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Everything posted by Icymod

  1. With her magical finger, anything can happen to her cash!
  2. Assuming the next word is from Valdes: TEST GRADE If on Sneha: PATIENCE WORRY
  3. Birthday Cake, No deposit Free Chips, new spells, and a leprechaun appreciation day
  4. Should your powers of persuasion are enough to convince/brainwash her then you know where I stand . This "Wild dream" would fit her........she's the forum heroine in need of more naughtiness! Let Luciana the Serbian Hottie be wild!! Happy Birthday again AskGamblers
  5. Okay so this isn't really a serious suggestion but a really wonderful suggestion for us men. It involves Luciana's screenshot........she's leaning sexily on a wall wearing a cowgirl outfit, something involving a skirt or whatever's way hotter while her left hand is attached to the wall (brick wall), waist level palm facing on the wall while her right hand at shoulder width facing the opposite. Her left leg exposed but also on the wall. Here I am speaking freely that I miss this forum after fixing my hard drive which is now powered to go! (Imagine if She really did that....... ......Oooo man)
  6. #1 is my guess!!! For #2 this sounds true and #3.......lol I just laughed at your comment.
  7. Such an oldie Bars and Stripes is. There's bound to be a large amount hiding in one of those hats!
  8. Ive confirmed your request Queen Coco/Sharon!
  9. I can't believe I got my $301.55 withdrawal from Everest Poker already! That wasn't 3 - 7 business days for the Wire transfer lol........good they made me think that!
  10. Lol a few times before. One time I had my hand behind my wooden chair when I fell off and my fall crushed my hand against the floor! Ouch....hurts bad!
  11. Thanks Valdes! Right now, I feel like going off topic or something to shave off some of this waiting. (I think your next move will be to suggest writing reviews to pass the time) Already been there, done and posted!
  12. Try to hassle your "neighbour" (the one who appears to be the boss) as much as possible. That way he'll go on vacation again and I'll finally give out the opening for........"His worst nightmare"! Here's my reviews in case if "Mr Bossman of AskGamblers 2014" is thinking about the OT Jar because of my post (Oh I know your thinking about that right now Valdes) http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/wolverine-playtech-game-review/#winningScreenshots - Wolverine http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/lights-game-review/#review-53ac62be70a0f85b6f8b4567 - Lights http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/fortune-hill-g4630#review-53ac6de270a0f8ca728b456f - Fortune Hill http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/freaky-fruit-g1230#review-53acd50170a0f8490c8b456b - Freaky Fruit http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/football-star-game-review/#review-53ad6aa570a0f8f66b8b4567 - Football Star @Valdes, Your P.I.T.A forum member is letting you start your break now lol (I may or may not put in more reviews, this could be my last for the month)
  13. Well done on getting a full screen of wilds Valdes!!! Betting minimums sure are the way to produce big results.....hehe I did too only not a full screen of wilds, gimme five Sir guru!!!
  14. Yes Sharon, the full $301.55. They said it'll be 3 - 7 working days. After they processed it today, my Everest account reopened.......this is better than to see myself reverse my balance or wait for some period to complete. No $40 charges.....nothing......just those "up to 7 business days" standing in my way!
  15. From my view through Valdes as the Admin, I'd say it is great! He'll most likely suggest that you should participate in other great topics too and you should keep up the good work with these reviews with the ending word being "Mate"! @ Officer Valdes in 22 Division, please put in Pokies City Casino if you can (because I've never touched this thread in the longest time in terms of putting in reviews!). Thx
  16. A Balkan Sorceress? I wouldn't hesitate to turn her when my fangs hit her neck except if she flavoured herself with garlic first then forget it! Some Olive oil and some herbs will do too well! I wish Luciana would talk dirty/give me an eye opener of a post from one comment.....good or evil!!! Big motivation on reviews starts there!!!!
  17. With an excellent opportunity for gaming and cashouts comes the ugliness of gambling! (The bottom screen is from VIP Stakes for their.......awesome resolution on Starburst............when I clicked Play for real with my free spins intact)
  18. Good thing Everest closed my account so they can do my withdrawal for the manual Wire Transfer. I caught a break this time....no fees and no waiting/chatting in the "How to resist reversing on a withdrawal" thread!!!!!!
  19. Thank you for noticing what a motor mouth I have! What can I say....I like to be Quick-witted (or witty if you prefer) Lol I wasn't serious about the couple/room thing! If anything I wanted to find a reaction fitting to the both of you. You know your pal Icymod was just kidding....right? I could be careful or I could simply advance through to the next level, fail to heed your warning and receive your glorious You want to know what else, I miss your cool comments (Evil Balkan style comments) @Both, if I don't create these comments then my law of existence as a Vampire/Warlock will disappear (I'll go unnoticed/disintegrate for not having the most brilliant posts). Also, we 3 can be a team!
  20. You sure about that Valdes? Lol thought that topic was real. Anyways, back to searching for new topics and eyeing Princess Kitana
  21. Hahaha, from reading your post on that link, I am the last person lol Have you had your new experiences laid on with the new casino changes Coco?
  22. Their love for each other.............the guru and the witch............and the money. (Thinking aloud......get a room you too!) Hahaha, this sentence reminds me of the Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe LOL Always I see Katemak dancing on the thread with her no deposits / free spins turned into (rubbing index and thumb fingers together). Anyways, two can play at that game! Screens are below (I didn't know about adjusting the size of the game windows until later on imao) I'll cut the screens short as I did it already on the "Showtime" thread so long stories short it's 5 screens. Now I'm be waiting for this "bad girl" to hit my bank! The only fee I saw was for $7 if there is more than one withdrawal! Not bad Everest Poker!
  23. Here's my contribution....sorry for the initial screens, I didn't know I can adjust the game window until later lol. Now I know how Katemak feels when she's mad with power when turning free spins/no deposits into a cashout!!! You (Witch) and I (Warlock) have something in common....... My screens least to greatest, played slots then Blackjack (non-live)
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