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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Aaah...thank you Jelena darling. I guess I owe it all to my instincts...and on my darling Lady Luck of course, hehehe.
  2. Thank you darling. I'm happy for me too.
  3. Ah! Thank you Jelena darliiing! I'm a mid-roller for this lucky month only...whilst there's money in my ewallet. After that, I'll be back to a low-roller, as usual! Hehehe.
  4. Geeees...that's so true darliiing! All I could see was my missing $$$...going to the casino's bank...but thank god I'm Robin Afihood...managed to steal it all back from them...plus a bit more...hahahaha!
  5. Ah-haaaa!!! Welcome back darliiing!!! Geeees...I didn't even realised my darling was offline for some time...
  6. Yeees, you're so right darling...my mamacita is nowhere to be seen...sigh! I should calm down a bit, darliiiing? Oh geeees...you should see me just now...jumping up and down...up and down... naaaah...am not a monkey...hahahaha...but I was like a boxer...punching my unseen rival's face...kapow! kapow!... naaaah...no sound either...just to make it all sound good...yep!...as good as the real money in my ewallet! Do I sound overly excited darling? Hmmm...but I am! Hehehehe.
  7. That's okay Rainie. If they don't accept Italian players, you can find many other casinos that does accept. My luck at Casino Luck is no luck at all...at Slotobank my deposits go-to-their-bank...and never played at Kingplayer, Next or SmartLive. They gave you a 300% bonus? That should be good isn't it? More money to hit DOA with!
  8. Welcome back to good times Sencize Senad! Hope everything will work out good and better for you this coming new year. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and everyone else too!
  9. Thank you mate. May the new year bring in just as good a fortune...for me and for everyone else too!
  10. Okaaaay...I have just done a quick check-up with my doctor...ooops...my Excel account...hehehe...and here's the results: Total deposits from 1st December to 22nd December 2014: $8,903 (woooo...didn't realised it was THAT much already!!! ) Total withdrawals from same period of time: $11,250 (woohoooo...didn't realised it was THAT much either!!! ) Total amount won or lost in same period of time: $2,347 (aaaah...but there's a bit more coming soon from Playtech casinos, hehehe) In short, it's gonna be a NEW MONTHLY RECORD for Afi the persistent gambler...hahahaha.
  11. Aaaah...okay Rainie darling...Good luck!...but please be careful...DOA is apparently running dry at my 3 favourite casinos. Perhaps it's best to try at another haven't-won-yet casino?! For me, I'm gonna try at Mr Green and Casino Room next. Haven't won on DOA there yet. Casumo, Thrills and Buck will have to take a rest for now, but only for DOA of course, hehehe.
  12. Aaaah...thank you my Asian friend Th3! Santa doesn't say "No!"...but you must say "Pleeeeeeease Santa...pleeeeease?!" Good luck and all the best mate...just a few more days to Christmas...so start WISHING!!!
  13. Thank you my darling! Santa has been very generous to me...maybe its time I be generous too? Hmmm...what say you darling?
  14. Aaaah! At last! Thank you Guru mate...for accepting my reasons for not writing reviews! Hahahaha. December 2014 has been a truly PHENOMENAL month for me! With such good luck going...I dare not even take long hours of sleep...only breaking play for my usual routines...you know...like eating, smoking, showering...and whatnots, hehehe. At any other time of the day or night, I'm with my darling in red! An awesome couple us two! Yeah...I totally agree with you mate. If you are in my shoes right now, you'd probably even forget about the influx of reviews due to come in...and just keep on playing! Hahahaha. Eh!!! Enough talk already!...still have some unfinished business at Omni and Fly...hahahaha.
  15. Total cashout Rainie darling? Oh geeees! A lot of deposits went in...a lot of cash came in too...haven't added them up yet! Will do later!
  16. Ho! Ho! Ho! Afi...where have you been? Ha! Ha! Ha! Santa...at home making lots of spins! Ho! Ho! Ho! That's good! And what's with the BIG grin? Ha! Ha! Ha! Had a super time and made several wins!!! Hehehehe...have many good screenshots to show...but I'm showing only the better ones...ENJOY! Aaaand...this win was at Buck & Butler last weekend... Now you know why I have no time to write reviews...ha! ha! ha! ha!
  17. Ooooh myyyy gaaaaawd! Where's my mamacita when I need her to write all these reviews for me???!!!
  18. Wow! That bad...and that much reviews hah?! Oh geees...now I'm depressed... ...so must go and play games some more...muahahahaha.
  19. A million apologies from me mate! Yet another month of no reviews from me...lazy for one, not desperate another...so hope you understand.
  20. Yep, I agree too...200%! If only those 5 wilds could pay more...cheap bananas! Hahahaha.
  21. Luckyloser, the way I see it, each and every one of us have differing luck when it comes to gambling! Some are born lucky, some are born losers! A great many more of us are the 'so-so' kind...the 'win some lose some' group of gamblers. We cannot compare ourselves to those few born-lucky gamblers...no way at all! These people just simply win at any game they play...and regularly too! Just have to accept it my friend. Some will win more often on DOA...some will lose more often. No 2 gamblers can have the same luck...on DOA or on any other game.
  22. Yes, that should be the right way! If a player is not eligible to play any free spins or free chips, then that free chip or free spins should be blocked. At least the player then knows that he cannot play it, due to the casino's T&C, which the player must fulfill first. Not many players are even aware of needing to make a deposit FIRST before playing a second free chip or free spins. Some casinos do mention 'No 2 free chips/spins in a row'...but how many players even bother to consider this?! All they want is to play for free...and get angry later on when they cannot withdraw. Rather than go through all these stupid terms, I would rather not play at these casinos at all. Saves me headaches. Saves me heartpain. Saves me unnecessary outbursts of anger. Rival casinos, on the other hand, are more considerate and gentlemenly! They state clearly 'deposit, get bonus, then get free chip'. So there's no blockage of any winnings withdrawal derived from the free chip because a deposit has already been made earlier on. So why can't RTG casinos do the same? Is it because they purposely want to trap new ignorant players? Because these new players would make a deposit into the casino, thinking that they will be able to withdraw that winning from the free chip/spins...only to be declined because they have used another free chip/spins before! The player loses the winnings, the player cannot withdraw the deposit until it is wagered 1x the amount, and the minimum withdrawal limit is $100...which is 4x more than the player's deposit amount...so in the end, that deposit gets burned too! Aaaaand...the casino laughs all the way to the bank!!!
  23. This is a very COMMON TRAP used by RTG and Top Game casinos...they give you free spins and free chips for you to enjoy...so you play from one free chip to another. When you finally made a win with a free chip..."sorry, you used another free chip before, so you cannot withdraw!" Yeah...I got trapped by this idiotic rule too, simply because of chasing after free chips. In one instance, I had won $450 from a free chip, was so excited about the win...only to be bombed by "sorry, you cannot withdraw" reply. "You must make a deposit after playing every free chip in order to be able to withdraw any winnings from free chips or spins". From there on, I played all the $450 till zero balance and then put the casino into my freezer permanently! Served them right! Yes, it was/is a RTG casino.
  24. Only 5 lines???!!! Aaaaaargh! No wonder you got so little darling!
  25. Well mate, I guess only serious old-school gamblers like us look deeply into paytables. Almost everyone else "just wanna have wins!" Big wins...small wins...not a problem to them...but if no wins...that's when they'll start going MAD and CRAZY...and start blaming the games...when it is all clearly indicated in the paytables. "Eh?! My paytable shows 5 Wilds pay 1000x line bet...and that's what you gonna get, mate...so don't ask why the Wilds pay so low!"
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