware of, all that has already been explained and we don't expect further issues referring to the same kind of problem again.
  13. That would be really awesome! Thank you in advance for helping us!
  14. Sure there is! Here's the link - http://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/4277-casino-representatives-list-updated-regularly/
  15. Fair enough, lesson learned... Perhaps "at your services" sounds better... Have just edited my post though and correction has been applied.
  16. As promised, I personally took care to investigate the matter further and as a result over 100 player reviews have been removed due to violation of one or more of the AskGamblers Posting Guidelines, section Facts and Conflict of Interests being the most common ones. Thank to all those who reported the issue and honestly provided their feedback and opinion, it's really appreciated.
  17. You know the outcome has been predefined long ago before seeing that card on the left, don't you... Agree though, sometimes these 'visual teasers' are the ones which deliver the real fun when gambling online.
  18. Nope, but it starts with Bet and ends on AT...
  19. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Indeed, what our fellow forumer @Fiekie247 has already advised is the best you could do to chase the issue further and find adequate help. I can see you have already submitted a complaint, however it has just been rejected due to the fact it lacked significant amount of important details such as dates, amounts, etc etc... Please, fee free to submit a new complaint but this time make sure to go through AskGamblers Casino Complaints Service Guidelines and read these carefully.
  20. Actually, I don't believe FBI would help much here, simply because our forum friend vtyypi is from Finland. Perhaps submitting a formal complaint in front of European Cybercrime Centre is a better idea to start with. https://www.europol.europa.eu/ec3
  21. I think I have already watched that video last year, not sure though... Still, amazing hit!
  22. Usually, I would recommend using AskGamblers Casino Complaints Service considering the nature of the issue you have described above. However reading your post to the end made me believe you have actually zero grounds for any of your accusations and I really mean zero. Regarding the 2.5% fee on card deposits... The fee is duly stated and explained here - https://www.casumo.com/en/faq#is-there-a-deposit-fee-at-casumo Regarding the software crashes... No one and I mean NO ONE within his rind mind would keep playing and depositing providing the fact that the game is constantly crushing, freezing or whatever you call it. You were supposed to stop playing immediately, contact the casino support, report the issue and ask for assistance. Then wait until the problem is being investigated and solved eventually. Simple as that. Regarding ''shutting your newly opened account'... Guess you realize that this ''newly'' opened account you were talking about is in fact direct and serious breach in any casino's terms and conditions. Casumo is no exception and what they did is what each and every casino would do as soon as they notice multi-accounting... Perhaps reconsidering your whole point of view when it comes to similar situations and drawing some serious conclusions from the feedback given by so many forum members here might help you avoid such problems again. By the way, the forum title has been changed accordingly as I don't really think Casumo should suffer from totally unjustified accusations. And since it's pretty obvious that further discussion on this matter is completely useless, the topic is being locked now.
  23. Well, not sure whether you should deposit or not considering the current situation, however contacting Jelena and asking her to help sounds as the obvious solution for all your troubles with Fruity Casa. You know well that she is doing miracles for AG forum members, don't ya...
  24. Absolute beauty indeed! Never seen 5 scatters in Secret of the Stones before! Congrats mate! By the way, I think you should add the scatters screenshot in the topic below, would be an awesome addition I guess. 5 Scatters Topic
  25. Yep, but it has just been moved to the correct forum topic.
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