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Everything posted by TRM

  1. ok think I will have to contribute some more to this payday has finally arrived yesterdaY yayyyy I mean awesome lol
  2. I have just added this too chrome and wish I knew of it earlier also biggie I was able to change lines and also switch bet size maybe its been fixed or updated to allow this now?
  3. your not lying there I thought this email was spam I got about this info find it crazy now 32red will be missivo Gibraltar-licensed operator 32Red has entered into an agreement to acquire the UK customer data base of Go Wild Casino from its Malta-licensed parent company Go Wild Malta Ltd. extracted from gamingintelligence..com/manda/27802-32red-acquires-go-wild-casino-s-uk-customer-database
  4. I might just start right now lol but already had a few days and its been bad man almost pulling out my hair not even no deposit bonuses really favouring me lol
  5. nice one big88 is this with a bonus or not?
  6. not sure if this will help jonhny but maybe worth a shot google search this ---> How to Record Your iPad's or iPhone's Screen (No Jailbreak or Computer Required) lol why has this made a link when it was just text ok maybe a hyperlink hope I dont get my bum smacked for this all your fault anyway johnny hope it helps and works man
  7. for the contest yes and like biggie says if you get 100x or over then you can just call it a day and do what you wish with the rest of your day cocopop I think anywayz maybe you have to wear boxing gloves so you cannot play the rest of the day tho better ask biggie
  8. sounds like a sound plan I'm defo in and also hope to be in the money also
  9. this pic actually encourages people to try this for themselves note to self it isn't gonna happen unless I change my name to valdes and wear a mask and somehow walk casually into the bank and ask to empty my bank account and the account name please certainly I'm mr valdes of course lmao.
  10. 17/08/14 Freespins bonus Complete Bonus release 0,34 GBP and a couple of spins on Avalon with a couple of lines deducted lol 7 out of 20 lines I do think I was lucky here my little winner.
  11. interesting this valdes if we all played knowing the rules will it really I mean really make us luckier tho just look at your balance again and also them 5 scatters on doa then think did reading the paytable actually help you win or anything m8 its ok luciana to not be bothered by them daunting paytables if your going to get paid well simply your going to get paid its only a 1 or 0 after all on each spin that will decide a random 1 or 0 I think anyway I may be wrong. and valdes just hit a big fat one there damn nice 5 scatter bye the way valdes p.s luciana probably didn't bother reading them paytables like many if she normally or mostly just plays in fun mode maybe and that's not lazy is it?
  12. Hi katemak got a question if you don't mind me asking was your win on wishmaster also for real cash and no bonus or that to wager? ps lol I even had to correct my typo again must be this keyboard it keeps typing wishamster instead of wishmaster
  13. Do you read the Pay-Tables? well of course over and over once is never enough
  14. so damn true but not from experience I'm wiser than that and don't need drink to lose lol only play drunk with a strict and fixed budget meaning plan ahead before you get drunk and whatever you do man don't spend the damn beer money
  15. I have to get a few screenies added here also if I stop winning over 100x bet then I can start lol that will be right already and probably have some I can add just now but going to check later and get them on.
  16. very very very nice and so many taking a dislike to wishamster from reviews I have read best win I have seen in a long while from a 20p bet WTG katemak you must be a wild chick for master to grant you this wish p.s lol I know I said wishamster above little typo but now I'm leaving it because I already gave you nice compliments before for this win wishamster lmfao so funny ok so again just so I know I can type it WISHAMSTER lol I truly cannot p.p.s I'm not on any drugs or drink must just be tired we will just have to leave it at the master granted the wild chick a very nice wish or something like that.
  17. why thank you big appreciated man the game was tempting me in I could feel it lmfao well its never easy but I kind of know luck has too run out and so will my winnings I had £189 so played the £9 and maybe redeposit another time. it was fun playing but a little on the risky side but yes it paid off nicely also only really played cos my WD kept being reversed as I was withdrawing to my card which is available to do :/ but not to be done if the deposit was made from another source like my neteller okay dokey neteller will do fine
  18. well its not my fault you wos unluckier than me bigggie lol just kiddin man I hope ya get a bigger hit like I was hoping for on each spin must have repeated free spins about at least 8 times so almost 100 free spins if it didn't pay £70 it would have been so gutting man for a little win and lots of spins no fun that thank you also bigdk88 for your kind words m8
  19. I have to agree with that valdes and I'm just guessing with the rest really not sure how I would go about it but low rolling would have probably worked for this even some medium variance chucked in on just above min bets. but 1 thing for sure it seems a lot to wager but compared to the balance available to meet wager works about the same as normal requirements for welcome bonuses well some anyway with lowrolling even a small withdrawal or bankroll could have been achieved maybe and wagering complete but we will neva know now unless we got the chance ourselves of course
  20. End of my play for now until this hits my neteller
  21. I thought this was going to be big big big and it kind of is making it to this forum and as many will know magic portals likes to repeat them free spins but only really got average when it came to wilds nothing over big wins of £7 really but lots of repeaters so made up a nice win I'm happy with it and gives me some more play time later. do you believe in a series of unfortunate event leading to some good results? I do hehehe i CHANGED MY MIND HERE AS i WANT TO GO BACK NOW AND MAKE AMENDS ON MY LAST WITHDRAWAL SECTION DOING THE RIGHT THING HERE WITHDRAWING THE LOT NOW
  22. nice you hit the jackpot katemak good luck some more not that you need it of course very nice screenie and win indeed
  23. I got an email from Superlennys and it reads as follows We can see that the chat was unavailable at the time of your message, as our live support is open between 10:00 and 00:00 CET (GMT+1). As you deposited with Neteller your withdrawal must also be made to Neteller. so that's the problem I was thinking so was not too sure but now its clear as crystal still because I made several deposits and also from my card I thought I was able to withdraw also back to my card
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