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Everything posted by Icymod

  1. Yes, this type of art is suitable for someone just like Valdes. He loves reading reviews, being patient, thoughts swirl on what to do on each betting round and each move has benefits or consequences. (ie. raising someone with a bluff and that player re-raises). To me Poker is more of like Chess! Each move is as important as the pieces that stand!
  2. Nah, a school girl is too common just like a french maid. I want something with a bit more attitude. A cowgirl fits well for that! Boots, miniskirt, the cowgirl hat, a checkered blouse that's knotted, 2 revolvers that need to be cooled off by a young beautiful lady who's been outside in the sun for too long.....but if unbuttoned shirt is what floats your boat then I can't see a reason to stop you! Now I'll have to take out the first 6 words from the second paragraph so that the sentence is a perfect example for me for the following below: I'll see if I can do something specially for you (not bonus, something else) (I cheered in my head with these words) For casinos I like, they are GoWild (there's a dry spell there when I deposit, so unlucky for a withdrawal yet I still try), Casino Luck (my favourite NetEnt casino), Everest Poker/Casino, Unibet (poker), and All slots/First Web Just remember my Juliet that you need to make up for your unforgiveable sins of being too busy and that is why a new (steamy) avatar shot must be the only way to be forgiven...........& to wipe the slate clean. Don't you agree Valdes?
  3. Yes, it's all about remembering the card hands, what beats what hand, when and what to raise..............and preferably what position you want to be in
  4. And I'm sure you will be surprised about how a voodoo doll got underneath your pillow
  5. Are you into Poker? There are Poker rooms all over and their are video pokers in online casinos (Microgaming, Playtech, Real Time Gaming etc.) If you are into poker, you'll be our new Vanessa Rousso!
  6. Valdes, tell me something? Why would you ask me the golden question and then put in a road block? Your a bigger teaser than I am! Now I'm not asking the lady to get naked or something because that would be terribly terribly..................................(think of some words before he notices)...............wrong/disrespectful (okay that'll work), I just want something that'll help me make AG more interesting and more importantly to help my fingers to type faster! Even just a cowgirl costume for Jelena would be enough......with or without her against the wall. Or heck.......just her blowing a kiss as an avatar shot will do fine too! And just so you know, I plan to stay wild before the end of this month
  8. And here I am talking again lol I might get banned just for that so here's some more reviews: http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/slots-oasis-casino-usd4-000/#review-53d8410570a0f8ff228b4570 - Slots Oasis http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/match/all-slots-casino-usd200/#review-53d8564170a0f87d578b4567 - All Slots (Hehehe, I can imagine what other name to call this.....All S*uts lol!) http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/2nd-deposit/first-web-casino-usd100/#review-53d85f2070a0f8333e8b4572 - First Web
  9. This..................... At a time like this one, I want Valdes to disable the 1st forum rule paragraph just to fulfill my deepest desires Please throw a life jacket, something....anything........poor Icymod is dying of........emptiness or silence?
  10. Not as ridiculous as zombies or being banned by the lovely administrator for being too good at what I do? Come on tell us Oct 31!
  11. It's this type of evil deed that I want in other members. Keep up the great work Katemak! In Luciana: Definitely can see that in her (I always wanted to see that in her but it never happens) In Cocopop3011: I can't see this in her, I can only see her hitting me In Valdes: ................The answer is obvious In Katemak: What else isn't there to like about. I like her the way she is! I'm going to be courageous and post this up to see what happens (probably not good) so............I'll just hide somewhere and observe my findings (Hint: I'm not hiding in a large cardboard box)
  12. No, I just thought of you Katemak......then what came to mind is Witch, than Halloween and it led me to this idea....about fears and what frightens people Just don't be stranded in an ocean, you'll be fine I'd prefer heights over snakes.........and if thinking about King Cobras da*n......there more aggressive with there movements and their hissing! Everyone's been saying I watch horror movies lol..........okay I love horror movies for the record but the idea never came from them. I had some spare time after reviews thinking about another thread with lots of creativity left over. You don't have anything to fear? Everyone has something to fear about..........but if it's the Shadow King you fear about, you could say that @Katemak, what about you honey witch? You must be afraid of something or have experienced some type of nightmare in your life? Please do tell.
  13. With the words you've chosen sir, you have disarmed the reason "why" I asked. In short, your awesome personality and skills in handling a member are tough to find in another individual. It seems you and Katemak are the only members able to be . I can't find that in other members. Yeah, I'm weird like that!
  14. Ohh okay that's what you meant by asking me if I'm okay lol thought you meant it seriously like.....Icymod are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance? I was figuring out how you meant that
  15. To answer your question yes and yes, this probably is a bad idea of a topic. I should've known. Now just remember that I have some big imagination and I am boasting with creativity!
  16. My first thoughts were to think of a game so instead I wanted to find out what you might be scared about. Gambling related, outside of gambling or whatever seems to be frightening! Real, fake, possible or impossible. This'll probably be a short thread and possibly a debatable one so I'll go first: My fears are: That I would enter a room, I would see a big hole in a wall, the door behind me shuts itself, I can't open the door and a bunch of spiders, insects, snakes and scorpions come rushing in! Also, Zombies if they're real (it's a possibility) and objects nearby that move on their own.....ie. a fold up chair that folds itself up and is thrown against a wall.....on it's own! A small object like a vase falling is one thing but a huge object moving or hitting something else....ON IT'S OWN!!! My worst nightmare is: Valdes: Icymod, you have been banned for........... I don't know how i can sleep after (He's getting ideas now)
  17. Ohh noo!! Now I understand why Luciana can't fulfill my "Wildest Dreams". The first paragraph of this link: http://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/2465-askgamblers-forum-rules/?do=findComment&comment=12632 . If you need me I'll be at the end of the tub....without water If only the forum rules of that 1st paragraph would temporarily be waived just for the purpose of "You know"......the best things I'll ever see in a forum ! And yeah, as this is a gambling forum and risk is involved, it could be possible.....that chance can offer a unique forum heroine screen?
  19. Reading everyone's posts here.......so ultimately All Jackpots is an okay casino that pays and Valdes has banned Johnny for a month. Can all of you agree that All Slots is a better casino than All Jackpots or First Web? @Valdes, as you let off some steam, before you take all of that away can I ask you something? As curiosity fills my creativity, I would like to know, if I were in Johnny's place, would you give me the same punishment of 1 month or would you have something different in mind? The question why will follow your answer
  20. Well, spicy hot........then lazy
  21. Hehehe because if I'm the new Valdes it means you and your teammate won't be able to cause trouble/mischief.....no more rituals or comments that'll force me to do something (ie. remember Valdes comment about the Quiz). Besides, it's right for me to restore the equilibrium. Don't worry my dear Katemak, you won't be in serious trouble.......as long as you say comments involving punishment and the use of and (This is such a fun forum! Too good to leave)
  23. Nothing further your honor! I rest my case (for now muahahaha + ahahahaha)......this meeting is adjourned (my later posts/links will come later) Thank you Sir, Luciana and Cocopop3011 for reviving my abilities!
  24. http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/reload/spin-win-casino-usd1000/#review-53d7e8df70a0f83e018b45ad - Spin WIn Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/euro-city-casino-usd200/#review-53d7f06b70a0f808238b456a - Euro City Casino http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/video-slots-casino-usd10/#review-53d80ee470a0f8b43c8b456a - Video Slots Casino
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