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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Oh geeees...thanks mate!
  2. OMG!!! What a dreadful start to 2015 for you mate! Really sorry to hear this! I never liked Lost Island from the day I first played it...same goes for Attraction. Never liked it, don't think I ever will! Geeees, with that $500, maybe you could have done a lot better on DOA??? Ah well...who knows. I'm not doing so good today either! My Lady Luck is obviously on her Saturday Night Out tonight...hope she comes back very soon! It was up and down...up and down...all day long...nothing won after so long...but still in it and trying...fingers crossed!
  3. Oh geeeeees mate! Okay...okay...I admit...that Lady Luck is forever a free soul...so she's NEVER the marrying kind! Buuuuut...she likes coming over to my place...cos I treat her really nice and well!!!
  4. ............
  5. Enjoy your day darliiing! And come back smiliiiiing!
  6. Whooopiiiieeee! My darling's hand is already itchy... My Lady in red's screen is all that I can see... At Fly casino my money is tied to a bungee... No win yet but it's going up and down wildly! My Lady Luck darliiiiing...where are youuuu?...I need youuuuu-oo-oooooo!
  7. Well, I think the defrosting period has done you good Icy mate! Coming up with Valdesaurus Rex, Lucy Liu, Nurse Luciana...wonder what's next?! Hehehe.
  8. Geeees! With just 1 EUR in hand, there's not much that you can do right darling? Why cant' those wins come when you are having plenty of EURs in your balance? Then you can strike B-I-G! Hehehehe.
  9. This darling just won't play with the full 10 lines...could have won more daaaarliiiiiing!!! Buuuuut...congrats and well done Katy darling! Your magical finger is still working fine!
  10. Heeey! Nice nurse there Icy! Ooops...I mean nice win there Icy. Nurse Luciana? Wow...you sure don't waste time even in the hospital don't you Icy mate!
  11. For me, I ended the year 2014 at Buck And Butler and entered 2015 still at B&B. Yeah...I won that 5 scatters on Dead Or Alive at B&B in 2014, slugged out the $3500 wagering, and made a win in 2015. Pheeew...took me 1 year to make that win! Hahahahaha. Then...my first deposit in 2015...oh geeees...now I can't remember where it was first! Was it at Thrills? Was it at Casumo? Or was it at B&B...after finishing off that little balance I had left behind after making the withdrawal? 2 days into the year new and I've already FORGOTTEN what I did first! Yeah...I can easily check it up in my Neteller account...but do I need to bother at all? I made a few deposits in that early hours of 2015...before the daylight came...so it doesn't really matter to me which was first. Like I said before...one is NEVER enough for me!!! Muahahahaha.
  12. Holy mamacita!!! I wish I can turn my $50 deposit into $30,000! Heck, I'll be damn happy if I can even make it to $5,000! If I had won a medium-sized jackpot, say $25,000 for example, the FIRST thing I would do is make a withdrawal of most of it and leave behind a balance of say $1000 to carry on playing. At least I would have saved up $24,000 for my future use...and I would surely enjoy playing with that $1000...knowing well that I have a huge amount already saved up and on the way. I have done this on a few occasions with small amounts of $1000 - $3,200...so bigger amounts would definitely push me to quickly withdraw it first before continuing playing! So...what do I think of your behaviour? 1 word...MADNESS! Ooops...better make that 2 words...TOTAL MADNESS!!! Yes, you love punting and gambling. You're not alone! You're NEVER alone! But to waste away so much money without even thinking of saving it up first is TOTAL MADNESS! To me at least, hahahaha. But there you go...no 2 punters are alike...and no 2 humans would behave exactly alike...not even identical twins! Makes the world go round...and makes the casinos even richer! Muahahahaha.
  13. Yeah, I know exactly the meaning mate. Sometimes, it isn't a push that she (Lady Luck) needs...it may be a pull instead...hehehe...but how do we pull her to us???!!!
  14. Thank you Awena darling! Cheers...and a very happy new year to you darling! Psssst...'uujeaa'...??? Never heard of it before darling...is it the same as 'oh yea'?
  15. It would great too if you could make your own collection of good wins screenshots, Bigdk mate! Not only can we all drool over it too, you'd also have a personal collection of hits for comparison in 2015, hehehe. Hmmm...come to think of it...I think everyone should start their own personal thread too. And AG would have a super collection of greatest hits by individual members! Whoopie!
  16. Aaaah! I was hoping something good would come out of it for you mate...but it did not huh? And same for Katy darling too. Sigh. But it was okay for me...it worked...in a way! Deposited a total of $332 at Grand Reef Casino yesterday & today...got 150% bonus each time (total bonus=$498)...spent it all on Mr Cashback...and just made a clean win of $153! Not a lot of win...not a cash storm as I would like it to be...but a good small cash rain nonetheless, hehehe.
  17. Not to worry Katy darling...and Guru mate too... Slow and steady as she goes...sooner or later she'll come and no more woes! Whoopiee!
  18. Sorry to hear that mate... ...but Jack and Gonzo did the same thing to me many times over...heck, even DOA...but just have to take it all with teeth grinding! But when the good times start rolling in...it's never ending grinning! Hahahaha. Hope you'll have better luck soon mate!
  19. Aaaah...I like this! Hehehehe. Thanks Icy mate! Okaaaay...get ready everyone... "Abracadabra-Alakazam! Whomever read this gets a Cash-Storm!"
  20. Hmmm...for some, an itchy left hand would bring in money... For another, a headache would bring in the best year... Geeees...all of a sudden...I have an itchy left hand AND a headache...
  21. Yeah! That's one lady pirate we all want to get our hands on! More than on Jesse James! Hahahaha.
  22. Well Icy mate, while you were busy frowning and moaning, I was busy experimenting and fine-tuning! Hehehe. So much so, I am now quite confident with what I've got going so far in terms of playing the games, but without a doubt, I'll have to remain cautious during the dry periods of my luck cycle. When it's time for hot and dry weather, no cash-rain is gonna fall! Hahahaha. Oh geees! You want my hand now mate???!!! Whatever happened to wanting that magical finger of our you-know-who? It's still magical you know! Me...a high-roller? Naaah! Not really. Only when I'm pushed...I get a little upset...my temperature goes up...and so does my bets! What you see in the screenshots do not reflect what you don't see when I'm red-faced! Hahahaha. Still, lets toast yet again to year 2015...may it bring all the best of luck to all of us!!!
  23. Well...goodbye Mr Green! I'm not playing at your casino anymore!
  24. I'll toast to that! May the coming years be as good or better! Cheers!
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